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crystal project

  1. Kalir

    Let's Play Crystal Project: Obviously Crystals are more important than Adventure.

    Hey everyone! Let's play Crystal Project! Update Directory 1 - Spawning Meadows 2 - Delende 3 - The Pale Grotto 4 - Yamagawa M.A. 5 - Seaside Cliffs, Draft Shaft Conduit 6 - Skumparadise, Capital Sequoia 7 - Rolling Quintar Fields, Quintar Nest 8 - Quintar Sanctum, Salmon Pass, Cobblestone...
  2. Bongo

    Crystal Project, a modern classic indie RPG

    Crystal Project is a game made to satisfy everyone who played RPGs in the late 80s and early 90s. You assemble a party of four personality-free custom generic party members, and go forth to adventure to your heart's content in an open-ended world. It's all made of voxels, with some light...