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A Questionnaire, Part II: The Questioning

Octopus Prime

Mystery Contraption
1. Telekinesis seems useful so that one.
2. Say “kickass” and give them high fives
3. Dolph Lundgren seems like a solid choice. Guys got it all!
4. Gonna say Bob Dylan because I don’t think too highly of him and wouldn’t mind if I did a poor job of it.
5. The Kickboys

Exposition Owl

dreaming of a city
1) If you could have one classic psychic power, what would it be?
Is levitation basically just one of the applications of telekinesis? Whichever of those allows me to fly.

2) If you knew someone you loved was a werewolf, what would you do?
Are we talking an Oz-on-Buffy-style aggressive wild animal kind of werewolf? If so, then we’d have to stage some kind of intervention to keep them from hurting themselves or others. If they just turn into an awesome half-human half-wolf every so often, though, then I’m with Octo: high fives all around.

3) If you could put your brain in someone's body permanently, whose would it be?
I guess a person who was brain dead, so that I wouldn’t be displacing someone who was actually using their body.

4) If you HAD to be in a cover band, what band would you cover exclusively?
Probably either R.E.M. or Talking Heads. That would be a good balance of “songs I actually like” and “songs that mostly aren’t too vocally demanding.”

5) Which is your favourite soccer team?
I don’t really follow soccer, but I’ve heard that a lot of people have really been inspired by the U.S. women’s national team, so probably them.


..and his little cat, too
1) If you could have one classic psychic power, what would it be?
2) If you knew someone you loved was a werewolf, what would you do?
3) If you could put your brain in someone's body permanently, whose would it be?
4) If you HAD to be in a cover band, what band would you cover exclusively?
5) Which is your favourite soccer team?
1) Telekinesis, probably.
2) Stock up on doggy treats.
3) Do robots count?
4) Huey Lewis and the News.
5) Mega Man's.

Johnny Unusual

1) If you could have one classic psychic power, what would it be?
2) If you knew someone you loved was a werewolf, what would you do?
3) If you could put your brain in someone's body permanently, whose would it be?
4) If you HAD to be in a cover band, what band would you cover exclusively?
5) Which is your favourite soccer team?
1) Not telepathy, not because I don't want it but because I would abuse it. No, I wouldn't be mining secrets, I'm insecure and desperate to be liked so I'd probably just model myself on all the bad shit I hear rather than listening to filtered thoughts and using my own judgement. Telekinesis is super useful so that.
2) Have a talk with them and make a plan to keep them restrained on wolf nights. Then we can monitor what it does to him and see if we can reach out to the wolfman side.
3) Someone who has power but doesn't use it. Maybe curse myself putting me into a Elon Musk or Bezos and give away everything before fixing my company from a union standpoint. But I also have such shit business sense, I'd probably fuck it up and get corrupt so... maybe not.
4) Devo!

Johnny Unusual

1) What would you love to have purged from your memory? (sorry, should have thought this through)
2) What kind of person are you attracted to?
3) When's the last time you were caught in a storm?
4) Which fictional family would you like to be part of?
5) What's your favourite dance move?
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..and his little cat, too
1) I'd rather not talk about it.
2) The kind like my wife.
3) 'S been awhile.
4) ...that's a tough one. Never really thought about it.
5) The Worm. (That's a dance move, right?)

Johnny Unusual

1) What would you love to have purged from your memory?
2) What kind of person are you attracted to?
3) When's the last time you were caught in a storm?
4) Which fictional family would you like to be part of?
5) What's your favourite dance move?
1) Man, I wish I thought maybe not to ask this since I forgot that, yet, this can get heavy or serious. I'll get rid of it but it anyone want to answer it go ahead. Anyway, for me it would probably be something embarrassing but not essential for my development. The painful stuff is stuff I can deal with, if I need to get rid of baggage, it needs to be useless. As a kid, it would have been "trying to sell the plot of ALF to my sister as an original story".
2) On an emotional level, someone who gets so excited in a conversation they are passionate they get almost shaky, like me. On a kink level, someone who wants to hug me super hard. Maybe it's why I wanted attention like the kind Elmyra and Ms. Piggy gave as a kid.
3) I don't know if it was storm level but I was caught in a very heavy rain when I was out jogging a couple months ago.
4) The Addams'. They seem to really care. That or the Fantastic Four but really, if you were going to ask which family I'd feel safer with, it would be the former.
5) The batusi

Johnny Unusual

1) If you had an old timey fighting plane, what would you name it?
2) What's a really original idea for a heist movie?
3) When's the last time you were on a bike?
4) What music would you strip to?
5) Which is your favourite Blues Brothers number?

Exposition Owl

dreaming of a city
1) If you had an old timey fighting plane, what would you name it?
The Thunderin’ Thelma.

2) What's a really original idea for a heist movie?
Stealing the prizes from a game show before it’s recorded.

3) When's the last time you were on a bike?
Wow, ages ago. I might have been six or seven years old at the time.

4) What music would you strip to?
One of the little things I do to try to make the world a better place is that, as much as I can manage, I avoid exposing other people to the sight of my flesh.

5) Which is your favourite Blues Brothers number?
So, is this my favorite number from the movie The Blues Brothers, or my favorite number that Jake and Elwood themselves perform? If it’s the former, it’s Aretha Franklin’s performance of “Think,” closely followed by Cab Calloway’s performance of “Minnie the Moocher.” If it’s the latter, it’s “Sweet Home Chicago.”

Octopus Prime

Mystery Contraption
1) If you had an old timey fighting plane, what would you name it?
2) What's a really original idea for a heist movie?
3) When's the last time you were on a bike?
4) What music would you strip to?
5) Which is your favourite Blues Brothers number?

1. The Blazing Rochester
2. Crack team of master thieves steal Mars
Don’t think ever, tbh. Not blessed with excellent balance.
4. Flannigans Ball
5. The Aretha Franklin one

Johnny Unusual

1) If you had an old timey fighting plane, what would you name it?
2) What's a really original idea for a heist movie?
3) When's the last time you were on a bike?
4) What music would you strip to?
5) Which is your favourite Blues Brothers number?
1) The Grumbling Guildenstern
2) Stealing everything in town of SENTIMENTAL VALUE!
3) This morning to go to and from work.
4) Taccato and Fugue something or other? You know, that Dracula song.
5) Think. Easy.

Exposition Owl

dreaming of a city
1.) Who is your favorite fictional detective?

2.) How do you take your tea or coffee?

3.) What’s your favorite piece of art in your living space?

4.) What would you propose as a new slang term or phrase meaning “good”?

5.) From Aristotle to The Last Airbender, everybody loves a good element-themed world. What’s your element? (For your reference: Classical Greek elements, Classical Chinese elements, periodic table of elements)


..and his little cat, too
1.) Who is your favorite fictional detective?

2.) How do you take your tea or coffee?

3.) What’s your favorite piece of art in your living space?

4.) What would you propose as a new slang term or phrase meaning “good”?

5.) From Aristotle to The Last Airbender, everybody loves a good element-themed world. What’s your element? (For your reference: Classical Greek elements, Classical Chinese elements, periodic table of elements)
1) Batman

2) I usually don't. I do like green tea ice cream, though, and coffee-flavored chocolate bars, but almost never drink the real stuff.

3) Not a whole lot to speak of, but I do have a neat illustration of the Star Fox cast from the Nintendo Power comic and some of the games by Adam Bryce Thomas. (And a neat perler bead MegaMan Volnutt in 8bit Mega Man style.)

4) "Shway"

5) Earth.

Johnny Unusual

1.) Who is your favorite fictional detective?

2.) How do you take your tea or coffee?

3.) What’s your favorite piece of art in your living space?

4.) What would you propose as a new slang term or phrase meaning “good”?

5.) From Aristotle to The Last Airbender, everybody loves a good element-themed world. What’s your element? (For your reference: Classical Greek elements, Classical Chinese elements, periodic table of elements)
1. Marge Gunderson from Fargo. Too many asshole detectives, not enough humane ones. Marge is from the Columbo school of letting people underestimate her, though she's less overtly clever about it and basically just doing her job while other people choose to miss out on how clever she is.
2. Black and rarely but when I do as an ice capp, respectively.

Tie. @Lokii
4. Richard Kind
5. Probably Earth or Air. Earth because I try to be solid, in many ways but air because I often have my head in the clouds.

Octopus Prime

Mystery Contraption
1. Columbo, no contest
2. Lattes, and with either hazelnut or pumpkin spice flavouring, depending on what’s available
3. Framed Jurassic Park poster
4. Crumbelievable
5. Water gets functionality, rock looks cooler

Johnny Unusual

1. Who is your favourite opera singer?
2. What's a good title for a James Bond movie?
3. Which prehistoric creature would you least want to encounter?
4. Do you have any tattoos?
5. Do you know what your first word was?

Octopus Prime

Mystery Contraption
1. That guy that Bugs Bunny exploded
2. A Killers Time to Die
3. Duckbilled dinosaur; not because I’d be terrified; just because I never liked them much and it would be very disappointing to me
4. Nope
5. No, but I bet it didn’t have a lot of syllables

Exposition Owl

dreaming of a city
1. Who is your favourite opera singer?
Joke answer: John McCrea.
Sincere answer: Probably Jessye Norman.

2. What's a good title for a James Bond movie?
Never Say Die.

3. Which prehistoric creature would you least want to encounter?
My first impulse is to say one of the larger species of eurypterids: predatory aquatic relatives of scorpions and spiders that could get up to 2.5m (more than eight feet) in length.

4. Do you have any tattoos?
Nope! I’m way too indecisive to commit to having something on my skin for the rest of my life. Also, my general rule for my appearance is to try to attract as little attention as I can, and a tattoo wouldn’t work well with that rule.

5. Do you know what your first word was?
“Bird,” appropriately enough.

Johnny Unusual

1. What is the theme of your dream nightclub?
2. Which is your favourite action movie?
3. What's the tallest building you've ever been in?
4. Which animals would you least like to be able to speak?
5. When's the last time you helped out a stranger?


..and his little cat, too
1. What is the theme of your dream nightclub?
2. Which is your favourite action movie?
3. What's the tallest building you've ever been in?
4. Which animals would you least like to be able to speak?
5. When's the last time you helped out a stranger?
1) Probably synthwave and neon.

2) Probably Transformers: The Movie. The original, not the Michael Bay one.

3) CN Tower

4) That's a tough one. I wonder if I might not have a problem with certain animals if I could speak to them.

5) Guess it depends on what counts as "helped out". I shared some peoples' work on Twitter within the last hour or so. Beyond that? Not so sure.

Exposition Owl

dreaming of a city
1. What is the theme of your dream nightclub?
David Lynch and Angelo Badalamenti.

2. Which is your favourite action movie?
I can’t decide between Raiders of the Lost Ark and Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.

3. What's the tallest building you've ever been in?
The John Hancock Center in Chicago.

4. Which animals would you least like to be able to speak?
Cockroaches. Definitely cockroaches.

5. When's the last time you helped out a stranger?
There was a woman asking for help feeding her kids in the grocery store parking lot a couple of weeks ago. I gave her something.

Johnny Unusual

1. What is the theme of your dream nightclub?
2. Which is your favourite action movie?
3. What's the tallest building you've ever been in?
4. Which animals would you least like to be able to speak?
5. When's the last time you helped out a stranger?
1. Probably a silent disco and the theme is ultra-colourful German expressionism.
2. I feel like I'm forgetting some good ones but Hot Fuzz is a big comfort food movie for me.
3. CN Tower
4. Worms. Kids like digging up worms and they aren't always general and I don't want to hear cries of anguish when I am working.
5. A guy needed help putting his water bottle in his bag, so I did that.

Johnny Unusual

1. Do you have any plans for Christmas?
2. Do you own a smart phone?
3. What's your favourite chain pizza place?
4. If you had a sword designed for you, what would you name it?
5. Which celebrity couple are you rooting for?

Octopus Prime

Mystery Contraption
1. MEGAMAS begins tomorrow; who has time for anything else?
2. I’m typing this post on one as we speak
3. Panago, but that became Persona Ex Nihilio around here a while ago
4. The Professor
5. Matt Fraction and Kelly Sue Decommick


..and his little cat, too
1. Do you have any plans for Christmas?
2. Do you own a smart phone?
3. What's your favourite chain pizza place?
4. If you had a sword designed for you, what would you name it?
5. Which celebrity couple are you rooting for?
1) Nothing in stone, yet. I do have plans, but less for that.
2) Yes
3) Dominos or Little Caesars. (Panago is good, too.)
4) The Master Sword, just to confuse people.
5) Sonic and Amy


1. Do you have any plans for Christmas? No, we'll be traveling earlier in the month and neither of us will have vacation time.
2. Do you own a smart phone? Yep, need it for work.
3. What's your favourite chain pizza place? Had too much pizza for a decade while volunteering at my old job and no longer care for it. I'll occasionally have a fancy one from a local place but can't stand the chain stuff. I'd just eat a protein bar or drink an Ensure.
4. If you had a sword designed for you, what would you name it? I'd need to brush up on the grammar but something along the lines of "this will just hang on the wall" in Latin.
5. Which celebrity couple are you rooting for? Some cute animal couple in a wildlife refuge somewhere that needs to breed to help rebuild the population.

Exposition Owl

dreaming of a city
I'd need to brush up on the grammar but something along the lines of "this will just hang on the wall" in Latin.

I think Hoc in muro suspendam modo would be right. If you wanted a single word, suspendendum would mean “thing that is to be hung up.”

(Edited because I botched the gerundive the first time.)
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