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Football 2022: Time Makes Fools of Us All

I have a slightly grumpy boss. First he was unhappy I wasn't looking forward to watching the Super Bowl. So at home I put the pregame on a couple hours early and they said a bunch of positive things about Mahones. So I texted my boss that and he replied he expects Mahones will get hurt and his team will lose. Oh well!


The DRKest Roe
(He, Him)
As somebody with no real rooting interest in that game, it does sort of suck that the last 2 minutes of an otherwise great game ended with a borderline call by the ref that had a dramatic impact, the Chiefs trying to not score and kill time, a chip shot FG, a squib kick, and then a Hail Mary that basically had no chance of being caught. Kind of anti-climactic. Otherwise it was very fun to watch.

Also I have always hated that defensive holding is an automatic first down for the offense. Some supremely lame shit.

Rascally Badger

El Capitan de la outro espacio
I get it, and the refs had kept the flags in their pockets most of the night, but he pulled jersey away from body. They call holding when you do that.


The DRKest Roe
(He, Him)
Yeah, I'm not blaming the refs. The announcer was saying they should have let the game play because it's the Super Bowl, but I don't really agree with that- you officiate the SB the same way you officiate any other game, and even if it was a close call, it wasn't really a wrong call.

But I do wish the football gods had orchestrated a better ending- one where the Eagles had a legit chance strike back.

Rascally Badger

El Capitan de la outro espacio
Honestly (and I'm not going to lie, I'm fairly drunk), I kind of think Hurts deserved the MVP. He made some fucking plays. He had the one bad play, but otherwise he had the answers.

I guess that must be what it's like to watch Mahomes from the other side. "We've got him, we've got, how did we not get him?' There were so many times I thought the Chiefs D had them, and he just kept the chains moving.


Watching Hurts tonight made me nostalgic because it was like watching Russel Wilson during our 2012-2015 run of greatness.


Geno Cidecity
I hope whenever I'm in hospice care they give me whatever crazy drugs they gave Mahomes during halftime
Usually I'm the grouch at a superbowl party that wants to watch the game and is trying to be patient and not let it show that I'm incredibly annoyed at all the normies around me who are having a party instead and completely tuning the game out/actively making it hard for anyone watching to actually pay attention. And this year I was grateful for the normies and indulged them.


I honestly don't understand why so many people outside of the AFC West hate Mahomes now. I guess some people will hate any good player not on their team, but he's so dorky and genuine I can't help but like him.
I honestly don't understand why so many people outside of the AFC West hate Mahomes now. I guess some people will hate any good player not on their team, but he's so dorky and genuine I can't help but like him.
I think there's a certain level of "niceness" in publicity that some people are going to read as fake or professional or maybe even just too corny to be enjoyable. I like the guy but I don't like steph curry who I think has a similar image generally.


I think there's a certain level of "niceness" in publicity that some people are going to read as fake or professional or maybe even just too corny to be enjoyable. I like the guy but I don't like steph curry who I think has a similar image generally.
I think this was the case with Russell Wilson as well, although while I think it was real at first, he did become kind of a corny brandbot after a few years.