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The modding community is hard at work doing stuff for this game. One of the neatest things I've seen so far, is that modders have gotten all seven characters playable in battle at the same time. So no more of the normal 3 party, but everyone else hangs back - you can get the entire gang in there issuing commands and going ham. Which is kinda mind blowing that the game can even support that, but it makes sense that it's possible considering it's rendering them all to begin with.
Given how the final fight against Genova is in the original game where you can throw multiple parties at her, I'd be willing to bet that the final boss gauntlet of Part 3 will have at least one part where the whole party is fighting and can be playable at the same time. If they don't do that, it'll kinda be a lost opportunity, or something that the base PS5 hardware just can't manage.

At the very least though, I'd be willing to bet that we'll still get a multi-party battle in some form. Rebirth kind of already did that, but the numbers line up perfectly to have 3 separate parties of 3 each. (Since, sans Aerith, there are 8 party members, plus Zack now.)

Also also wik, considering the abstract of expanded combat parties, imagine an FFIX or VI remake where you're using a similar combat system but you can roll around with 4 dudes on the regular. :love:


The modding community is hard at work doing stuff for this game. One of the neatest things I've seen so far, is that modders have gotten all seven characters playable in battle at the same time. So no more of the normal 3 party, but everyone else hangs back - you can get the entire gang in there issuing commands and going ham.



cyber true color
(she/her, or something)
having too many characters at once in an action battle system can cause lots of problems (see: star ocean 5) so i really want to see that. sounds awesome
It's obviously too much going on at the same time for 7 party members to be something that would be useful/fun for extended periods of time/a whole game. Which is obviously why the game is designed the way it is. But it sure would be neat under limited or specific constraints IMO.


did i do all of that?
Did everything I could in the Corel/Costa del Sol region (no idea why I have to wait until, apparently, chapter 12 to be able to finish the protorelic quest there, I am annoyed I can't 100% that area before moving on) and everything in the Gongaga region (sure was a pain to navigate, the map could be more detailed). The battle where you have to kill the Mindflayer before the two self-destructing mooks is the only combat simulator fight I haven't beaten yet - I can put them to sleep so many times, but I can't kill the Mindflayer in time. It's level synced, as well, so I can't seem to just level up to do more damage. I suppose I could eventually beat it with better abilities or something, but it's another unchecked box I'm still annoyed with.

Utterly baffled - in a good way - as to where they're going with the story. Are those really (chapter 9 spoilers) Weapons in the destroyed reactors? Will Tifa suffer from Mako poisoning now? Why doesn't Cissnei recognize Cloud - or, if she does, why doesn't she say anything? Why does Cid seem so much younger than in original FF7? Mysteries abound. About 52 hours in so far, still having a very good time.


Same as I ever was
Cid was only 32 in the original, he was just extremely bitter and they called him a geezer. He seems more in line with his actual age now, not less. Honestly like his new portrayal more than the old one, which was more "abusive drunk" than "roguish free spirit."

Cissnei, iirc, does recognize Cloud, but he doesn't recognize her. Why she doesn't bring it up is a mystery.


did i do all of that?
Yeah, for Cid, I'm wondering how they'll handle his bits in Rocket Town with Shera. All I've seen of him thus far is his ferrying us to Cosmo Canyon.

Regarding Cissnei... I may have missed that, or it may have been very subtle. I just played through Crisis Core (on PSP, though I did play Reunion when that came out), so given we were in Gongaga and she was there, I was paying very close attention to her, and she really didn't seem to clock Cloud. I chalked it up to her being more interested in Zack, anyway, and maybe not seeing mako-comatose Cloud very much, although I can't remember how much she did see him in Crisis Core...
There's a side quest you can go on with Cissnei where she talks a bit more, but still remains very elusive. I wonder if she's suspicious of Cloud on account of him carrying around Zack's sword, but acting like he doesn't know Zack.


did i do all of that?
I did everything I could in that town, including sidequests/protorelic, and yeah... She's pretty evasive. Good theory, though.


(He, Him)
I needed to drop the difficulty for the mindflayer simulator. No regrets.

Barrett helps in that one, so you can keep your distance from the splode bros.


The Goggles Do Nothing
Regarding questions on Cissnei's motivations, please note that literally every playable character so far is lying to Cloud at various points in their own journeys, and for separate reasons that have not been wholly explained. Except Barrett. Barrett is a straightforward dude.


did i do all of that?
If I remember that fight correctly, sleep + magnify will be your friend to keep the minions away from the battle
Yeah, that's what I was using, but eventually they become immune to it. I'm probably not good enough/don't have a good enough strategy to do enough damage in time. I'll come back to it eventually, I'm sure it's beatable. I haven't lowered the difficulty yet, but if it's all that remains at the end... I may have to lol
Regarding questions on Cissnei's motivations, please note that literally every playable character so far is lying to Cloud at various points in their own journeys, and for separate reasons that have not been wholly explained. Except Barrett. Barrett is a straightforward dude.
I object, Yuffie and Aerith haven’t lied so far.
Being bad at lying doesn't mean she wasn't lying (Yuffie). Also we don't really know what this Aerith knows so saying she hasn't lied is not really accurate. She is certainly hiding a lot from him (and everyone).
Yuffie has been shockingly honest this time around. Telling people exactly what her motivations are, what's going on in Wutai, etc. It's a pretty stark departure from the first game IIRC where she doesn't let anyone know what's going on until the big Wutai side quest.
Aerith has kept things to herself, so I get why you'd come down on her that way. But IIRC she's never lied to anyone -- even through omission -- at all during the game. The only real exception I can think of is during the Ferris Wheel date where she tells Cloud that Tifa hadn't told her anything about Zack yet. Which - how that conversation goes down - I wouldn't take so much as a lie, and more not letting something that's not relevant to the current moment spoil the mood by feigning ignorance to Cloud's vauge question. It's also worth noting that during Rebirth, she's lost all her memories of what's supposed to happen in future/past events so she's not got anything to hide anymore really.

Tomm Guycot

Yuffie has been shockingly honest this time around. Telling people exactly what her motivations are, what's going on in Wutai, etc. It's a pretty stark departure from the first game IIRC where she doesn't let anyone know what's going on until the big Wutai side quest.
Aerith has kept things to herself, so I get why you'd come down on her that way. But IIRC she's never lied to anyone -- even through omission -- at all during the game. The only real exception I can think of is during the Ferris Wheel date where she tells Cloud that Tifa hadn't told her anything about Zack yet. Which - how that conversation goes down - I wouldn't take so much as a lie, and more not letting something that's not relevant to the current moment spoil the mood by feigning ignorance to Cloud's vauge question. It's also worth noting that during Rebirth, she's lost all her memories of what's supposed to happen in future/past events so she's not got anything to hide anymore really.
Look if it's not shipping Cloud/Tifa I'm only half paying attention.
Look if it's not shipping Cloud/Tifa I'm only half paying attention.
Aerith and Cloud's relationship are quintessential foundations for Cloud eventually growing up and becoming a person who can actually reciprocate and be in a functional relationship with Tifa. Without it, Cloud is just a stunted child. Pitting the two ships against each other is missing the forest for the trees.