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Indiana Jones and the Great Circle: "It belongs in a backlog!"


Post Reader
Kind of surprising matching of IP and developer for me, but I guess they have experience with games about killing Nazis


I did not see that coming! The Wolfenstein games were too gory for me but I would be interested in seeing the play style for Indiana Jones stuff.


Round and round I go
Staff member
Zero information in the trailer, huh? I'm interested in this if it retains any of the LucasArts DNA.


the titular game boy
Huh. Yeah, I am curious as to how this will play. If it's more action-oriented I don't know how interested I'll be; I really loved the LucasArts adventure games from forever ago, and a glow-up in the style of those old SCUMM games would be pretty awesome, but I would wager this wont be that.


Me and My Bestie
(He, him)
I expect there to be a good amount of action but I don't want it to be only action set pieces. There's plenty of options for 3D murder simulators out there nowadays so the moments I appreciate most are the ones where I don't have to kill anything. And I don't mean 'cuz a game gave me a tranq gun.

Anyway, I hope a good amount of time in this Indy game will be set aside for research and archaeological pursuits and puzzles. I Wolfenstein II did have stages that were more about the world and B.J.'s past than killing the everything, so maybe...


Find Your Reason
My only disappointment is that this Indie is not going to be developed by Bethesda--I wanted to see the cavalcade of fun bugs like enemies launching into the air for no reason, or partners swimming through the air.


Internet's foremost Bertolli cosplayer
I love the old Indy graphic adventures, but I would describe the odds of this new thing being that as... long.

My best guess is something resembling the recent Tomb Raider games. Seems like it'd be a good fit.


Given that Tomb Raider and Uncharted were explicitly inspired by Indiana Jones, that style of game seems likely.


Lapsed Threadcromancer
Anyone else playing this? It's free on Gamepass if you are subbing. I have to say I love that they re-did the beginning of Raiders as the tutorial mission.


I have downloaded it but haven't had TV time to play yet. Heard nothing but fantastic things about it so I'm excited to start.


Staff member
So you command, so it shall be done.

"No, I wanted a good title!"

Shoulda been more specific!


Staff member


Lapsed Threadcromancer
I am really enjoying the game right now. Lots of fun sneaking, some intense fight scenes, and puzzles! But, and you knew there was a 'but' coming. All the icons this thing dumps on my map! Why do games still do this? Can we not make everything into 'find these 100 items randomly spread around the map?' How about we do it two or three times for every map!

Game designers just leaning into the worst of my impulses. By all means put these things in your game but please don't put them all over my map!


Post Reader
The game map only shows collectibles if you find the map of them and have the challenge to collect them selected, so I'm not sure what you're talking about.


Lapsed Threadcromancer
Ah, navigating the journal/map thing has been a mess for me this whole time so that probably has something to do with it. using the triggers, pad, and sticks to navigate between the menus and submenus has me a little mixed up at times.


(He, Him)
Littering your open world map with doodads that people can optionally cross off a checklist for a brief hit of dopamine is such an expected part of the AAA experience these days I suppose designers are afraid the people will riot if they leave it out.


Lapsed Threadcromancer
Beat this today. I really enjoyed it. If you like Indiana Jones and/or punching nazis I thoroughly recommend it. It's also the first game since I got this computer in 2022 that I had to lower all the visual settings down and even then there was a spot or two where it was really barely chugging along (the eels in one of dungeons in Siam, and randomly one of the videos in Rome) Despite the game being on the lowest visual settings I still thought it looked amazing. Just a beautiful game. I love how the picture taking mechanic gives you an excuse to look around and appreciate how beautiful this game looks.

I think my favorite hub was Gizah. Rome is just too confusing to navigate at times, and Siam is a little too spread out. I'm tempted to go back and start collecting things but considering how easy it is for me to get lost in Rome I don't know if I will be able to collect all the relics to unlock the 'bonus' ending.

There is always youtube!