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Richard Belzer died. The infinite possible worlds of the universe shudder in fear.


Fearful asymmetry
Richard Belzer is best known as the acerbic Detective Munch on Law and Order, but the character debuted in an entirely different show, Homicide: Life on the Street, and has appeared as Munch in more continuities than any other fictional character on television. He didn't just invent crossovers, man... he was the crossover, personified! What will happen to the Multiverse in his absence?!


I've been in murder police for ten years. If you're going to lie to me, you lie to me with respect. What is it? Is it my shoes? Is it my haircut? Got a problem with my haircut? Don't you ever lie to me like I'm Montel Williams. I am not Montel Williams. I am not Montel Williams.


Post Reader
Finally watched Homicide last year. Munch was rarely the central focus of the show but he was a solid contributor, and it's a great pick for a character that had the ability to show up on any TV show you can think of, from The Wire to 30 Rock. RIP.