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Screenshot Game: Pixels and Polygons Edition


This is like the movie thread except for games. However, a new rule exists here. Since, like animation, video games all have signature visual styles that could be too easily identifiable in a full screenshot, cropping is allowed here. For example:



Internet's foremost Bertolli cosplayer
Alright, my image hosting options are limited ATM, but hopefully this will work:


Did we get the answer to the first one? I also think it's something from the Taiko Drum and Fun series but couldn't tell you which game.


No the one before Spiritfarer, I got that one (I love that game and am bummed I was offline as I would have had it in a second ha). The one in the very first post with the green X icons.

Johnny Unusual

I'm pretty sure they both are. The idea is more screenshots are posted until someone guesses the game. Similar to our movie screenshot guessing game.


Internet's foremost Bertolli cosplayer
Like I said, I was away on vacation and my image hosting options were limited, which is why I was kind of hesitant to take a turn in the first place. Since mine was already given away by the file names, someone else should take it.