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Screenshot Game: Pixels and Polygons Edition


Lapsed Threadcromancer


Threat Rhyme
I had my suspicions in the first images but I'd recognize that derpy Sphinx anywhere. It's the classic of edutainment software, Ancient Empires from the Super Solvers series.


Lapsed Threadcromancer
I had my suspicions in the first images but I'd recognize that derpy Sphinx anywhere. It's the classic of edutainment software, Ancient Empires from the Super Solvers series.
You got it! He's massive paws move to reveal the entrance to the secret mysteries below. The Learning Company presents Challenge of the Ancient Empires: a Super Solvers Adventure!


Threat Rhyme
And then off-brand Dr. Wily pops up from behind the Sphinx to chortle at you. Even the old midi title screen BGM is burned into my brain to this day.




Summon for hire
I don’t know what the heck this game is but I feel like I need to play it immediately.


Threat Rhyme
People have been close, but I'm looking for either a game's title, or what it is commonly called.

I'll get a bit more obvious after this one.


Threat Rhyme
Ok, full screen this time, no cropping, though I did blur the cursor since it most certainly would have given away the game.


Ganbare Goemon 4, or if we wanna get fancy, Ganbare Goemon Kirakira Dōchū: Boku ga Dancer ni Natta Wake


Threat Rhyme
That's the one. It's colloquially known as Ganbare Goemon 4, but a 4 isn't actually in the title but I'd have accepted just that.

Description of the pics under the spoiler.

Pic 1: The ship of the bad guy, Seppukumaru, seen several times in the game.

Pic 2: First screen of a stage in Yae's portion of the game. That old man always stood out to me as kind of weird among the already weird enemies in the game.

Pic 3: This probably threw some people off, but when you 100% the game you unlock this weird top-down shooter mini game that doesn't seem to have anything to do with Goemon. It's just thrown in.

Pic 4: From a late game stage where you're plummeting from the stratosphere atop a red hotrod.

Pic 5: From the final battle, which like other 'boss fights' in this game is a mini game instead of a fight, here you have to beat Seppukumaru in a game of catch as he hurls what seems to be the Death Star at you from his ship in orbit.

Pic 6: Another minigame boss fight, the one from Goemon's area. Here one of Seppukumaru's underlings bungee jumps down at you and you have to catch his sword.

Pic 7: Game Over Screen. This hulahooping oni first appeared in the previous game and starting here he's often in the game over screens of the series.

Pic 8: One of the end of area fortresses, all of which are sports themed, since Seppukumaru is very sports obsessed.

Pic 9: Finally, this is just from the opening.