Okay, Disk 3 is complete.
I agree with Felix that Cid's wife just being a well treated, but un-needed captive of Kuja felt like a let down. They set her up early and I was excited to learn what happened to her. I was disappointed that she was completely unconnected to the plot, other than she heard Kuja's plan so she tells us what to do next.
I liked the upside down castle, though I was expecting some mechanic to flip it over or something. I like the arc with Amarant. The PS1 FFs have mostly kept the ensemble cast connected to the main story, instead of the vignette style of FF6. FF9 does have a bit of a blend. Freya is the one who most has her plot early and then just hangs around. I think this game does a good job of establishing that there characters were brought together because of the plot, but they stick together because of the bonds they've formed. Amarant, because of the character arc here has established he'll be with the group from now on, not because he has to, or to solve a particular problem. I thought it was well done.
I got real excited about the 4 seals and having a good old fashioned elemental themed big party split up. Like Felix, i thought the pairings were interesting. I like that you don't get to pick. The game has been going for a while, so i don't mind that the locations are more shrine than dungeon. I was disappointed that I didn't get to fight all 4 bosses. I wised up since the Red Dragons and made sure Quina and Zidane had on earth elemental protection and from now on, will be paying closer attention to what equipment does. Between the teaching abilities, changing stats and providing elemental buffs and resistances and weapons having Add Status effects, there's a lot to keep track of.
I thought the plot dump in Terra was pretty well done. I think it establishes Kuja's motives well and makes his decent believable. I like Zidane almost falling into the same void, trying to push away his friends and a series of battles and cutscenes to show his friends are fighting to bring Zidane back from the brink. Like Felix, I enjoyed seeing Steiner acknowledge Zidane.
For the disk 3 finale, i brought Zidane, Vivi, Eiko and Amarant. Zidane did a bunch of stealing. Eiko mostly was healing and buffing, plus a few Holys. Vivi was throwing half-mp Flares. Amarant used Chakra to help keep Eiko and Vivi's MP going. I gave him Return Magic which paid off nicely. The fight was slow, but the team was very magically durable and back row capable. I like how every character has nice support utility. I don't really want to bench anyone. Oh, and I shouted out when Kuja kicked Garland off the edge. I expected Kuja to do that as a call back to Kefka so when it happened and I was reading out loud my "ARRGGGHH!!" for Garland was extra loud.
Lastly, i liked the Genomes scenes with the Black Mages. They might not live long, but they have purpose now. They can teach the Genomes and help raise the baby chocobo.
I'm anxious to put a bow on FF9, which is going to run longer than any FF game so far for me. I've engaged with many more side activities than FF7 or FF8, but I haven't finished them. I have missing chocographs (i have the dark blue chocobo). I have like 70ish frogs. I used the Cotton Robe trick a bunch and was able to buy a lot of equipment. Everyone could use more AP, though everyone has most of their active abilities learned now. Everyone is in the late 30s on levels. I've definitely enjoyed FF9 as a world more than the other PS1 FFs. I think i'll try to wrap up the chocographs and figure out how to wrap up whatever i've been doing with moogles and delivering letters all game if i can. I'm just excited to get to FF10...