Look. I’ve put in the work, I’ve done the required readings, you can check my bonafides. I’ve got a good handle on what kind of madness to expect from Silver Age comics.
So it is with no small amount of credulity that I say these might be the highest concentration of bonkers outside of a Bob Haney story I think I’ve read of Silver Age DC comics.
Let’s dig in shall we?
Starting with
Alias: Lois Lane by any combination of Bill Finger, Robert Bernstein, Kurt Shaffenberger and Stan Kaye.
Where we open in “a famous big town in the western United States” (is… is Las Vegas copyrighted?) where Lois Lane is on a little vacation. And, being Lois Lane, that means “elaborate subterfuge in order to get a Big Scoop”. That’s how she frames it at least, she’s really there to get some candid snapshots of a major Hollywood western tv star who is having a honeymoon there.
He never appears on panel nor is mentioned by name, so let’s say it’s Lorne Greene.
Also, that’s really more of Nightcrawler style tabloid journalism and not the “reporter breaks up spy ring” kind of story that Lois integrates herself into, but it *
is* still easier than her usual job.
Anyway, Lois dyes her hair and does less than zero backstory creation and calls it a day for constructing an elaborate disguise as Sadie Blodgette, a Dizzy Blond from Hairdye USA!
She also makes sure to pack a camera that looks like a gun, because… umm…
The idea is to take a discrete photo of a celebrity and I’m pretty sure pointing a normal camera at him would cause less of a stir than pointing a realistic handgun at him.
Anyway, Lois is so distracted making sure she’s able to keep her secret identity as “vapid airhead” straight that she trips over a curb and she spills the contents of her purse. Wherein the camera-disguised-as-a-gun is spotted by two motorists; who quickly surmise that she’s a career criminal who is going to rob a casino, and that furthermore she must have a criminal record that forbids her from owning a gun and also now they can blackmail her into helping them with their
own crimes!
I don’t know what Las Vegas’ policies on gun control are, but this was the 1950s so I’m pretty sure that, until the bullets go inside someone, it’s totally fine to be stumbling around with one out in the open.
Anyway, these two criminals are members of the Anti Superman Gang, a mob outfit with the stated goal of Killing Superman. Since they operate out of a different state from Metropolis entirely, I have to assume they aren’t, like…
super well informed on how he usually operates. But what they are immediately aware of is that Sadie Blodger, idiot, is a dead-ringer for Lois Lane from the eyebrows down. So they’re going to have Lois, disguised as Sadie, disguise herself as Lois in order to lure Superman into a trap and then murder the hell out of him.
The problem being that they’re going to first have to My Fair Lady “Sadie” into acting more like what they think Lois is really like.
Naturally this leads to a Deathnote level of double-reverse-extra-triple outsmarting each other.
And also Lois’ own ego getting in the way.
Eventually they decide to test Lois to see if she’s able to convincingly imitate herself by doing the one thing Lois does best in the world; fall off a building and have Superman save her.
Superman is in town for unrelated reasons but it didn’t come up in the story. He didn’t just fly over from Metropolis because someone who looks like Lois is in peril. Though I do think that hyper awareness of when Lois Lane is in danger is one of his powers.
Anyway, the crooks see Superman save Lois and figure “Hot dang, he doesn’t even know that’s just some lady we yanked off the street!” and decide to put the next part of their plan into effect; give Lois a fake camera with Kryptonite in it, have her take a picture of Superman with it, kill him, and then steal a box the army gave him, then get
millions of dollars.
This part of the plan fails because, Of course Sadie actually
is Lois and tells him “Hey, some gangsters are trying to use me to kill you. There’s some Kryptonite in a fake camera”. So he wrecks the camera, and hauls the crooks off to jail for attempted Supermanicide.
And we also find out what’s in that box that’s so damn important that someone will have to kill Superman and get paid a million dollars to do it.
Ten cents worth of space mice worth a fortune to Americas enemies, That’s what’s in it.
So on to the third story, which is a bit shorter even if it’s the one on the cover,
The Shocking Secret of Lois Lane.
So we're opening up with Lois doing what she does best; acting in total defiance of passive voice as a reporter and putting herself in the story come hell of high water because
that's how you Lois Lane, baby!
And in this case it was a really bad idea as she snuck into the back seat of someone she was pretty sure was a mob boss in disguise, and accidentally wrecked her car while in a high speed pursuit of what was probably an innocent man.
This is all off panel, and I have to assume it's not the second time Perrys had a call like this from her this year. Anyway a few days later, Lois does indeed come back to the office but has a little something extra added to her usual outfit; a lead lined box that completely covers her face, and she announces she's quitting the Daily planet and heading off to live in the forest as a mountain hermit. You know, because of the box on her head and all.
And everyone just goes right back to work, this is a normal weekday in Metropolis.
Superman, being a bit more concerned than confused that his girlfriend is wearing a lead-lined box on her head and moving to the mountains to live as a hermit, decides to do some investigating; and discovers some odd things in her apartment, such as that she left her make-up kit out without taking it with her ("something no woman would do" Superman thinks, because this was the 1950s) and opts to read her diary over the last few days. Normally, rude as all hell, but I'd argue that these are special circumstances.
So it turns out, just after she wrecked her car, Lois opted the best way to recover was to go to a cabaret and take in a magic show. And she's really opposed to the magicians assertion that she is Circe, the sorceress of Greek myth and decides to prove she's just putting on a vaudeville magic show.
Now, yes, "Duh". But Lois *does* live in Metropolis; the odds of a mythical sorceress coming to the modern world and starting a career as a stage magician aren't exactly negligible. But on the other hand, Circe is a Wonder Woman villain, and this is the Silver Age when heroes and villains didn't really cross pollinate so much. So Lois pokes around behind stage in order to expose this lady who was very obviously a stage magician for not actually having sorcerous powers.
And Circe says "Uh... what? What the hell lady?" and then doses her with a MAGIC POTION that will give her the appearance of a cat to match her curiosity.
And the next day, after several people saw her and were startled, Lois looks at her reflection and yep; she's Lois Lane
She's got a janky looking Bill the Cat kinda head rather than the sexy anime lady kind of catgirl so... that's an impediement to the ol' self esteem. Way more Dr. T'ana than Felicia.
Anyway, Lois figures "aw crap, I'm weird looking as hell" and it's about 50 years before Tumblr exists and informs her that being a catgirl is no problem for peoples judgement of your aesthetics so she gets a lead lined box made and opts to live in the mountains as a cat headed hermit.
It's a decision we all must confront in our darkest hours.
Anyway, Superman is old hat at problems like this so he has the Daily planet staff confront Lois nominally to prove they don't mind that she has a cat head, and Superman, her boyfriend, proves that he in particular is totally fine with it by hurling buzzsaws at her head to sheer off the helmet and reveal a totally normal looking Lois who still insists she's got a freaky cat head.
Turns out all Circe did was drug Lois and then hypnotize her into thinking she had a cat head (... that HAS to be at least one crime right?) and everyone who saw her earlier in the day and freaked out were startled by unrelated things that were coincidentally near her. Supes un-hypnotizes Lois because... he's Superman and he has an array of skills, and Lois has learned an important lesson about minding her own business.
...for about four seconds, because there's a hot scoop and she's got its scent.