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No argument here, he'd be the best without itI promise I'm not going to liveblog the entire season set but I just got to the featurette about Sylvester McCoy most likely having saved Sophie Aldred's life when the water tank stunt in Battlefield went wrong. I'd heard this story before but never actually seen footage of the incident itself, and holy shit. There's about four different simultaneous ways she could have been killed (or at least very badly hurt) had he not reacted in time. Yeah, you can tell me all day about how Tom Baker's a genius and had the best stories, but did he ever save someone for real? I don't think so. This is why McCoy's the best classic Doctor, fuck the haters, peace![]()
The more I think about this, the more I think that it can't be a coincidence that it also took over a decade for the allegations about John Barrowman and Noel Clarke's gross behavior to come out. Maybe Eccleston became aware of it and was told to keep quiet, or knew that someone else was told the same, or... something. There's gotta be a connection there.
Having heard Eccleston talk at DragonCon, where this of course came up and he only spoke on it briefly since he’s not the type to drag out old arguments in public this seems... pretty likely, honestly. But in the end the thing that really burned his bridges is that the BBC straight up lied about the circumstances of his departure afterward, which is why he’ll never work with them again without an official apology.
Fill it with Doctor Who fans' dashed hope and sadness from those years....what the heck would they fill the Wilderness Years box with? McGann movie and Shalka? Guess I'll need to watch the video lol. Glad to see Christel Dee back though!
I've honestly been avoiding it because The War Games (while quite good in parts) felt ridiculously overpadded at ten episodes, and this is two episodes even longer than that. The Vaeran Master Plan is to catch up with The Collection releases and just watch all of classic DW that way, so I guess I'll get to it when/if they put out season 3.
Cute anecdote from Jean Marsh about her time playing Sara Kingdom that you may already know: So Sara has that big boxy holster on her hip that's supposed to contain a space raygun, right? But apparently the props department was slow in actually getting it to her, so she's running around with an empty holster for a lot of the serial, and said she'd usually just keep her lunch sandwich in there instead. One day she was directed to draw her gun and was like "sorry, I haven't been issued a BBC raygun yet lol" so the director just told her to put her hand in the holster like she's going to pull it out, and they'll cut away. Okay. He calls action, she reaches into her holster and puts her fingers right into her tomato sandwich, and went helpless with laughter.
No way. I never thought I'd see that again in any form