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Dragon's Dogma - Like a Dangan


AO Tennis no Kiseki
So the trailer just dropped for the new Dragon's Dogma series and it really got me in the mood to play the series again.

I first tried out the PS3 version of Dark Arisen back in the day, but the 2016 PC port is really solid, it's wild actually playing the game at 60fps, rather than at whatever framerate it runs on the original. I've heard that the PS4 and Switch versions are great too, although limited to 30fps it seems.

However, there's something depressing about the more recent Dark Arisen versions of the game not playing the greatest opening track ever heard in a fantasy RPG:


I picked this up for reasons I can't remember when it came out on the 360. I vaguely remember it; played about 3 hours and then fell off. Something about it didn't click. I actually have Dark Arisen via Steam but I haven't started playing it, although I'm thinking of giving it another shot the next time I'm craving an RPG.


Beyond (Art @dice9633)
(he / his / him)
I really like Dark Arisen. I've contemplated getting it for Switch but haven't quite pulled the trigger...


AO Tennis no Kiseki
I picked this up for reasons I can't remember when it came out on the 360. I vaguely remember it; played about 3 hours and then fell off. Something about it didn't click. I actually have Dark Arisen via Steam but I haven't started playing it, although I'm thinking of giving it another shot the next time I'm craving an RPG.
Definitely check it out at some point! It holds up really well even today. There's even some mods to do things like remove encumberment, but I haven't tried them out yet.
I really like Dark Arisen. I've contemplated getting it for Switch but haven't quite pulled the trigger...
The Switch port is apparently pretty good according to Digital Foundry! Definitely a massive improvement over the PS3 version of the game, which ran in the teens while letterboxed.
Dragon's Dogma was the secret best game to come out the year it came out. Strangely enough, I never really played through the Dark Arisen content, despite being in love with the core game and playing through it multiple times. I hear it's good I just... dunno!
Something about the combat is just so satisfying. There's a real sense of heft and crunch to it.

However, there's something depressing about the more recent Dark Arisen versions of the game not playing the greatest opening track ever heard in a fantasy RPG

This made me very sad, but also grateful that I played OG DD.