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The Screenshot Game - This Looks Filmiliar




Given the decade and the studio I'm pretty shocked no one's gotten it yet.
Like, that is the most obvious screenshot I got.
If no one guesses within 24 hours of this post y'all can just start googling shit.


????? LV 13 HP 292/ 292
(he, him, his)
I Googled the other day thinking this was White Fang (because I had forgotten that someone had already guessed that) and accidentally stumbled upon the answer. But that felt a bit like cheating and I'm still not up for running a round so I didn't throw out what I found as a guest.


It is. Next round is apparently up for whoever wants it.

I am pretty surprised no one else has seen it, considering we were (mostly) all kids in the 80s and it's a Disney flick. I guess it's more obscure than I expected. It's a neat adventure film though and I highly recommend it. First time I ever remember getting hype for a movie because of a preview.


Rated Ages 6+
(He, Him)
It is. Next round is apparently up for whoever wants it.

I am pretty surprised no one else has seen it, considering we were (mostly) all kids in the 80s and it's a Disney flick. I guess it's more obscure than I expected. It's a neat adventure film though and I highly recommend it. First time I ever remember getting hype for a movie because of a preview.
Unless he felt a film was culturally significant or it was a birthday or holiday, it took SEVERE arm twisting to get my dad to take us to the movies, and God forbid we suggested seeing something a second time. Also, he took the PG rating seriously and would vet most movies before letting us see them. Which made outings for Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid and Yellowbeard all the stranger. Truly, he contained multitudes.
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Oh yeah, forgot to mention it earlier but fun fact about the canine actor that played the wolf in Journey of Natty Gann: He was also White Fang in the Ethan Hawke film and... the dog in The Thing. Quite an accomplished actor.