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girl scout cookies 2021


????? LV 13 HP 292/ 292
(he, him, his)
A PSA for all Tyrants with a sweet tooth.

"Troop 6000TM is a Girl Scout program specially designed to serve girls in the New York City Shelter System, and look it’s that time of year: The Girl Scout cookie drive!

If you don’t already have a local troop to support, this is your chance to support a very worthy cause: Giving girls and women in the New York City Shelter System the opportunity to enjoy all that Girl Scouting has to offer.

Help Troop 6000 by ordering cookies here.

For girls living in the New York City Shelter System, Girl Scouting has the potential to provide much more:

Girl Scouting means consistency – a weekly meeting where girls know they'll learn, try new things, and have fun.

Girl Scouting means community – a network of girls and supportive adults who, even if they’ve never met before, are part of the same club.

If you don’t want cookies, you can simply donate to the troop here."

(Mods, please move this is you feel better that it should be somewhere else.)


So I never saw any Girl Scouts last year (my friend's kid forgot to turn in her form which was a huge bummer) and haven't seen any so far this year either. Anyone on here have a troop to support? Otherwise I'll just see if I can buy online from a local one or something.


My daughter's starting her sales tomorrow I think? I can send you a link, or if you're still on Facebook I can add you to her cookie page so you can see her videos after she makes some.

We're in Wisconsin, so have ABC cookies up here. I think Little Brownie's the distributor in your area, so you could get some regional differences!



Here’s her link, which should go live tomorrow. Our council has kept prices lower at $4/box, and I think they’re supposed to subsidize some of the shipping. My wife says that they’ve been told the Peanut Butter Sandwiches are in short supply, so if you want those, get them sooner than later. We don’t have any of those in hand here.


(He, Him)
My daughter is also selling, but I think we have enough local demand for her to get her stupid stuffed animal reward, buy John’s cheaper cookies.


One anecdote, my daughter's council offered some trips for their pie-in-the-sky reward goals, like sell 1600 boxes to sleep on a submarine in Lake Michigan. The council has vaccine mandates for all overnight sponsored trips, which caused so much pushback from some troops that they're considering not doing cookie booths in certain areas, or just doing the minimal amount to get their patches. My daughter's troop has one other girl who's vaccinated, so they're the only ones pairing up for summer camps, while everyone else just stays home.


Last update, she wasn’t comfortable doing a video this year, so she made this post.

“Hello, cookies have arrived. I can start selling tomorrow. I will add my cookie link in the morning or you can contact us for an order starting tomorrow. Cookies are $4 a box and if you want to add a box onto your order we are taking donations for the EMTs in Sparta. I will make sure they get all the donated boxes. Thank you!”



Arm Candy
I live in Canada. Girl Guide cookies here suck. All we get is "classic chocolate and vanilla sandwich cookies".


@John If I didn't live halfway across the country from you I would most definitely buy cookies from your adorable moppet.


My daughter's starting her sales tomorrow I think? I can send you a link, or if you're still on Facebook I can add you to her cookie page so you can see her videos after she makes some.

We're in Wisconsin, so have ABC cookies up here. I think Little Brownie's the distributor in your area, so you could get some regional differences!
Oooh, yeah I haven't had that bakery's versions in decades, must have been from Minnesotan cousins from looking at the map. Apparently @Lumber Baron had no idea until right now that there were different versions so I'm excited to blow his mind. I'm not on Facebook but will use the link this weekend!

Last update, she wasn’t comfortable doing a video this year, so she made this post.

“Hello, cookies have arrived. I can start selling tomorrow. I will add my cookie link in the morning or you can contact us for an order starting tomorrow. Cookies are $4 a box and if you want to add a box onto your order we are taking donations for the EMTs in Sparta. I will make sure they get all the donated boxes. Thank you!”

This is so cute!

My daughter is also selling, but I think we have enough local demand for her to get her stupid stuffed animal reward, buy John’s cheaper cookies.
Haha, well I hope she sells well and gets her animal!

@John If I didn't live halfway across the country from you I would most definitely buy cookies from your adorable moppet.
I'm in Oregon and still ordering, looks like it should ship just fine! But I'm willing to pay shipping this year since I missed out last year and had the money ready to spend.


Thanks all! I’ll relay the kind words.

Her link is live, and does ship across the US. The shipping’s a little odd, if you buy 1-5 boxes it’s $12.50, but if you grab 6-12 it’s cut in half to $6.25. It’s more if you get more than 12, I don’t know how much, but that’s a lot of cookies. They just want you to buy one whole case.

It’s obviously better to find your own local girls so they can still get the fraction of the costs of the cookies trickled down to them.

Oh, and if anyone buys from her and would like a thank-you card, send me a DM with an address and she can write you one.
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????? LV 13 HP 292/ 292
(he, him, his)
Last update, she wasn’t comfortable doing a video this year, so she made this post.

“Hello, cookies have arrived. I can start selling tomorrow. I will add my cookie link in the morning or you can contact us for an order starting tomorrow. Cookies are $4 a box and if you want to add a box onto your order we are taking donations for the EMTs in Sparta. I will make sure they get all the donated boxes. Thank you!”

It's weird how similar your daughter looks to my cousin's daughters (my cousin is also named John but his daughters are in their 20s so you are not the same person).


Her link is live, and does ship across the US. The shipping’s a little odd, if you buy 1-5 boxes it’s $12.50, but if you grab 6-12 it’s cut in half to $6.25. It’s more if you get more than 12, I don’t know how much, but that’s a lot of cookies. They just want you to buy one whole case.
Oh this is great to know, thanks. I was thinking of picking up a couple extra boxes to share with other former Midwesterners so might get close to 12, ha! I've never seen these French Toast or caramel sea salt cookies either, neat!


Arm Candy
Also, Kylie looked into smuggling Girl Scout cookies up here and apparently they won't let you.

Like, THEY KNOW people in Canada know that Girl Scout Cookies > Girl Guide Cookies, and there are provisions in place to keep them out of the country.


(He, Him)
I think the toastyays (supposedly french toast but actually more cinnamon toast) showed up last year and the adventurefuls (brownie with salted caramel) are new this year. The brownie ones aren’t super great, unfortunately, kind of bland. Thin mints are still the ones to beat in my book.


Lapsed Threadcromancer
I think the toastyays (supposedly french toast but actually more cinnamon toast) showed up last year and the adventurefuls (brownie with salted caramel) are new this year. The brownie ones aren’t super great, unfortunately, kind of bland. Thin mints are still the ones to beat in my book.
I have to agree the Adventurefuls weren't bad but when you're going up against an already stunning lineup it is hard to stand out.


Threat Rhyme
On the topic of Canuck cookies, are there any copycat Tagalongs available up here? PC has a decent chocolate mint copycat, but I tried a Tagalong when I visited the states a few years ago and I've wanted to find something similar up here to no avail.

Claire Saffitz once did a video on making some Girl Scout cookies while she was still on Bon Appetit, that's the closest I've come.


These arrived, yay and thanks @John! Also I still haven't seen or heard anything from local Girl Scouts. The closest thing was a brewery was doing a girl scout cookie and beer pairing event for charity, but even at that you couldn't buy the cookies. So weird.

Also I brought the Thin Mints to work and a number of people weren't aware of the other bakery so there were fierce debates about which was better. Also some debates about how different they are, more than a few people didn't find the ABC bakery ones that different than the Little Brownie ones. I pulled up this article that confirmed the differences.

I think the toastyays (supposedly french toast but actually more cinnamon toast) showed up last year and the adventurefuls (brownie with salted caramel) are new this year. The brownie ones aren’t super great, unfortunately, kind of bland.
This is my first time trying either of these and I'm into them! The cinnamon ones are almost horchata-like to me? So freaking good. The adventurefuls caught me off guard because I was expecting a softer brownie texture rather than the harder chocolate. Good but probably wouldn't get those again.


(He, Him)
The adventurefuls caught me off guard because I was expecting a softer brownie texture rather than the harder chocolate. Good but probably wouldn't get those again.

Yep, that's what everyone says when they take that first bite. Odd decision on their end, I don't think anyone associates a brownie with a crunchy texture.

I still managed to down an entire box of them in a couple of days (a very nice man bought an extra one of everything to give back to my daughter and no one else in the house was interested in those).