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Metagamingdome: Auroboros

Johnny Unusual

Hey everyone, I asked you answered for my odd little thunderdome: music from games about games or games with games or just a gaming theme from video games. This will be a fairly short one overall but I hope it is a fun one for everyone! Don't think too hard about it and just choose your favourite tune!


Round 1
Match 1
First, @WildcatJF is taking us to the Guardia Millennial Fair from Chrono Trigger. There you can play many mini-games and it's one of the first locations in the game. Against it is My Realm from the game Wingspan. @Violent Vixen chose this one from a video game where players try to attract birds to their nature preserve. But why is it here? Because it's based on a board game!


Match 2
Next @Bongo gives us the Nintendo Collection from WarioWare Gold, where players collect classic Nintendo gaming stuff. Against it is Gambit Stage from Spider-Man and the X-Men in Arcade's Revenge from @RT-55J . It's Marvel's gambling themed superhero vs. it's amusement park and games-themed supervillain so it counts twice.




The Season, It's Here
(he / his / him)
Chrono Gambit

(I really like that Wingspan song, so I really had to think about that round, haha)


Crap. I kept meaning to figure out what I wanted to nominate but it's been a 7 nights in a row work week so I kept putting it off. Oh well, I look forward to voting anyways.

I love Millennial Fair but My Realm is absolutely gorgeous. And the harpsichord in the WarioWare track is nice but I am powerless to resist the Sega Genesis funk of Gambit Stage.

Johnny Unusual

The first match is tied and needs a tie breaker. But Gambit's win was unanimous

Match 3
@WildcatJF plays us Title from Backgammon. It's a game about Backgammon, a game I have no idea how to play. Against it is @Bongo Sneaking Mission from Metal Gear Solid: VR Missions. The whole game is a VR game.


Match 4
@Kirin goes downhill with Electric de Chocobo from Final Fantasy VII, a game where you get to snowboard. Presumably you snowboard on a Chocobo. Against it, I bring Mulligan from Hearthstone. Hearthstone is a game implied to take place in a WarCraft pub where characters are playing with magic cards and tokens.




Backgammon Chocobo

I'm glad Wingspan is putting up a fight against Chrono Trigger! The soundtrack to that game is amazing and is on Bandcamp if anyone is interested. This track, Treetops, was also on my list before I decided to vote for all different games for this dome. And of course the board game is fantastic if you haven't played it.

Johnny Unusual

Coin toss goes in favour of Wingspan.

This rounds winners are Backgammon and Final Fantasy VII.

Match 5
First @Aurelia has Kill-Ballad GUNVARREL, a video game within the visual novel Robotics;Notes, played by the main character but not the player. @Bongo against it has Sega Gaga March from Segagaga, a video game about game development.


Match 6

Then @Aurelia s back with Dance Dice Days from Gunstar Heroes. This track takes place in a mini-game casino. Against it @RT-55J plays some Hip Hop, which is a tune about the very game you are playing; the Incredible Machine 3.


Johnny Unusual

Robotics;Notes bleeps bloops it's way to a close victory and the Incredible Machine 3 functions just fine!

Match 7
Guys, @Violentvixen HAS to rep her own video game. She told me. And that game is Feed Me and with the tune Green Bottle. And frankly, she's also invited to talk about it because I want to know more. Against it is Battle Theme 1 ~Road, Forest, Mountain Road~ from Dungeons & Dragons: The Tower of Doom. I've always been a fan of beat em ups but it's only recently that I discovered they made D&D ones. And this is a tune from it.


Match 8

@Aurelia is entering a Blue Sphere from Sonic 3 & Knuckles, part of a game within the game and can unlock other games and was also used as a tune that would been used as part of another game that never happened. SO MUCH GAMES! @Bongo has another game within a game, this time from the cult classic Live-a-Live. It's called Captain Square and a character uses it to access cyberspace.




And frankly, she's also invited to talk about it because I want to know more.
I did the algorithm design and human data collection for Nike+Kinect. It was intense but extremely cool. Getting to go both the Nike and Microsoft campuses for consults and meetings throughout development was a really neat opportunity.

But honestly the best part of it was when we and the Microsoft engineers would get to talk to each other. I wish I'd printed out the email after one Nike person took my model and sent it to the Microsoft people saying she'd "trimmed out some parts to make it look nicer". I felt his burn several states away (and from then on we no longer had to go though Nike because they'd proven to not understand math at all).

I'd have to correlate human performance to movement detection and caloric expenditure while in the realm of the Kinect detectors. Giant dataset, got to develop things on my own and learned a ton about physiology, programming and client communication.

Anyway, vote for this round is Feed Me Blue Spheres.


excused from moderation duty
Staff member
I'm now finished with various circumstances that were preventing me from participating. Green Bottle for sure. I'm reluctant to vote against my own nomination, but Blue Spheres deserves it.