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Merry Hell! A daily webcomic about fear and friendship (NSFW, sometimes)


Video games


Video games
Hahaha ^

I wondered about TT's position here because I've seen some hate for Jess elsewhere and I don't really understand that perspective. Do you think she's been acting completely unreasonable and cruel here?


It's pretty clear that Jess is trying to set boundaries and putting the ball in Merry's court to do some growing up and respect them. I'm guessing internally Jess is conflicted by this, which is why the outward show of firmness so she doesn't give in. Compassion is important but when it is taken advantage of it can lead to destructive relationships, and Jess knows this.

That's my take, anyways.


????? LV 13 HP 292/ 292
(he, him, his)
Those are some good points, Issun, but I do wonder if Jess is projecting some of her shit onto Merry here. Jess saying she has done nothing wrong does ring a bit false to me. What she did / said in Thursday's comic didn't endear her much to me either.


Those are some good points, Issun, but I do wonder if Jess is projecting some of her shit onto Merry here. Jess saying she has done nothing wrong does ring a bit false to me. What she did / said in Thursday's comic didn't endear her much to me either.
Yeah, that makes some sense. Jess is a complicated character. Which is good!


Whenever I read the words "Father Christmas" it is impossible for me not to hear it in the voice of an 8-year-old Victorian boy asking Papa if he's been quite good enough this year.


Video games
hahaha, I was going to make it "Santa Claus", but no... gotta stick to my british guns

oh god not those kind of British guns. I'm sorry for what we have done


Threat Rhyme
Mr. Steems is absolutely someone who would hold the phone just far enough from his face to make him annoying to talk to on the phone.


????? LV 13 HP 292/ 292
(he, him, his)
I think it's a pretty safe bet that he has not only a wired landline phone but also a rotary style one.