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I will reimburse you for donuts (or suitable substitute) purchased before November 15, 2020


excused from moderation duty
Staff member
A reasonable amount. I trust you not to abuse my generosity.


Lapsed Threadcromancer
This is very generous of you Bongo! Thank you. I'll send proof of donuts tomorrow morning!


excused from moderation duty
Staff member
I further clarify: if dietary restrictions (e.g. gluten intolerance, teeth-not-work disease, fear of sugar, etc.) would prevent you from claiming a donut, something serving a similar purpose may be substituted.


(He, Him)
Query: I purchased donuts yesterday and was already reimbursed by my employer. Will you also reimburse me? One of the donuts had captain crunch on it, if that is relevant.


Find Your Reason
I got too excited so I misread and now I have a dozen Donatellos.


Please advise.


Internet's foremost Bertolli cosplayer
Please provide proof that you ate the Donatell-Os.


"This is not my beautiful forum!" - David Byrne
(Hi Guy)
I mean, he can do it... It’s just gonna take a little bit.


excused from moderation duty
Staff member
Query: I purchased donuts yesterday and was already reimbursed by my employer. Will you also reimburse me? One of the donuts had captain crunch on it, if that is relevant.
If you can get your employer to pay for them instead of me, I would strongly encourage you to. We should all be in such a habit.

Positronic Brain

Out Of Warranty
Due to the pandemic, will you also reimburse us for the delivery charges or just the donuts? And how much should we tip the delivery guy?


excused from moderation duty
Staff member
Delivery charges are part of the cost, and that includes the tip. Follow your heart.


Staff member
I'm not going to take advantage, but thanks for doing this, Bongo.
Bongo, what is your take on mochi donuts - which would take a 4hr round trip to procure by car, and are geometrically more expensive than regular donuts but also geometrically more delicious?

(Just curious, I don’t plan to take you up on this kind offer but thank you for the generous gesture nonetheless.)


excused from moderation duty
Staff member
Look. I get that you're riffing on category theory or whatever. But there's a simple heuristic: does it make you feel the way a donut is meant to make you feel?


Internet's foremost Bertolli cosplayer
Look. I get that you're riffing on category theory or whatever. But there's a simple heuristic: does it make you feel the way a donut is meant to make you feel?