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RPG Musicdome Nomination Thread Go!


Dostoevsky is immortal!
It’s actually modeled on an Indonesian Gamelan orchestra, innit? Good pick.
I need to remember to actually put some entries up here when I’m on a real computer.
I think you're right; I forgot the name of the instrument(s).


It’s actually modeled on an Indonesian Gamelan orchestra, innit? Good pick.
I need to remember to actually put some entries up here when I’m on a real computer.

I think you're right; I forgot the name of the instrument(s).

Here's what I wrote about this track previously because it's really quite interesting:
I'd always heard The Oracle was inspired by Indonesian chanting, but only now went looking for a source on that. According to this Reddit AMA with the composer Hiroki Kikuta, it's based on a Balinese chant called Kecak.

But what about the gamelan note Issun made? Well, that's the source of the song The Oracle is twisted from, Ceremony. Gamelan apparently varies by region quite a bit and this is specifically based on the Javanese style.


One week left if there's anyone else that wants to get submissions in or change theirs.


excused from moderation duty
Staff member
Can we add extra nominations in order to reach the quota if nobody else signs up?


We've already hit 64+ tracks. If we get within spitting distance of 96 by midweek I'll probably open it up to more noms.


????? LV 13 HP 292/ 292
(he, him, his)
We've already hit 64+ tracks. If we get within spitting distance of 96 by midweek I'll probably open it up to more noms.
That would make for a pretty long dome but that would be rather fitting with the theme of RPGs. I have a couple of candidates that I was considering as alternates so I could also add some more. But I wonder if we've already maxed out on people who are usually dome participants.
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Lapsed Threadcromancer
We've already hit 64+ tracks. If we get within spitting distance of 96 by midweek I'll probably open it up to more noms.
If you need help getting there, I'm sure there are people in here who will assist.


Oh! Create!
(they/them, she/her)
Added mine.

"Ignition" from The Alliance Alive has currently been submitted twice, I'll note.
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duff mcwhalen megafan
Yay! Done!

I had three in mind and this was one of them so I'm glad you nominated this and made my decision easier!
Thank you! I’m honestly surprised I didn’t think of it until now. its one of my all time favorite game songs but it like entirely escaped me until I had to add more lol.


Nominations are now closed. I'll start working on the bracket soon so expect the voting thread sometime later this week.