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Popularity Contest Megalodome general discussion thread

Johnny Unusual

So I feel like I used to have a reason (or felt I did) to stick all current domes and top 50s but now I'm like... I don't think I do. What do you think. I was thinking about unsticking everything that isn't the masterlists.

BTW, I do want to hear from people who currently have domes and lists going on. Even if it's as simple as "I don't care."
@Dracula @Lokii @Violentvixen @WildcatJF @Bongo
(also, does @Mogri want his thread stickied?)

Just let me know your why or why not thoughts!


Beyond (Art @dice9633)
(he / his / him)
I think it's convenient to have currently running lists stickied and ones that have finished or on hiatus not stickied. I like opening the board and seeing what's at the top. The nominations probably don't need to be stickied?


I think it's convenient to have currently running lists stickied and ones that have finished or on hiatus not stickied. I like opening the board and seeing what's at the top. The nominations probably don't need to be stickied?
Yeah, exactly this.