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sonko the fastdog

  1. Octopus Prime

    Digital Down-Low for 10/20/2023: Red vs. Blue

    I’ve got half a mind to go down to the train yard, find an engine and just eat it, piece by piece So, as noted in the thread title, there’s a tendency among this weeks games to focus on the conflict between the two colours with the most animosity towards each other, red and blue. And so, in the...
  2. Kazin

    The Sonic Triple Trouble 16-Bit Fan Remake is... good

    Can be downloaded here. I'm only in the third zone, and apparently the special stages suffer a huge difficulty spike starting with the third emerald which I haven't gotten yet, but I am really enjoying this so far. Really feels sorta like a Genesis/Mega Drive Sonic 4, you know? The level design...
  3. Sprite

    Sonic Frontiers

    lol, they're seriously trying to do Sonic Breath of the Wild This is going to be a mess and I am HERE for it
  4. locit

    Gotta Go Fast: the Obligatory Sonic the Hedgehog Thread!

    There's zero news about the next Sonic game on the horizon but that doesn't mean we don't need a thread! To tide you over, here's a trailer for the upcoming NiGHTS-ish game by Yuji Naka and Naoto Ohshima that actually looks pretty interesting.