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Exposition Owl

more posts about buildings and food
The Hollywood Reporter, uh, reports that Bandai Namco are looking to get some of that sweet Sonic the Hedgehog money by making a live action movie based on Pac-Man. I’m presuming here that “live action” means a Sonic-style mixture of human actors and CGI characters, and I’m honestly baffled as to who on earth the human characters are supposed to be in Pac-Man. They’ve apparently basing the movie on “an original idea” from one of the guys behind the Sonic movies; who knows how that will turn out. I’m not sure that they can improve on this parody trailer from way back in 2006, when the idea of a live action Pac-Man movie was a punchline:



Staff member
I guarantee they will not untangle the rights to Ms. Pac-Man in time for this movie and she will not appear, rendering it even more pointless than it would otherwise have been.


space hero for hire
(He/Him + RT/artee)
I'm sure they'll be able to cut a pac-room deal to at least have the ms. make a cameo


I hope he has a romance with the palette swapped “Pac Mom,” but no one can figure out why she’s called that because she doesn’t have any kids yet.


Threat Rhyme
Ever since this was announced the only thing I could think of was a parody trailer for a Pac-Man movie by the Arfenhouse guys, waaaaaay back in the early-mid aughts.
