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Gaming Facts


Yoshi's Island was originally meant to be a 1991 video game adaption of The Shining. It went through so many development changes that the only evidence of its origins in the final product was some snow levels.


can stop, will stop
Yoshi's Island was originally meant to be a 1991 video game adaption of The Shining. It went through so many development changes that the only evidence of its origins in the final product was some snow levels.
And Baby Mario's crying sound was performed by Shelly Duvall.


space hero for hire
(He/Him + RT/artee)
Mario's full name is Marion Martini Marlboro Marco Marson McMarly.


Me and My Bestie
(He, him)
The production of many Sonic the Hedgehog games have been delayed by the difficulty of trying to convert Miles Prowers speed to metric
The original plan was to have Sonic's partner be a one-tailed fox by the name of Kimberly Prower. This fell through when the American side of STI complained about a girl being playable in their boy's game the Metric system.

This led to Miles Prower happening. He became Tails when Yamaguchi accidentally drew a second tail while designing him.


lofi posts to relax/study to
The "Shining" series was originally conceived as a video game version of Stephen King's book of the same name. While most of the source material was scrubbed out before Shining in the Darkness's release, and entirely by the release of Shining Force, Sega still pays King for the use of the name for each game. This financial licensing burden has contributed to a slower release cadence for the series than might otherwise be expected.

Johnny Unusual

Through design brilliance, Super Mario Bros teaches you how to play it through level design, though grades are non-transferrable.


space hero for hire
(He/Him + RT/artee)
At the end of Super Mario Bros. (1985) you fight Bowser. However, it turns out that that Bowser is fake, and is just a common Goomba in disguise. It isn't until 7 worlds into the post-game that you finally encounter the real Bowser and defeat him once and for all and see the true ending (which I'm not gonna spoil for ya ;-) ).


space hero for hire
(He/Him + RT/artee)
Debates over the technical power of the SNES vs the Sega Genesis continued until 2008, when an astute fan noticed that the number 68000 was greater than 65816.


space hero for hire
(He/Him + RT/artee)
Nintendo named the protagonist of the Metroid franchise after the legendary Brazilian womens soccer player Edsamantha Arantes do Nascimiento, better known by her nickname Maru Maria.
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space hero for hire
(He/Him + RT/artee)
Nintendo was interested in licensing technology from Epic as far back as the early 1990s. However, due to cultural disagreements and a bizarrely mistranslated contract, the only things to come of these early efforts were a handful of games starring Yoshi developed by Kohler Productions.


space hero for hire
(He/Him + RT/artee)
Roko's Basilisk is named after a weapon in the Famicom action-platformer Rokko Man 3, where it could freeze enemies and (rumor has it) randomly damage your cartridge.
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space hero for hire
(He/Him + RT/artee)
Sephiroth in Final Fantasy '97 was supposed to have two wings, but the limitations of the PlayStation meant that they could only render one. This is an example of how limitations can produce great art.
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space hero for hire
(He/Him + RT/artee)
In about 2 years Zircon plans on shutting down the servers for the Channel F Video Entertainment System Online Service, which will mark 50 years of continuous usage. Note however that the anniversary is largely coincidental --- they're shutting the servers down because their last F8 assembly programmer is retiring soon. (Please apply! I'm begging you!)
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space hero for hire
(He/Him + RT/artee)
The NES was was named after the Greek inventor and philosopher Nesticles, who once famously theorized that mankind would one day make a box even nuttier than Pandora's Box. (We do not talk about his student Snesticles.)
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Halo Kart was quite far in development, but was ultimately cancelled because of a corporate tax write-off scheme.


space hero for hire
(He/Him + RT/artee)
Everybody knows that Shigeru Miyamoto named the Zelda series after Zelda Fitzgerald, wife of the famed American author F. Scott Fitzgerald. Less known than this are the other names Nintendo has taken from the family as inspiration:

- Icarus "The Kid" Fitzgerald
- "Wee" Denise Fitzgerald
- Marion Louis Fitzgerald
- Seamus Mergatroyd Fitzgerald
- Armand S. Fitzgerald
- Ringo Fitzgerald
- Yoshi Fitzgerald (family horse)
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????? LV 13 HP 292/ 292
(he, him, his)
Everybody knows that Shigeru Miyamoto named the Zelda series after Zelda Fitzgerald, wife of the famed American author F. Scott Fitzgerald. Less known than this are the other names Nintendo has taken from the family as inspiration:

- Icarus "The Kid" Fitzgerald
- "Wee" Denise Fitzgerald
- Marion Louis Fitzgerald
- Seamus Metroid Fitzgerald
Wasn't Seamus's middle name actually Mergatroid?


..and his little cat, too
Everyone knows the story of how Mega Man came to be, but fewer know of the kind of breakout star one of its other characters, Guts Man, would be.

So popular was he that he tried to negotiate a higher percentage of royalties, but Capcom rebuffed him, telling him that they would increase his cut because "You're dead. Also, you're a robot."

The two sides would part ways, and Capcom would try to replicate the success they had found with new stand-in characters Guts Tank and Junk Golem, but were never able to recapture the lightning in the bottle that was Guts Man. For Dr. Wily's Revenge, they didn't even bother trying. (Bomb Man was absent for unrelated reasons, as he was called in for questioning regarding an incident in Oklahoma.)

Thankfully, the series was able to endure based on the popularity of its main character, but everyone knew that it's full potential was effectively cut off at the knees.

Guts Man would go on to partner with Viacom for his very own Nickelodeon game show. However, after some revisions, his likeness was dropped, and they only used half his name.

Thanks to some savvy negotiating on his part, Guts Man was then able to market the other half of his name for another show on Comedy Central a few years later, though they too declined to use his likeness.

Once Keiji Inafune was promoted at Capcom, fences were mended, and Guts Man was welcomed back into the fold. He would go on to star in a prominent role in the Mega Man cartoon show, receive various toys and action figures bearing his likeness, and make further appearances in future games, even becoming a playable character himself.

More recently, Guts Man has become interested in branching out again. "You gotta bet on yourself," he's reported as saying during an interview. "You gotta play to your strengths, and no one is stronger than me!"

"I'm thinkin'... fightin' games," he added, before going on to cameo in Street Fighter V. But he clearly has loftier goals in mind. "Me 'n The Hulk, the red 'n yellow versus the green'n purple. Now that's money, right there!"

With a new Marvel vs Capcom collection on the horizon sparking new interest in the series, the Gutster may yet get his chance.


Staff member
Despite the title, you don't actually have to Skate or Die. Nothing bad will happen to you if you decide not to skate.


space hero for hire
(He/Him + RT/artee)
On the other hand, the opposite is true for Ski or Die. If you refuse to ski, you will die (in the game, I mean (though maybe also in real like, idk)).

Johnny Unusual

Clu Clu Land is called such because it was originally going to be an FMV where all the characters are played by The Tall Man's Billy the Kid himself, Clu Gulager


The Last of Us was originally slated to be a sequel to 16-Bit classic Zombies Ate My Neighbors, but negotiations with LucasArts fell through, as the company felt that the gritty direction in which Naughty Dog wanted to take the franchise was not in keeping with the brand.