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Wait, Zephiel's the bad guy? Let's Play Fire Emblem: Sword of Seals!

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Old 12-22-2008, 07:28 PM
PapillonReel PapillonReel is offline
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Originally Posted by Bongo Bill View Post
They were talking about the assassination attempt that was thwarted in FE7, right? Or was it a different one?
Different one - Zephiel was never told that the Black Fang attempt was planned by his father, and it wasn't until Desmond tried again later that he found out about his father's machinations.
Old 12-22-2008, 11:33 PM
PapillonReel PapillonReel is offline
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Anyway, last time we killed a pretty badass pegasus knight and made our way through a blizzard. But what now?

Roy headed for Edessa, located in the northeast of Ilia. Castle Edessa, owned by Zealot, leader of the Ilian Mercenary knights, once served as headquarters of the Pegasus Knight teams as well. However, with Zealot gone, Bern saw its chance and attacked the castle, forcing the Mercenary and Pegasus Knights into submission.

Castle Edessa was Murdock's headquarters, but since Murdock had returned to Bern, Roartz was put in charge. Alarmed by the Etrurian Army's speed in advancing to Edessa, Roartz hurriedly contacted the various Ilian knight groups asking them for aid.

However, their replies were not promising.

It's time we settled things once and for all and brought about...

Chapter 20: The Liberation of Ilia

You know, I don't think I've mentioned this yet but something seems... off about Roartz's face. The proportions, maybe?

Soldier: We are requesting aid from Ilia's Knight' but all of them except those that have direct orders from Lord Murdock are hesitant to help us.

Roarts: Damn! How could this hapen... Ah, we had captured Zealot's wife and his family. How about Zealot's group? Have they responded?

Soldier: No... They have been traveling all over the continent as mercenary knights, so we do not know their exact location.

Roarts: Damn...

Not that he would have been any help, mind - at this point, a stiff breeze could kill Zealot, much less our army of promoted killing machines.

Soldier: Ever since Sigune's group was defeated, all of Ilia's militia have been reluctant to attack the Etrurian Army.

Roarts: Blast! Everyone, everyone is such a coward! They would have me, advistor to the Etrurian court, die in a place like this!?

Old woman: N-No, then you would be cold...

Yuno: It's all right. I'm used to the cold. It's far better than flying through the blizzards on a pegasus.

Old woman: ... Thank you. *cough cough*

Yuno: ... I don't know. But we must have hope. Perhaps the enemy might leave, or perhaps Zealot might return. We must have hope.

Woman: ... Where is Lord Zealot now?

Yuno: In his last letter, he said that he would be joining the Lycia Alliance Army, but after that... Well, he could be closer than we think he is.

Woman: I hope you're right.

Roy: Yes. When we take this castle, we can use it as a base to launch attacks on Bern.

Guinevere: ..Yes.

Roy: Princess... May I ask the reason why Bern's former king tried to murder King Zephiel?

Guinevere: ...Zephiel and I have different mothers. So I am in actuality his half sister.

Roy: I heard that Zephiel's mother was the Etrurian princess.

Guinevere: Yes. It was an arranged marriage to strength the tie between Bern and Etruria. However, our father already had a woman he loved at that time. She is my mother.

Roy: ......

Guinevere: The marriage between our father and Zephiel's mother was forced. Therefore, our father didn't love Zephiel's mother and so always thought badly of Zephiel.

Roy: Then is that why the former king and Zephiel had a bad relationship?

Guinevere: No... Even then, Zephiel was always trying his best to gain our father's affection. He excelled in his studies and military training and was always trying hard. He grew to become a proud heir to Bern's throne.

Roy: Then why did the King try to...

Soldier: [Off-screen.] Master Roy! We are ready for the attack!

Roy: All right. I'll be there in a minute! Princess Guinevere.

Guinevere: No, it is alright. Please be careful.

All righty. Another day, another map. This one's a fair bit more complex than the last few - the ballista archers are a bit more accurate than previously, we've got staff users coming out of the wazoo, and we'll have to loot the treasure chests and protect the civilians as we make our way inside. In addition, we'll want to stock up at the store and armory as we pass through, as they're the first thus far to stock Silver weapons, which are the third and final upgrade after steel and iron.

Our first order of business is to secure the first and largest room, as that's where the majority of our priorities are. Once we take out the enemies there (as well as the ones in the eastern hall, as a sleep user resides there), we'll set up camp and start pilfering the chests and recruit Yuno. During this, a mage will head southwest to start lightning down the druid's berserk staff so that we don't have one of our units turn on us. Once the treasure chests are empty, the civilians having escaped and the coast is clear, we'll open up the door and charge Roartz and his throne.

There's a time limit on this stage as well - 25 turns - but we'll be able to accomplish everything well before then. Of course, this means we'll have to pass up the arena, but our units are already promoted and anything more than what we've got now would just be overkill.

First order of business is to use that Energy Ring. Wolt's fallen a bit behind the past while out of lack of use, so he'll probably benefit the most from it.

Shin heads west right from the start and takes out the mercenary with his sword.

The rest of the turn is mostly just repositioning our units for a run at the center room. Rutger and Fir guard the entrance with most everyone else behind them while Alan and Lance head east for the hallway.

Two of the ballistae are long versions, which means they'll be firing away with a 15-panel range instead of the usual 10. We'll just have to grit our teeth and bear it, since we've got no means to deal with them at the moment.

One of the knights charges at Rutger and gets a hit in. Rutger returns the gift in spades.

The other mercenary takes a swing at Shin.
Old 12-22-2008, 11:34 PM
PapillonReel PapillonReel is offline
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One of the fighters takes a swing at Rutger, but only serves to further his development.

The other one learns from his comrade's mistake and attacks at range instead.

Lance dodges a blow on the eastern front as they begin raiding the hall there.

Fir dodges an arrow fired her way.

There are two sleep staff users near the start, and their magic is high enough that they have a 100% of connecting. The good news is that they're near the start so we can take them out pronto.

With Shin out of commission, Roy's forced to finish off the mercenary at the shops.

Oof, look at that back up. Let's see if we can clear it out, shall we?

Sophia begins the assault by taking out the fighter, leveling up.

Ray follows up the attack with a critical hit.
Old 12-22-2008, 11:34 PM
PapillonReel PapillonReel is offline
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The sniper is the next to go down. Hugh levels up from the experience and grows faster from it.

Tate takes out one of the druids...

While Geese takes out another. He finally gets a level up worth talking about from it.

Fir and Rutger follow up by cleaning out the rest with extreme prejudice.

In the eastern hallway, Alan takes out a fighter for a level up.

Lance, not one to miss a beat, takes out a mercenary as well.

Tate dodges one of the ballista bolts - her nulled weakness to arrows coupled with her high evasion makes her the perfect ballista bait.
Old 12-22-2008, 11:35 PM
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A couple of more spells fire off... Hugh's is a closer miss, but eh.

Roy drops by the armory to pick up some silver weaponry. We won't be needing it just yet, but we might as well stock up while we can.

Hugh takes the time to heal up Tate so she can take out the Purge user with her Javelin. (...Through the wall?)

Rutger took a pretty big blow earlier, so Ray takes the time to heal him.

Alan and Lance continue the assault in the hallway, taking out a few more inpromoted units.

More ballista problems...

A knight attacks Alan and gets promptly criticaled back.

A few mercenaries get uppity and attack our guys.

Lance raises his sword rank from the attacks, so their deaths won't go to waste.
Old 12-22-2008, 11:35 PM
PapillonReel PapillonReel is offline
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A hero joins in on the attack, pushing Lance over into a level up.

The sleep staff user connects... it's the last usage, so it's not a problem anymore.

Cath dodges a blast of Lightning sent her way.

Alan and Lance finish up in the eastern hallway - next turn, they'll head back to rejoin the rest of the group.

Sophia and Geese, meanwhile, finish up the rest in the center room. So far, so good!

With the enemies cleared out, it's safe to let the civilians out from their cell. Once Cath opens the door, they'll make their way north and off the map.

Ray finishes the turn to wake Hugh up, who then dodges a ballista bolt.

You can recruit Yuno with any of the pegasus knights, as well as Zealot...

Yuno: Tate... What are you doing here?

Tate: It's a long story... But anyway. I'm with the Etrurian Army now. I heard that Edessa had fallen to Bern, and I was worried, but... I'm glad to see that you are still all right.

Yuno: ... I thought you were originally fighting for the army that was fighting against this Etrurian Army. You didn't...

Tate: No! I didn't go against the Ilian Mercenary Code. I fulfilled by duties as a mercenary, and then joined the Etrurian Army.

Breaking the code has some pretty severe consequences... Fiora in FE7 went into severe debt to pay off the breach of contract fees.

Yuno: Of course. You're a good and diligent girl. You wouldn't do something like that. I'm sorry.

Tate: No, it's all right... And um... What are you wearing?

Yuno: This? Why, this is my Military Outfit, as you very well know. Well, what do you think? Don't you think I can still go on as Pegasus Knight Fleet Captain?

Tate: But I thought you retired.

Yuno: I can't be saying that in this time of emergency! On my own all I could do was rescue the people in the castle, but if I joined you, I could fight against Bern as well.

Tate: So you're going to fight alongside us?

Yuno: Yes.

Tate: Yes! I never thought I could fight alongside you again.

Yuno: Don't get cocky now. I haven't gotten too rusty yet either!
Old 12-22-2008, 11:36 PM
PapillonReel PapillonReel is offline
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There's not much to say about Yuno, to be honest... she's underpowered for her level. She can help join in the pegasus triangle attack - that is, a 100% critical hit when all three pegasus knights are surrounding a target - but otherwise she's not very good.

She supports with Zealot, obviously. Odd that she wouldn't join with an A support with him already like Pent and Louise, but eh. She can support with the other mercenaries and pegasus knights as well. She's nice, but there are better.

The ballista archer here is holding onto an Elysian Whip, so if you forgot to buy any in chapter 16 and still need to promote a flier for whatever reason you could try warping in a thief to steal it. It's not really worth the effort, honestly.

Our paladins are finished in the east hall, so they'll be moving to rejoin the others.

Roy drops by the store to pick up some more tomes. Namely a few Elfire tomes, since we haven't had a chance to buy more in a while.

Sophia starts to head south to weather the berserk staff user there. As mentioned, Berserk can be devastating if it connects, so we'll want to make sure it's gone before we move in.

That Killer Ballista is also a pest since it can critical, but Cath will be moving into range and will almost immediately draw its attention away from Sophia.

The Long Ballistae are still firing, but they're just annoying.

Cath heads in to unlock the treasure room. The killer ballista will start targeting her instead...
Old 12-22-2008, 11:36 PM
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...Leaving Sophia to boost her Res and start syphoning the berserk staff's usages.

Lance's B support was empty, so I'm taking initiative on this one...

Wolt: Sir Lance?

Lance: ...I get it now.

Wolt: Uh...Sir Lance?

Lance: Ah, Wolt. Sorry. I was thinking some things over.

Wolt: Have I disturbed you?

Lance: No, I have reached my conclusion. It is all right now.

Wolt: I... see.

Lance: Did you need something, Wolt?

Wolt: Yes. I want to learn by your side. Teach me to fight like you, so I can become stronger and protect Master Roy!

Some healing while we wait...

One of the ballistae has run out of ammo and is out of the battle. So, yeah.

As expected, Cath draws the killer's fire.

The Berserk staff user didn't fire this turn, so Sophia moves in to snipe at the knight while she waits.

Cath begins looting, picking up another Wo Dao.

Geese and Tate begin chipping away at the wall so it'll be ready when Cath finishes up in the other room.

Ray moves south to heal Alan up.
Old 12-22-2008, 11:36 PM
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Cath dodges another ballista bolt...

And Sophia... takes a big hit here. He doesn't critical, thankfully, so he should die with one more attack.

Damn, it looks like Cath went berserk. Thankfully, she's still out of range...

...So Ray should be able to heal her up when she comes over our way.

Sophia finishes off the sniper to level up.

She comes under fire from the Killer Ballista and it manages to connect on her.

Ray restores Cath's status so she can head back west to the treasure chests. I'll be keeping her out of range of the berserk staff wielder, just in case.

The civilians have escaped at this point, so at least we don't have to worry about them getting killed.

That last shot has depleted the ballista's ammo, so I guess we won't have to worry about that either.

The wall goes down, clearing the way to the treasure room.
Old 12-22-2008, 11:37 PM
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Sophia took a big hit from the sniper, so Ray heads south to heal her. Don't worry, his Res is too high for him to go berserk.

A pair of thieves spawn at this point, though unfortunately for them we're in the way.

The second shot of berserk misses its target here.

Rutger and Fir are the closest north, so they head north to take out the thieves.

The latter also levels up from it.

More reinforcements... well, I guess our swordmasters can deal with them.

The final shot of berserk actually manages to stick here. Ray's on hand though, so it's not a loss.

Cath raids another chest, picking up some Speedwings and an Axereaver.

Our swordmasters should be able to hold back the approaching fighters easily.
Old 12-22-2008, 11:37 PM
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Cath raids the last chest for a Long Bow. ...This will go to Wolt, maybe?

Cath gets dropped off here, so she can unlock the door before moving onto the other chests.

Rutger gains a level from his feast of fighters.

Cath unlocks the door and gets lifted over to the other room.

With the door open, it's time to head for Roartz.

Cath opens one of the chests for a Wyrmslayer.

And now...

Roartz: It is all over if I am hurt!

Roartz doesn't have any special conversations...

Roartz has pretty decent defense and he can attack at range with that spear of his, but he's too slow to really put up much of a fight. As such, the strategy here is pretty simple - surround him with units and attack, attack, attack.

Ray takes out one of the knights in Roartz's room so he won't bug Geese.

A Long Bow sniper fires at Cath through the walls as she's looting, but misses.
Old 12-22-2008, 11:37 PM
PapillonReel PapillonReel is offline
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33 HP gone with one attack... God, I love berserkers.

Ray takes out the sniper at point-blank range, leveling up from the attack.

Cath clears out a few more chests, picking up a Nosferatu tome and a Sleep staff.

Geese slams his axe in Roartz once again.

The druid near Roartz is making it difficult to attack since we're in his range if we attack Roartz from the south. Taking him out removes that obstacle.

Cath loots the last chest for our first Purge tome.

Mercenaries have been spawning in the east for the past while, but they've only just caught up with our group and we're ready to deal with them.
Old 12-22-2008, 11:38 PM
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Tate deals the killing blow, gaining a great level up from it.

Roartz: It is still not too late... I shall... forgive your crime of turning your blade... toward me... Guh...!


Merlinus: Part of Bern's army is hiding in the ruins on the outskirts of Edessa!

Roy: Ruins?

Merlinus: Yes. They say that in it lies a spear that was used during the Dragon Human wars.

Roy: What! That spear...

Merlinus: It is most probably a Divine Weapon.

Roy: We must hurry to the ruins!

Guinevere: Yes...?

Woman: Are you the one who saved us?

Guinevere: No, I am...

Woman: Thank you! Thanks to you, we can now stand here safely. Please accept this token of our gratitude.

Old Woman: Thank you!

[Old woman and woman leave.]

Guinevere: ...... I shall hand this to Roy.

You only get this if they all survived. And so...

Next time: Tate's on the rampage! Heads flying everywhere! Oh, the humanity!

Last edited by PapillonReel; 12-23-2008 at 10:06 AM.
Old 12-23-2008, 06:37 AM
Elfir Elfir is offline
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Hmm, Yuno sucks but I know a quick way to fix that:

Can't really go to the effort of fixing her numbers right now but assume her stat growth kicks ass now.
Old 12-24-2008, 01:36 AM
PapillonReel PapillonReel is offline
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Welcome back. Last time, we stormed Castle Edessa and killed Roartz, finally. Granted, we had to protect a few civilians along the way, recruit a horrid prepromote and deal with bullshit ranged attacks, but we didn't have too much trouble.

...located on the outskirts of the town. Thre is a high chance that a Divine Weapon is hidden there.

I guess it's time we pick up Divine Weapon #5...

Chapter 20x: The Frozen Spear

They... reuse sprites a lot in this game, don't they.

Teck: There is no need to panic. These ruins are surrounded by plenty of enforcement. They won't be able to come in so easily.

Soldier: But the enemy has defeated the Ilian troops and our troops are after another! We do not have a high chance of winning...!

Teck: We do not have to win. Lord Murdock said that all we must do is defend this place. We must hold out until the enemy gives up and leaves.

Sorry Tech, but we're not leaving until we get what we want.

Elphin: Yes, I believe that the Marte, the Spear of Snow and Ice, resides in these ruins.

The translation's a little inconsistant on this... the chapter's called the "Frozen Spear" and the weapon itself is called "Malte" when it enters our inventory while it's called something different here.

Roy: Spear of Snow and Ice...

Elphin: Barigan the 'Faithful used it during the Scouring.

Roy: Barigan? All knights know about him. I used to hear a lot about him during my studies. He is the finest example of knighthood. ...This building seems to have walls everywhere. Is there a path leading inside?

Elphin: Probably the remaining forces of Bern buried the pathways to defend themselves.

Roy: Then they must not have had much time to do it... Maybe the walls are weak at certain areas.

Elphin: That is quite possible.

Roy: All right. Let's do what we can.

Hope you stocked up on iron weapons before starting - there are a lot of broken walls we'll have to smash through so make sure you've stocked up before starting.

Anyway, there's not much to this map. There are quite a few enemies, but they're all locked away in individual cells and we can take them one at a time. The units to watch for are the druids in the center - they're both wielding status staves (one of which is a Berserk staff) so make sure to come prepared, either with Restore staves to counter them or mages to lightning rod them down. Other than that, just take the rooms one at a time and you shouldn't have much trouble at all.

Wolt opens the battle by pulling out his Brave Bow to break out the first wall.

Alan heads inside to slaughter the fighter waiting for them.

Cath and Geese break down the next wall alongisde the other groups.

The swordmaster group breaks down the wall on the east side.

The spellcaster group, meanwhile, is content enough to just be shooting through the walls.

A couple of warriors take advantage of the opening and come out swinging.
Old 12-24-2008, 01:37 AM
PapillonReel PapillonReel is offline
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A bowman nails Sophia while she's in range and eats double flux on the return.

The fighters bring out their hand axes...

Sophia gets another hit from a warrior.

The status staves go off, and both connect, annoyingly enough. Thankfully, Ray's on hand to bring Hugh back to his senses.

Sophia heals herself back to good health with Nosferatu, but another unlucky hit forces Hugh to have to heal her.

Cath and Gonzales head east to wail on the wall... Lance and Wolt will head into that path to deal with the warrior.

Like so.

Tate deals the finishing blow to the one bugging Alan for an absolutely awful level up.
Old 12-24-2008, 01:37 AM
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With the warrior dealt with, Alan gets to work moving further in.

Back in the swordmaster's group... Rutger takes out a fighter while Fir breaks further inside.

Another phase, another bunch of misses.

The warrior connects on Sophia here, but not only does he die on the counter but he ends up healing her as well.

More status staves... both connect, but the berserk status is more harmful.

Damage control... Fir and Alan break further in their paths while Ray fixes Sophia up.

Tate heads further into the building to stab an archer.

Wolt pulls the string taught to bring the warrior down to 1...
Old 12-24-2008, 01:38 AM
PapillonReel PapillonReel is offline
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...And Lance finishes him off to level up.

Roy, meanwhile, criticals a nearby fighter just so we don't have to deal with him just yet.

Geese breaks down the wall, but Cath immediately switches his iron axe to first position.

The magic group finally gets started on their route.

Not much to say...yep.

The swordmaster is easily one of the most dangerous enemies on the route, with a Light Brand to both shoot at range and slice apart enemies up close. What to do, what to do...

The status staves are used up finally. The blast of sleep misses Sophia, but things look grim when it lands on Tate.
Old 12-24-2008, 01:38 AM
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The good news is that Tate's blocked up from Alan, so it's no threat to our units. As long as Tate doesn't get in over her head, she'll just be spending the next four turns killing everything in her path.

I was hoping for Roy to critical the swordmaster down, but things turn ugly quickly when the swordmaster ends up criticalling him instead.

I take a risk here and send Geese in, and he doesn't disappoint - a kill against a swordmaster and a point in strength.

Cath deals with the fighter remaining. Lance, meanwhile, takes care of another one on his route.

Fir breaks down the wall on her path.

With the wall down, Rutger heads in and begins the slaughter.

On the spellcaster's route, Sophia blasts the wall apart with her magic. Hugh's still feeling a little dozy, so Ray gives him a pick-me-up.
Old 12-24-2008, 01:38 AM
PapillonReel PapillonReel is offline
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Tate begins her rampage... there are no survivors.

Rutger's doubling the warrior here, but the RNG was refusing to cooperate.

Thankfully, we can be a little... persuasive on that front.

Oh dear.

Rutger still doesn't critical here...

Off with his head!

The RNG's feeling a little schizophrenic this time.

The two druids, with their main weapons broken, take to healing from a distance.

Miledy wakes up from her nap finally, so she'll be able to rejoin the fight soon.
Old 12-24-2008, 01:39 AM
PapillonReel PapillonReel is offline
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There we go. Rutger pulls out the Killing Edge and cuts the warior down.

Not much is going on at the end of the turn. Fir and Lance weaken a few walls while Tate takes out her range on another enemy.

A sniper has taken note of Fir's presence and fires off a shot.

Miledy finally rejoins the group and smashes down the wall.

WIth it down, Fir and Rutger are free to kill the two bow-users inside with extreme prejudice.

The mages start to work on the next wall around now.

Tate's rampage pushes her over to level ten, which is... distressingly mediocre.

Thankfully, the berserk status wears off around now, making it safe for the group to move on at this point.
Old 12-24-2008, 01:39 AM
PapillonReel PapillonReel is offline
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Things slow down over the next few turns... nothing much left to do at this point but to break our way further into the manse.

Our spellcasters still have enemies on their route, so Ray and the others get to work clearing them out.

Hmm... I was kinda hoping some of the other supports would activate before this one, but I don't mind.

Geese: Huh? Yeah... I guess. That's what I look like, huh? Man...

Cath: ?

Geese: I used to be a seagoing merchant.

Cath: Really? You must've made a lot of money, then. Lucky you. Oh well. I guess we poor people have to just keep working hard...

Geese: Wait a sec.

Cath: Huh?

Geese: What's my bag doing in your hand?

Cath: ...... Y-You're pretty perceptive, aren't you?

Geese: ... Gee, thanks.

Cath: Hmmm... All right! There's no treasure I can't steal! Be ready the next time we meet.

Hugh fries up a sniper with his tome while Ray patches him up.

More wall-breaking...

With the wall gone, Tate goes inside and clears out the sniper.
Old 12-24-2008, 01:40 AM
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Same thing on the other side, though Geese clears him out with one blow.

Miledy knocks down the wall for the swordmasters.


There's not much left at this point to do except knock down the walls and clear out the rest.

In the center, Fir takes on a fellow swordmaster and wins. She grows stronger from the match, quickly closing the gap between herself and her mother.

The shamans are still alive, but they miss both of their shots.

A myrmidon and sniper fall to our attacks during our phase.
Old 12-24-2008, 01:41 AM
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Just a little bit more wall-bashing... note that, if you need to raise a weapon rank quickly, you can use the walls here to do so easily.

...On that note, I should have remembered to bring Saul to the battle, shouldn't I? Ah well.

The two shamans in the center fall down to the eastern squad.

Fast-forwarding through the next few screens a bit, a few walls break down and we start to work on the rest.

Alan gets a level up from one of the kills. Oddly enough, the only stat he doesn't gain is strength...

Tate stabs a fighter in the face...

There are only a few more really left on the map at this point, holed up in two more rooms.

The enemy tries to stop us, but have less than desirable results.
Old 12-24-2008, 01:41 AM
PapillonReel PapillonReel is offline
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Miledy criticals a druid to death for a level up.

Another wall goes down...

Wolt wins a duel with a sniper and... stupid RNG.

Rutger: ...Get out of my way.

Fir: No. I will not move until you understand that I am serious. Draw your sword! I have been serious about training my skills, and I will not allow you to say that it is simply for play. And I want to become stronger, so I want to learn from you.

Rutger: ...I told you that I use my sword to kill others.

Fir: Yes, I know. But my...

Rutger: If I draw my blade here, you will die. Is that your wish?

Fir: ! ...

Rutger: And you have no intention of killing me either, do you?

Fir: Well...

Rutger: That's why I say you're just playing around.

Fir: ......

Rutger: ...... [Rutger leaves.]

Fir: ...I just... ...But maybe I was being rude, I should apologize when I see him next.

Might as well smash the last few walls before we go...
Old 12-24-2008, 01:41 AM
PapillonReel PapillonReel is offline
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Teck: How did you get through these walls?

By breaking them, silly.

Sophia's been holding onto the Angelic Robe for a while, so I decide to use it at this point.

Hugh doubles Teck down a bit more and levels up.

With that, Ray and Sophia finish him off.

Teck: And know Bern's true power...

That last Nosferatu didn't quite heal Ray up, so Hugh pulls out his Heal staff.

And that's that. Now let's get out of here before the place collapses on us...
Old 12-24-2008, 01:41 AM
PapillonReel PapillonReel is offline
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Roy: ... This is Barigan's spear Martre... It's beautiful, as if made of crystal and ice.

Roy: Oh. All right.

Merlinus: All right? We must attack them now.

Roy: No, don't. They are fleeing. They don't have anymore will to fight.

Merlinus: But...

Roy: They have families as well. There's no need to fight more than necessary.

And the Frozen Spear, Malte, is ours! Beautiful, isn't it?

Oh, right. That sub-plot.

Roy: So may I ask...

Guinevere: ... The rest of the story.

Roy: King Zephiel was an outstanding pupil in his studies, he was skilled in war craft... He grew to be the perfect heir for the king.

Guinevere: That is correct.

Roy: But still the former king did not look kindly at him.

Guinevere: In fact... Our father began to hate Zephiel because he grew to become such a brilliant and worthy youth.

Of course, you all know how this already turned out from FE7, right?

Roy: What... is that supposed to mean...?

Guinevere: Our father was a man of ordinary skill and intellect. Therefore, Zephie's outstanding skill made our father cold towards him.

Roy: Jealousy...?

Guinevere: And then one day, our father told Zephiel that 'the next heir to Bern would be Guinevere's husband.'

Roy: What! That's awful!

Guinevere: But Zephiel was very patient. He said that he did not mind even if he did not gain the throne. But the people around us, who were looking forward to Zephiel's ability to be a good king, would not allow anyone else to be the heir. Pressured by the public, our father lost his patience at last, and...

Roy: Decided to kill King Zephiel...?

Guinevere: At a banquet, our father gave Zephiel a poisoned drink from his own hands. And that was the first and last cup that Zephiel ever took from our father. After returning to his room, Zephiel started to get sick. For 10 days and nights, Zephiel lingered between life and death. But Murdock, Zephiel's teacher and loyal general, saved his life.

Roy: ... The former king never did anything after that?

Guinevere: No... But I have heard that he had plans to get rid of Murdock and Zephiel's mother as traitors. He was scheming to murder them all along with Zephiel. After hearing that, Zephiel made believe he was dead. Our father then checked the coffin to confirm Zephiel's death.

Roy: ......

Guinevere: I was but a child then, so naturally I could not have understood what was going on. All I knew is that after our father died, Zephiel never smiled again. Untl then, he was strict at times, but always a kind and loving brother to me. So...

Roy: Princess.

Guinevere: So from that moment forward, I knew I had to take action.

Roy: I... see...

Guinevere: ... But now Zephiel is at a place where he can never hear me. Roy, please... Please stop him. Please stop him from inflicting pain and suffering to the people of Bern and the people other nations.

Roy: Even if it may resolve to the blade?

Guinevere: ... I have made my resolve when I entrusted this task to you.

Roy: I see. You have my word and loyalty, Princess Guinevere. I swear to the Fire Emblem that I will stop King Zephiel!

Next time: And the titular weapon finally makes an appearance!
Old 12-24-2008, 02:22 AM
Mazian Mazian is offline
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Does Berserk status simply make the character uncontrollable, or does it also add the FF-style "attack up, defense down" attributes?
Old 12-24-2008, 01:44 PM
Kirin Kirin is offline
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Question for either Papillon or the audience:

For FE7, there's an awesome online repository of all the support conversations here. I have yet to find anything similar for FE6. Anybody got one?
Old 12-24-2008, 01:52 PM
PapillonReel PapillonReel is offline
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Originally Posted by Mazian View Post
Does Berserk status simply make the character uncontrollable, or does it also add the FF-style "attack up, defense down" attributes?
Not that I know of, no. All I can tell is that the character goes out of control and attacks everyone, and it would be a little bit too cruel to give them an attack boost on top of that.

Originally Posted by Kirin View Post
Question for either Papillon or the audience:

For FE7, there's an awesome online repository of all the support conversations here. I have yet to find anything similar for FE6. Anybody got one?
Serenes Forest is your best friend. (Also: FE7, FE8, FE9, FE10)
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