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Pretty sure this one's just a King Crimson album cover.
Pretty sure this one's just a King Crimson album cover.
Pretty sure this one's just a Failure album cover.
"Okay, Mookey, I'm on the roof just like you asked. Now I'm supposed to... Really? With the rifle? I mean... You think I'm going to hit it? Well, yes, Mookey, it is big, but I kinda figure it's far away. You really think this is going to... Mookey? Seriously? 'I'm in this situation because I shot the sun first'? Why do I listen to you... Fine! I'll aim for the pupil. ... The black part, Mookey!"
Nope (2022)
pool floatie
I don't have anything clever to add, but I fucking love this.
Mutant Chronicles, an originally Swedish attempt at imitating Warhammer 40,000
pool floatie
Metaphors for trans girls get weird sometimes.
The Truman Show, 1998