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The World Accordion to "Weird" Al Yankovic


Threat Rhyme
I was searching the subforum high and low for a Weird Al thread and could not find one, so I was about to post it myself when you beat me to the punch!


It's been a decade since his last album, so there's a lot of music for him to catch up on.


can stop, will stop
Even though I only know like half of these songs, getting a new polka medley in 2024 truly feels like a gift.


can stop, will stop
That was a pretty good article! I remember in 2014 that he said he'd be looking to do fewer albums and more single releases because it was easier to keep up with what's popular that way (rather than having to release a parody of a song 2-3 years after it was on the radio), but I guess "I just wanna do other stuff" is also valid. You do whatever you want, Weird Al.