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Haha, this is helpful. He's not much of a completionist but I can give him the heads up if that might bug him.I find it extremely relaxing except when it asks way too much of me in having to bank some kind of glowy pokeball into a flower I can't see but appears in my general range for three seconds. It's weird! Like, I feel like this would be the ultimate chillout game if there weren't frequently esoteric requirements for "requests", and said requests just keep coming with every area. The general setup is very appropriately Pokémon: it is very "gotta catch 'em all" with the requests and four different poses for every pokemon (and some 'mons won't appear without instigating very specific circumstances). Weird verdict? I would have loved for this game to come out when I was seven, and just played through and was like "cute eevee", and then could revisit it five years later, and discover to my amazement that there was so much more "game" there than I ever imagined. As an adult that has been playing videogames for decades, though, it feels like a really fun game that is marred by my own OCD by checklists and knowing "I'm going to have to do this level again" because I forgot to whistle at a hoothoot.
... But I do really like taking pictures of bidoof...
However, to answer the specific question: my friend has two kids, one of which is four (the other is older). With the caveat that they are both already pokemon nerds at a young age, they adore the game, and have both watched/played it happily. The four year old loves beaning pokemon with apples, though, which I'm pretty sure means he's going to grow up to be a serial killer. Que sera.
He's such a good boy. The little album where you can permanently save pictures to is like 50% Bidoof by volume on the save my SO and I are sharing.... But I do really like taking pictures of bidoof...