Top # Un-Numbered Final Fantasies
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That one could also work well as a Thunderdome of course…
Originals that were surpassed by covers-dome
The Coverdome: Contribute a song that was rearranged or otherwise reinterpreted by a different performer than the original artist. In order to be eligible, you must sincerely think that the cover is better than the original.
Unsanctioned Video Game Covers and Remixes (and maybe performances too)
Top 50 GrimpsTop 50 Grumps
Multiple people have (I am one of them). Time was, I was considering giving it the full photo gag treatment, but I don't know that I have the needed ambition for that these days. I still have a planning doc I sometimes idly throw ideas into, though...Didn't someone once say they wanted to do Top 50 Star Trek (all series) episodes?
I have a thought for one, but not the time. But just in case someone else might have time and interest, I'll go ahead and share the idea: Top 50 Sound Effects in Video Games
I was thinking about this and was pondering whether there would need to be a mini-list just for Cids/Sids.Final Fantasy characters.
A source I found lists about 88 different summons if you don't distinguish between different versions of the same summon so maybe it could work.‘Twould. Also made me think some day I might like to do a mini-list of FF Summons, though I don’t think that’d support a full Top50.
"I like Biggs/Buttz"Final Fantasy characters