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Charon On My Wayward Son: Spiritfarer


Staff member
Right, so I've been playing Spiritfarer since it was just released, and it's just been lovely so far. It's a management sim, sort of in the vein of a lighter Stardew Valley, where you're tasked with harboring lingering spirits on a boat as they finish their unfinished business and move on to the other side. It's also got some building management on your ship as well as seafaring across an expansive map. The game itself has themes of regrets and letting go, which is nice and melancholy. Plus the graphics are gorgeous. It's just overall a very chill game to spend some time in even with the heady themes that lurk under the surface.


Lapsed Threadcromancer
I was trying to figure out how they made a farming sim on a ship and I'm still stumped?

Or is it a relationship simulator?


Staff member
Right, so on your boat, you can build buildings, including fields to grow plants in, a kitchen to cook food in, a loom, etc. How you do that is through stacking the buildings Tetris style on your boat. As you can see, it becomes quite a sight.


I swear there was another thread where I gushed about how much I love this game, but whatever I can gush about it again! I love it and today the free Beverly update was released which adds another character and from looking at the patch notes a lot of very nice improvements. Probably won't be able to play until this weekend but downloading it now.



Another free update coming December 13th, the rainbow/dark tower section looks interesting, I'm excited.

This update is the biggest we've released for Spiritfarer, containing two brand new Spirits and a new island!


Beyond (Art @dice9633)
(he / his / him)
I can't wait!!! I am so thrilled to revisit this game w all the new DLC next week!


I really like that the area is changing/being repaired as I interact more with Jackie. Interesting. A cool thing to roll out in the final update, and I'm starting to think they never move to the boat which is a big change from other characters. Excited to keep playing and uncover more.

Also I hadn't realized there were still more of the treasure hunts to do! So it's been fun to get a couple more of those between quests.


I was checking the achievements and it made me curious.

Telling Astrid Giovanni is cheating on her is optional, which I'd forgotten. How did all of you handle that? I told her.


Beyond (Art @dice9633)
(he / his / him)
I told her too.

I think I'll dive into the DLC once I finish the current game I'm on. I've been super curious to see the new stories.


I recommended this game to a friend and he asked about the different versions and I can't comment. I played it on Xbox and once my boat got really big at the end of the game I'd have the occasional stutter. How does the Switch version play?


Started this up tonight. It's already constantly making me smile and it's definitely got a calming effect. Looking forward to more of this.


Just got my second passenger.

I'm still having trouble formulating concrete thoughts on this game, but it continues to be a calming experience. I love everything about it.


I hate Elena's challenges so much. They are so out of step with the entire rest of the game.