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I forgot I wishlisted this, is it still good?


So I know we've all added something to our wishlist after briefly hearing good things about it. "I'll look into it later" you think, then three days/month/years later you have only a vague memory of what about the game sounded interesting.

Can you really trust reviews from years ago? Does it now have a remake or sequel that everyone would suggest instead? Did the creators do something horrible since you wishlisted the game and now you look like a terrible person for even being interested in it? Is it often free on Epic or now on Gamepass so you shouldn't be paying for it? Is it now regarded as a game that was overhyped and not as good as people thought at the time?

These things can be hard to compile/Google so wanted to start a thread for discussing random games like this.

I'll start off with a few games on my wishlist, curious if anyone has impressions of these.

Shinsekai Into the Depths - This is on my Switch list, it came out in 2020 apparently and I truly have no memory of what it is or why I was interested in it.
Sakuna of Rice and Ruin - I remember an Awkward Zombie comic about this and feel like I heard the gameplay wasn't the best, but honestly there have been so many farming sims at this point I'm not sure which one I'm thinking of. I don't feel like I heard much about this after launch.
Beacon Pines - This is only from 2022 and the mystery solving premise sounds fun.
Strayed Lights - A much more recent one, but I feel like I didn't hear anything about this once a month or so had passed from its release.

Johnny Unusual

Every so often I wishlist something from a while ago and then I find out years later "Oh, the person who created that sucks and is a toxic person". I guess I'm lucky I forgot to put Pizza Tower on there.


Beyond (Art @dice9633)
(he / his / him)
Sakuna Of Rice and Ruin is a really good game! Stunning soundtrack and pretty fun mix of gameplay styles. Combat is fun and the farming is technical but interesting. I got a little distracted and need to get back into it sometime.


Every so often I wishlist something from a while ago and then I find out years later "Oh, the person who created that sucks and is a toxic person". I guess I'm lucky I forgot to put Pizza Tower on there.
I hadn't heard about this and just looked it up. Boy, that Discord history is bad enough and it'd be a little easier to let slide if he didn't have pretty awful caricatures of Jewish and Native American people in his game.


Did the creators do something horrible since you wishlisted the game and now you look like a terrible person for even being interested in it?
Every so often I wishlist something from a while ago and then I find out years later "Oh, the person who created that sucks and is a toxic person".
Yeah, I'm unreasonably terrified of everyone thinking I'm terrible just because I'm not online enough to know what happened.

It’s a Capcom-developed deep sea Metroidvania of sorts. I recall thinking it was perfectly serviceable, but not as good as I was hoping for from that description.
Ah, that helps. I'm not a huge Metroidvania fan in general so might take this one off the list.
Sakuna Of Rice and Ruin is a really good game! Stunning soundtrack and pretty fun mix of gameplay styles. Combat is fun and the farming is technical but interesting. I got a little distracted and need to get back into it sometime.
That's great to hear. Also this made me bother to look it up and there are three Awkward Zombie comics about this game, including one that suggests there are lots of dogs. Maybe I should play this game even sooner.


Beacon Pines - This is only from 2022 and the mystery solving premise sounds fun.
Well shoot, I just learned that this is leaving Gamepass in <2 days so I could have played it! Apparently it's only about 4 hours long but I dunno if I have 4 hours free until the 30th and don't know if games get deactivated early or late that day.


I got a notification from Deku Deals that Jack Move is on a discount. What is it?

Octopus Prime

Mysterious Contraption
Strayed Lights i have played and it’s neat, but kind of held back by the fact that there’s no kind of auto mapping and all the environments are weird twisted alien landscapes so it’s super easy to lose track of where you’re supposed to be going.

It’s a really neat combination of Punchout, Monster Hunter and Ikaruga where you have to keep track of attacking, blocking and partying with the right polarity to effectively fight giant monsters made of swirling shadows.

Worth checking out, I’d say, depending on your sense of direction


Son of The Answer Man
I got a notification from Deku Deals that Jack Move is on a discount. What is it?
Cyberpunk jrpg with anime cutscenes and timed hits. I got it in a bundle and haven't gotten around to playing it yet.