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Numbersdome: A Fight To the Bitter West End!

Johnny Unusual

Barbie is Kenough to win and Les Misérables revolts against Garfield.

Round 1
Match 17
Woo, we are done with the prelims and now it's the first round! First up is @Issun 's pick from the dramedy film The Skeleton Twins as Bill Hader and Kristen Wiig lipsync Nothing's Going to Stop Us Now from the 80s fantasy romcom Mannequin. Against it is previous winner Think! from The Blues Brothers, @Exposition Owl 's pick. Fun fact, the scene was lip synced and was actually cut together from many takes where the sync was really strong.

Match 18

Next we have @Violentvixen 's the Confrontation from Les Misérables where Javert finally confronts Jean Valjean and each sing their countering viewpoints. In most cases this happens as a sword (well sword vs piece of wood) fight but there are versions that end with Javert trying to drag Jean back to prison with a chain only to get choked out with said chain. Against it is my pick, Finale: The Magic Store from the Muppet Movie. The final shot of the song (rather than of the movie) is at the time the most muppets ever on screen at one time including some rare ones and some from Sesame Street.



The Skeleton Twins is a film I finally saw last year and it really resonated with me, and now it's kind of a comforting film to put on when I'm feeling depressed. I know that's weird to say about a movie that centers around suicidally depressed twins but the film also explores what it means to be hurtling towards middle age with not much to show for it when measuring oneself against societal guideposts. As the movie goes on you find that Milo and Maggie aren't the only people who have fucked up again and again, and that even the people with picture perfect lives on the surface are constantly unhappy.

Anyways, Magic Skeletons

Johnny Unusual

The Blues Brothers win by two orange whips and Les Misérables wins by 24601 votes.
Match 19
Next it's Ain't Got Rhythm from the animated TV series Phineas and Ferb as chosen by @RT-55J . The song is sung by the librarian Sherman, a former musician and is voiced by Steve Zahn (though some of the singing is credited to Danny Jacobs). Against it is Can You Picture That? from The Muppet Movie as chosen by Kirin. Most recently, the song was sung again with new instrumentation for the TV series Muppet Mayhem, all about the Electric Mayhem.

Match 20

Next, all Daikaiju wants to see is a Giant Woman from Steven Universe. The song appears in the same-titled episode and the one to introduce fusion, which would become a big part of the show's mythology. Against it is Do-Re-Mi from The Kids in the Hall. The number was filmed in Mel Lastman Square in Toronto, Ontario and was actually a rather new park a couple years old) at the time of filming.


Johnny Unusual

The Muppet Movie doesn't know why it should thank you and Steven Universe gets a giant win.

Match 21
Next is Carnaval del Barrio from In the Heights from @Exposition Owl . The song takes place in the first act during (as it feels all plays must) during the hottest day and as the characters are working to make the best of a bad situation, they hype themselves up with a rousing musical number/neigbourhood party. Against it is Everybody to the Limit from Homestar Runner via @Violentvixen , inspired by an awkwardly named e-mailer from a previous Strong Bad E-Mail segment.


Match 22

Next it's our second Moana pick, How Far I'll Go from Moana via @Pombar . The song appears early in the film to demonstrate that while Moana loves her island, she has a desire to see beyond and really challenge herself in a way that staying put could not allow. Against it is Razzle Dazzle from Chicago by way of @Exposition Owl . Though the specifics of the origin of the phrase "razzle-dazzle" aren't super clear, early usage of the phrase "on the razzle" referred to sailors who... may have imbibed too much.



Johnny Unusual

Holy Crap!, Homestar moves onto the next stage while Moana sees how far she'll go.

Match 23
It's a Mel Brooks fest for this match! @WildcatJF is Puttin' on the Ritz from Young Frankenstein. The number appears late in the film as Dr. Frankenstein decides to prove the humanity of his monster in an unconventional way. @Torzelbaum recognizes the Night is Young and You're So Beautiful (you specifically) from Robin Hood: Men in Tights from a scene were Robin woos the lovely Maid Marion.


Match 24

@Issun is from America and that's from West Side Story. In this scene the Shark Girls debate the virtues of mainland America vs. Puerto Rico. Meanwhile, Yakko's Universe helps put things into perspective for @Torzelbaum . The footage of the planets and sun from this one would actually be used in the opening credits sequence to the Pinky and the Brain spin-off.

