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Gatete Mario Engine 9



Gatete Mario Engine 9 is a feature packed Mario framework for GameMaker Studio 2 that
includes features from various Mario games.


Features include:
  • Mario and Luigi as playable characters
  • Moves from the 3D Mario games (such as wall jump, triple jump and ground pound)
  • Star Coins
  • Switch Palaces
  • Fully customizable World Map
  • Customizable keyboard controls
  • Gamepad support
  • Custom audio engine with support for external music and loop points
  • 30 different powerups (Including Tiny Mushroom, Mega Mushroom and the Gold Flower from the NSMB series)

The engine can be downloaded at the GitHub repository


duff mcwhalen megafan
I'm not in a position to try this out atm (i need wrist surgery), but i wanted to say that this is super cool, and i'll definitely check this out when i can!


I know I should had posted a preview of this sooner but here goes ;)
