Johnny Unusual
The contributions of women to video games is sometimes overlooked and its no exception in the field of music. To this end, we are going to celebrate the best music for video games produced by women! And for the sake of accepting that we don't want to look at gender too rigidly, we'll include other gender identities that don't conform to the male/female convention.
Show your three tracks in this thread by linking to a youtube/bandcamp/etc. Deadline is Friday, August 13th. Remember to post your nominations as a list of links, and not a list of embeds!
Q: What if I want to do more?
A: Sorry, I'm sticking with three tracks.
Q: Is this just limited to video game music?
A: Yes, this one is only games
Q: So any music.?
A: Sure, as long as the creator is not male.
Q: Is this only composers?
A: No, singers too.
Q: OK, so if a woman does a piano cover of Mario, is that cool?
A: I kind of want to stick to music created for games originally. Though if it is a female cover of music originally created by a woman, I think that's in the spirit of this.
The only thing that you can't do that fits within this category is this previous winner.
Wild Arms - Migrant Bird of the Wilderness (Elemental Dome)
I hope we all enjoy this and find some cool music together. If you need some ideas but also feel free to post some links to some notable artists to help people find what they want to hear!
Show your three tracks in this thread by linking to a youtube/bandcamp/etc. Deadline is Friday, August 13th. Remember to post your nominations as a list of links, and not a list of embeds!
Q: What if I want to do more?
A: Sorry, I'm sticking with three tracks.
Q: Is this just limited to video game music?
A: Yes, this one is only games
Q: So any music.?
A: Sure, as long as the creator is not male.
Q: Is this only composers?
A: No, singers too.
Q: OK, so if a woman does a piano cover of Mario, is that cool?
A: I kind of want to stick to music created for games originally. Though if it is a female cover of music originally created by a woman, I think that's in the spirit of this.
The only thing that you can't do that fits within this category is this previous winner.
Wild Arms - Migrant Bird of the Wilderness (Elemental Dome)
I hope we all enjoy this and find some cool music together. If you need some ideas but also feel free to post some links to some notable artists to help people find what they want to hear!