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Just Desserts: Pie, Cake, Ice Cream, Etc.


"This is not my beautiful forum!" - David Byrne
(Hi Guy)
Y'know, the thread for your Sweet Tooth.

How 'bout we start with The 50 Pies / 50 States Project? I scrolled down to my state pie, fully expecting pecan and-
The state pie may be pecan but I went a little outside the box with a Texas red grapefruit custard pie in a corn meal crust topped with candied jalapeños.



Internet's foremost Bertolli cosplayer
I have never had a candied jalapeño, but now that I know that they exist, I'd very much like to correct this oversight!


Smol Monster
(She/her, they/them)
Staff member
Looks like it's just bags of the cookie/brownie bits that they put in their ice cream?


Rated Ages 6+
(He, Him)
Well as any cheesesteak afficianado will tell you, it's not the ingredients so much has how you put it all together. The Whatchamacallit was a great candy bar. If they've mananged to improve on it, it'll will be quite good.


Summon for hire
The new bar looks good on paper. I’d pick one up if I saw one.

The dough chunks above look amazing and scary and I should absolutely not buy them because I’d eat the whole bag and then feel terrible.


Fearful asymmetry
I had that Whozeewhatzit thing earlier today and thought it was a disappointing sequel to a damn good candy bar. It's a dense brick of crisp rice and fudge, with a thin layer of peanut butter on top, covered in milk chocolate. The satisfying smoothness of a Whachamacallit just isn't there; it's an entirely different (and inferior) experience. As its own thing, it's okay... you just need time to adapt to the texture, or textures. More PB likely would have helped.

Exposition Owl

more posts about buildings and food
My brilliant wife is making a pumpkin pie today, and she had the idea of substituting a half cup (~118mL) of maple syrup for the 3/4 cups (~178mL) of sugar that the recipe called for. It’s like a little touch of Canada!


My brilliant wife is making a pumpkin pie today, and she had the idea of substituting a half cup (~118mL) of maple syrup for the 3/4 cups (~178mL) of sugar that the recipe called for. It’s like a little touch of Canada!
Ooh, I'll be curious how that comes out!

A local pie shop and a local gelato shop teamed up and offered a 7 inch pie and a pint of gelato for $20. So we got a ginger pear crumble pie and apple cider gelato. We already ate the entire pie for breakfast over the last couple days and I am not ashamed. The gelato is amazing too but taking my time with that.

Exposition Owl

more posts about buildings and food
Ooh, I'll be curious how that comes out!

It got rave reviews from everyone who tasted it!

A local pie shop and a local gelato shop teamed up and offered a 7 inch pie and a pint of gelato for $20. So we got a ginger pear crumble pie and apple cider gelato. We already ate the entire pie for breakfast over the last couple days and I am not ashamed. The gelato is amazing too but taking my time with that.

That sounds amazing. Pie is one of the best breakfasts out there.


I got some pumpkin spice instant oatmeal on sale and it was really weird in texture for breakfast oatmeal. So I decided to try oatmeal cookies with it instead and they came out really well! I used this Quaker Oats recipe but since the instant oatmeal involved a lot of powdered pumpkin, seeds and spices I reduced the flour to only 1 cup and skipped all the spices in the recipe. I was definitely winging it with those changes but it came out well!

As always I had some on an aluminum baking sheet and some on a dark one and it's fun to have the chewy and crispy batches to compare.


Black body radiation yo

Tips for Working with the Pans You Already Have​

If you think you have the wrong pans for the job, don’t despair! Instead of buying new pans or giving up on the recipe altogether, consider modifying the baking temperature:
  • If you are using darker pans, you may have to drop the temperature on your oven by 25ºF so you can be sure that your baked goods won’t heat up and brown too quickly, especially on the bottom. This is very important if you are baking sheet cakes and American-style cookies (as opposed to French sablés, for example). Consider using a silicone baking mat, which will help minimize browning of baked goods baked on darker baking sheets.
  • If you only have light-colored pans and your recipe calls for a dark sheet pan, set the oven 25ºF higher than the recommended baking temperature in the recipe. This will help your recipe bake in the same amount of time and also help your baked goods and your roasted veggies brown more.


So technically not dessert but still baking so whatever, but a local bakery shared this Savory Tile and I want it now. But I also want to try making one!

I have never heard of a Savory Tile before and only found one other place listing one. Does anyone know anything more about these? The search terms I tried are mainly just showing up tile-shaped pastries...

Paul le Fou

24/7 lofi hip hop man to study/relax to
I've definitely had these or very similar things, but never heard them referred to as Tiles, savory or otherwise. I don't think they had distinctive names, like they were just called a bacon-and-spinach-egg-pastry or even a savory Danish or something.


I made a friand for the first time yesterday! Super good, and especially glad that a muffin tin worked because I do not need more specialized baking pans in my life. The version I made used ground almonds (I just put some in a coffee grinder which was easy) and a bit of all-purpose flour, afterwards I looked up other recipes and they tend to use almond flour which would have been way more expensive.

Oh and the recipe was from the book A Good Day to Bake, and while I liked this one (although I had to skip a couple ingredients that were expensive) I'm still bummed about the book in general and ended up ranting over in the frivolous discontent thread.
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They sound fantastic! If there are any left, would you feel comfortable posting a picture of one? Totally understood if not—I don’t want to put you on the spot.
Ah, sadly we polished them off already. We had them for dessert with vanilla ice cream when fresh out of the oven which was fun but a bit too much sweetness for me. Way better for breakfast once they had cooled and had a more springy/crunchy crust.


Since I can't exercise post-surgery I'm baking a lot less but still getting cravings. I decided to finally give some of the vegan oat-bake recipes a try. I have been really pleased by the results! I plan to keep this up especially since they are so easily made the night before and portion out in the morning.

The first was a banana-berry bake. I combined a couple different recipes, below is what I ended up with. Here's a link (Instagram and has sound so be prepared to pause/mute) which gives an idea of what the final product will look like but her ingredient ratios/amounts listed seem wrong and I don't see a need for greasing with coconut oil, things came out of the pan just fine. Also coconut oil tastes and smells gross to me.

2 bananas
60g rolled oats
150mL plant milk (I use unsweetened cashew milk)
3 teaspoons Chia seeds*
300g frozen berries

Stir Chia seeds into milk, set aside
Preheat oven to 350F
Smash bananas in dish to cover the bottom (I used an 8x8 Pyrex)
Layer oats on top
Pour in milk/Chia mixture
Sprinkle berries on top in even layer
Bake 25-30min, let cool, store in fridge overnight.

This came out soft and porridge-like which was a fantastic cold breakfast for a hot summer morning, we're going to keep this up for sure. But I also want to try it again after baking a bit longer and having it crispy and hot for dessert or when it's cooler in the mornings.

*Chia seeds are optional but add a nice bit of fiber and texture. It's also amazing how much cheaper they've gotten in the last 10 years or so, I remember when a bag was about $20/lb so we'd never get them. Last weekend we got some in the bulk section of the grocery store for $3/lb!

Second was a Carrot Cake Oat Bake, I combined these (again, Instagram an
d noisy, sorry) two recipes, picture below. I loved the "cake" part in both recipes however I fell off the wagon when I saw both of those vegan frostings. So I said fuck it and made a half batch of this cream cheese frosting which was still too much frosting but oh well I tried.


Even without the frosting this is more of a treat but is still so much easier to make than a normal carrot cake while satisfying a craving. I'll definitely do it again.