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Gaming Facts


In 2009, Shigeru Miyamoto revealed that every single character in the Legend of Zelda series is actually named Zelda, it's just that programmers keep changing names because they're afraid players will get confused. The one character that is never really named Zelda is the supposedly eponymous princess, whose real name is Bobert.


The Legend of Zeldas: There Are A Lot Of Them
Zeldas, We Mean. Not Legends. Although I Guess There Are A Lot of Those Too.
The Legends of Zeldas


????? LV 13 HP 292/ 292
(he, him, his)
Rock Paper Scissors for a video game boss battle? That's the silliest thing I've ever heard.


Electricus Manuel Killbottington XXXIII is a terrible name for Elec Man. As a robot he doesn't need any sort of operator or controller, so he should be Electricus Otto Killbottington XXXIII.

Johnny Unusual

The Wall-e video game adaptation was released as a standard platformer, much to the chagrin of Pixar, who insisted any video game version of the film would be a softcore typing game.


Smol Monster
(She/her, they/them)
Staff member
The title of the classic roguelike, Nethack, does not refer to illegally breaking into internet websites, as many people believe. Instead, the name comes from the tendency for low-level characters to accidentally equip random objects such as nets in their weapon slot and subsequently bludgeon monsters with them (usually resulting in a YASD).

Johnny Unusual

The very first text adventure game was created as an experiment to see if interactive storytelling could be as aggravating as a real book.
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Yuzo Koshiro's soundtrack for Streets of Rage 2 was originally composed for a visual novel called "Desu Kawaii Senpai".


space hero for hire
(He/Him + RT/artee)
The name "Nintendo" comes from a Japanese phrase that means "nine, ten, eleven."

Octopus Prime

Mystery Contraption
In order to give the impression that characters in games are “talking”; peanut butter is smeared into the lips of each character while someone dubs over the lip flaps


????? LV 13 HP 292/ 292
(he, him, his)
That someone is Allan "Rocky" Lane. He has voiced every video game character ever but wants the games to have the focus so he uses different pseudonyms for each character he voices.


space hero for hire
(He/Him + RT/artee)
The Atari ST computer was secretly named after a couple of then-obscure Sega characters: a hedgehog called "Sonic" and and his foxy friend "Timothy"


space hero for hire
(He/Him + RT/artee)
Mega Man Zero is called that because it is the first game Capcom ever released with zero characters named "Mega Man" (also known as "Puck Man" in Japan).

Octopus Prime

Mystery Contraption
The production of many Sonic the Hedgehog games have been delayed by the difficulty of trying to convert Miles Prowers speed to metric


The release of Katamari Damacy was also a stride forward in personal robotics, as it inspired the invention of the Roomba.


space hero for hire
(He/Him + RT/artee)
The videogame crash of 1983 actually not caused by Atari. In reality, it was a coup orchestrated by the CIA because they were worried that their experimental Intellivision system was making people too intelligent.


Sega's deal with Disney for the Castle of Illusion remake almost fell through. Their back-up character for the platformer was one Gob Bluth.

Johnny Unusual

In The Adventures of Batman & Robin, a game adaptation of the television series of the same name, & actually means and, subtly hinting that both of these characters are in the game.

Johnny Unusual

When I studied Japanese in university, we were told we could use Japanese names and one guy decided to be Crono and UUUUUGGGHHHHHH....

This is a real thing.


space hero for hire
(He/Him + RT/artee)
It's called Another Metroid 2 Remake because DoctorM64 didn't want people to confuse it with Samus Returns.