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Kickstarter thread of games that may or may not happen


Summon for hire
Did a search and didn't find this thread on the new forums yet, so here we are.

Today I'm looking at Girl Genius: Adventures in Castle Heterodyne. I know people run hot and cold on GG, so of course if you don't like the comic's style, just move along on this one, as obviously it's aiming to ape the comics (and one story arc in particular) pretty closely.

As for gameplay, it appears to be in the barely prototype stage, so unfortunately there's no play video available yet (though the company has completed games before, and reportedly has a tweaked Unity engine close to ready to go - they're saying "World to the West" is closest in terms of engine). They throw around the term Metroidvania, but it appears to be primarily a 3D action/exploration game in a Zelda vein, only with gated progress based on inventing/constructing new gadgets. There's also a Dingbot that acts as a remote drone but looks like it could enable some Samus-morphball style play as well.

The kickstarter is a little vague on platforms, but looking through the comments it seems that as long as the game completes it's almost guaranteed to be PC/Mac/Linux/Switch, with PS and XBox added if it doubles its initial goal. Unfortunately they're not committing to making console digital downloads available, which means you have to go up to a physical tier to get Switch or possibly PS/XBox (though that might change).

Which presents a dilemma, as I'm reluctant to pledge too high without even a working prototype yet, but I'd be much more likely to actually get around to playing it on Switch than on desktop. The team does seem to have a track record of actually getting games done, though, even though this is their first kickstarter.


Aging Hipster Dragon Dad
Genki Shadowcast look interesting to me. It’s a $40 HDMI dongle you can connect to a gaming console and stream to your laptop/pc/possibly mobile devices in the future without having to do it through your wireless router and the lag associated with that. Kind of like the WiiU gamepad’s functionality, but decoupled from the WiiU.

Edit: Actually, I think I may have misunderstood what it does. Rereading I think it’s just a hdmi to usb c device that also spoofs as web cam to make using it to stream online easier.
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Find Your Reason
Project Phoenix and Tiny Metal taught me never to back a game on Kickstarter again.

(I'll still back other types of projects as long as they already HAVE something to show and a business plan, not just wishlists of what they want to do, but Angelarium is also telling me not to back artbooks either.)


Aging Hipster Dragon Dad
Yeah, for the few things I’ve backed either the development was done already or was being funded independent of the Kickstarter, while the Kickstarter was instead for manufacturing costs.


I cuss you bad
So far I've backed Mighty No 9, Shantae and Yooka-Laylee. So I got all three games, but with mixed results. I'd do it again for the right thing.


Threat Rhyme
Oh this thread is fortuitous, I just now got an update email for Sea of Stars, an RPG by the guys that made The Messenger. It's a more ambitious project, for sure, but I decided to back it. Maybe this will be the Chrono-like to watch? We'll see!


Oh this thread is fortuitous, I just now got an update email for Sea of Stars, an RPG by the guys that made The Messenger. It's a more ambitious project, for sure, but I decided to back it. Maybe this will be the Chrono-like to watch? We'll see!

Ooooh I'm excited they're exploring the world hinted at in The Messenger. This looks awesome.


????? LV 13 HP 292/ 292
(he, him, his)
I have backed 4 video games and they all did get made and I was satisfied with most of them (except for River City Ransom Underground).


aggro table, shmaggro table
I backed a few (Chasm, etc), but the only one to fade into the ether on me was Cryamore.


????? LV 13 HP 292/ 292
(he, him, his)
So it looks like the kickstarter has ended but there is still a way to back this game - The Last Faith. It's a "dark gothic metroidvania" with pixel graphics (16 bit or more). It looks pretty neat but not like it is doing anything drastically different with the genre. It looks to maybe have some Souls-esque aspects to its combat. The trailer shows that you might get a grappling hook like upgrade at some point in the game.



Summon for hire
I have no idea what a Tangledeep is, but I love Andrew's music, and, huh... Tetris is certainly an interesting mechanic for JRPG battles.


Flowstone Saga, a new game Kickstarter from Andrew Aversa, or Zircon, as you may know him if you followed OCRemix.

"An epic adventure inspired by classic JRPGs and set in the Tangledeep universe, featuring a unique puzzle battle system!"

I really enjoyed Tangledeep, and I am always in for more music from Zircon.

I haven't heard of Tangledeep either, but this looks really cool!


Summon for hire
He also Kickstarted Tangledeep a few years back.

It's been out for a while, and it's available on PC of course, but also on Nintendo Switch, where I played it. It got both a free expansion and a paid one as recently as last year. I do think it's mostly considered as being 'done' at this point though.

Man, I checked that out and it sure is chock full of a bunch of the same game ideas I've had spinning around in the back of my head for the last decade or two! Not too shocking, as we grew up in the same gaming era - props to Andrew for actually bringing his ideas to life!


????? LV 13 HP 292/ 292
(he, him, his)
If you are a fan of Spiderweb Software they have a kickstarter for the sequel to their new CRPG game series:

The campaign has already met its base goal but is close to meeting a stretch goal for an iphone version.


Aging Hipster Dragon Dad
Looks like the only Breath of Fire alumni on board is the composer if I read the Kickstarter right. Might explain the lack of hype if it is mostly untested devs.


Threat Rhyme
Yeah it's a shame there are plenty of red flags regarding this project's viability because otherwise it  really nailed the look. Like, I just want Capcom to make one of these again. Sans gatcha mobile nonsense of course.

Speaking of kickstarters I'm keeping an eye on Rebel Transmute, which recently got funded. Looks like a standard pixel art Metroidvania, which are a dime a dozen these days, but I dig its vibe.


Beyond (Art @dice9633)
(he / his / him)
Tears of Magic looks amazing but it's definitely a fan project trying to emulate Capcom's RPG series, and I don't really recognize anyone involved save the composer. I'll just be hopeful it gets funded and makes it to the finish line and try it out that way.


Internet's foremost Bertolli cosplayer
I was a lot more into it before the final 30 seconds, which was trying for humour that I found abrasive and bounced off of hard. I wish them well, though!
Hymn to the Earless God is an RPG being made by Kasey Ozymy, the developer of Jimmy and the Pulsating Mass. There's a demo available, and it has a very Chrono Trigger-y feel to the movement and animations, and, like Jimmy, seems like it's going to have excellent writing, art and music and... average but perfectly serviceable combat. Although that's likely to improve past the early stages represented in the demo as characters get more abilities and more of the 40 or so Paladin's Quest-style mercenaries promised become available. Also, there are four main characters with their own scenarios, like a SaGa game. Also, everybody's bug people.

This one's not yet funded and only has a few days left, so check it out maybe?


the titular game boy
Hymn to the Earless God is an RPG being made by Kasey Ozymy, the developer of Jimmy and the Pulsating Mass. There's a demo available, and it has a very Chrono Trigger-y feel to the movement and animations, and, like Jimmy, seems like it's going to have excellent writing, art and music and... average but perfectly serviceable combat. Although that's likely to improve past the early stages represented in the demo as characters get more abilities and more of the 40 or so Paladin's Quest-style mercenaries promised become available. Also, there are four main characters with their own scenarios, like a SaGa game. Also, everybody's bug people.

This one's not yet funded and only has a few days left, so check it out maybe?
Yes!!! Please consider backing this game!! It will be very good!