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Merry Hell! A daily webcomic about fear and friendship (NSFW, sometimes)


Video games


Video games
hello I am bumping this thread to assure my many fans that the comic is en route, 19 more strips are done (some of which are longer ones than usual) and it's going to be absolutely stark staring mental.

after this storyline it is going to be "back to basics" a little, more domestic sitcom stuff

anyway here's merry winking at you



hello I am bumping this thread to assure my many fans that the comic is en route, 19 more strips are done (some of which are longer ones than usual) and it's going to be absolutely stark staring mental.

after this storyline it is going to be "back to basics" a little, more domestic sitcom stuff

anyway here's merry winking at you

*Comes into the thread, sits down and waits*


Video games
I'm in the home stretch of drawing season 8, I didn't want to start publishing it until it was done, so there wouldn't be a potential break in the middle of the climax. It'll be either late this month or October, pending the possibility of unforeseen life events.


Summon for hire
Yes, excellent. And TBH I'm more than happy to wait in order to not have to cliffhanger right in the middle of the action.