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Megadome: For Everlasting Peace on Earth

Johnny Unusual

Cutman is a Boss!

Match 43

Watch the ball drop with @Daikaiju ‘s Quick Man and @WildcatJF ‘s Snake Man (Get Down)


Match 44

@Lokii rides the Terror Train with Charge Man (THIS IS NEW YEAR’S APPROPRIATE! LOOK IT UP!) and @Purple brings the champaign for… yet another Snake Man.




Snake Charge

How y'all can vote against Charge Man unless it's up against Magnet Man I'll never understand.

Johnny Unusual

Casino Man lets it ride and Bubble Man floats on.
Match 47

I hope you don’t have the New Year Blues already. Well, let’s get you through the dog days of “winter just started” with @Issun chasing away the grey skies with Solar Man and @Exposition Owl bringing us that legendary Megaman III Intro Music


Match 48

And we close out round 3 with @4-So ‘s ending theme from Mega Man V and @Daikaiju ‘s Flash Man from Mega Man II.

