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SciFi & Fantasy Art is Still Weird

Johnny Unusual



The Goggles Do Nothing

"Okay, Mookey, I'm on the roof just like you asked. Now I'm supposed to... Really? With the rifle? I mean... You think I'm going to hit it? Well, yes, Mookey, it is big, but I kinda figure it's far away. You really think this is going to... Mookey? Seriously? 'I'm in this situation because I shot the sun first'? Why do I listen to you... Fine! I'll aim for the pupil. ... The black part, Mookey!"

Exposition Owl

dreaming of a city
"Okay, Mookey, I'm on the roof just like you asked. Now I'm supposed to... Really? With the rifle? I mean... You think I'm going to hit it? Well, yes, Mookey, it is big, but I kinda figure it's far away. You really think this is going to... Mookey? Seriously? 'I'm in this situation because I shot the sun first'? Why do I listen to you... Fine! I'll aim for the pupil. ... The black part, Mookey!"

Does Mookey’s friend also have a name? Because I’d love to hear more of their misadventures.


Power is fleeting, love is eternal
To be fair to the artist (Paul Bonner), he did make some other quite decent pictures for the same franchise (Mutant Chronicles, an originally Swedish attempt at imitating Warhammer 40,000). It's just that the particular image above comes off as unintentionally goofy. Maybe it's the striped pants, or the surprisingly cute killer robot in the background. Hell, maybe Bonner got tired of drawing grimdark musclebound soldiers and decided to make it intentionally silly to see if anyone would notice.

Exposition Owl

dreaming of a city
Mutant Chronicles, an originally Swedish attempt at imitating Warhammer 40,000

There's a lot of interesting pastiche in there. Others have already mentioned the Liefeld-ishness of the central character (though his stripèd pants make me think of Obélix), but the robot reminds me of a Mad Cat battlemech, and the uniform of the guy on the right has a certain Moebius-ness about it.


Power is fleeting, love is eternal
Not to mention the ancient Greek-style pictures on the walls in the background, for that "ancient culture meets high tech future" vibe, somewhat more subtle here than in most Warhammer 40k art.

Speaking of Warhammer 40,000, I think it's high time to post the greatest piece of official 40k artwork ever created:
