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My writing can beat up Camelot's writing. Let's Play Golden Sun

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Old 06-04-2016, 12:45 AM
Kalir Kalir is offline
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Default My writing can beat up Camelot's writing. Let's Play Golden Sun

Hey kids!

Let's play Golden Sun!

Golden Sun is a GBA RPG designed by Camelot, a company that apparently made a bunch of other RPGs before this one or something? Okay. It was very popular in its heyday when it came out, but as time went on, people realized that despite the really clever puzzle system involved, it was honestly a pretty bland, by-the-numbers RPG. Like, Dragon Quest levels of bland. That said, because I played this instead of FF7 or what have you in my dumb high school kid days, this is the RPG series I remember.

I have a few different goals with LPing this game. First off: there are abandoned LPs of each of the three entries in the Golden Sun series on this site already. With each of them, I note that a common trend is that the person doing the LP... doesn't actually like the game that much? Which can work for some games, but I don't think Golden Sun is one of them, unless you're that one SA bloke. Maybe this is just my personal belief, but I feel like if you're gonna go into a game to LP it, you should at the very least enjoy some of it.

That said, I'm not an idiot. The series has its detractors for good reason, chiefly the dialogue. It's not that it's needlessly long-winded alone (although it is), it's that in addition, the characters so rarely say anything of actual use or interest. If you're not interested in the dialogue, it goes on too long, and if you are, it's unrewarding. So with this LP, I'm not going to be posting the literal dialogue of the game. Instead, I'm going to be basically making up the cutscenes as I go. I'm not gonna go full fanfic mode here, but I'm going to try to summarize the scenes a bit more efficiently while also characterizing everyone a bit more effectively. I'll be taking a few ideas from the linked SA LP. I'll let you know if anything I do is drastically different from the game's results, except for if I forget to and don't.

Anyway, we start off the same way any RPG does.

Waking up the protagonist just in time for the demise of their hometown.

Isaac hops out of bed, and his mom Dora glows with a mysterious power...

To grab his cloak off the wall. This is Psynergy, the game's version of magic. It can be used both in and out of combat and we'll discuss it later.

<Isaac> N-no. But--
<Dora> I'm sorry, but we don't have the time. We need to go, before the Boulder falls!
Normally, Isaac (who you can rename) is a silent protagonist, only given voice with these Yes/No prompts. These rarely actually change how the game goes, and is just meant to let the player characterize Isaac (or ANIME or whatever). Nuts to that, says I. Silent protagonists work best when you can put yourself in their shoes, and even then I prefer non-silent protagonists whose actions in scenes you can guide, Mass Effect style.

Speaking of that style, Golden Sun: Dark Dawn added a thing where you can react to dialogue with one of four emotes: happy, pumped, sad, or angry. It's honestly kind of a cute way to handle it, which the writers were in no way prepared to do, and usually just went "Why are you acting so [emotion you picked], #DORPO?"

Do not name your character #DORPO.

Anyway, outside we meet up with Kyle, Isaac's dad.

<Dora> What about you?
<Kyle> I'm going to help with the evacuation efforts. The priests can only hold the Boulder for so long.
<Dora> Let me help you, Kyle!
<Kyle> I'd really prefer you and Isaac to just get to the plaza, where it's safe. I don't want to lose you.
<Dora> Oh no, you don't. I'm not letting you run off to be the hero and get yourself hurt without anyone to help.
<Kyle> ...Point taken. Thank you. What about Isaac, though?

It is totally raining and storming, by the way.

<Isaac> Yeah, it's to the south. Will you two be okay?
<Dora> Don't worry, Isaac. We'll keep each other safe.
<Kyle> Your mother's right. We'll see you at the plaza once we're done.
<Isaac> ...Okay.
<Dora> Be careful, Isaac. I love you, no matter what happens here, okay?
<Isaac> Okay. I love you too, mom, dad.

Right, enough amateur hour for now. Let's go down these stairs except not because as soon as we try a boulder happens.

What I attempted to do: change the message speed to fast and give the menu color a pleasing (to me) crimson tint.

What actually happened: I pressed B instead of A, undoing all the changes. Oh well.

Anyway, this area is basically prologue city. We're meant to hurry down south, but literally every time we try, a boulder rolls into our path, forcing us north instead.

This leads us to this clown over here.

<Isaac> Garet, we don't have time for this. The Boulder's going to fall any second.
<Garet> I'm not leaving without my stuff, Isaac! I don't want it all smashed!
<Isaac> If the Boulder falls here, it won't matter how much stuff you have!
<Garet> Huh?
<Isaac> Just come with me to the plaza. There's too much to carry here, and we need to get out of here now!

Hey guys guess who your second party member is.

One complaint Quovak's LP has about the characters is that they barely have any personality definition, which... I don't quite think is true for Garet, at least. Right out of the gate, Isaac is told by his parents that he can't take everything he wants, and not two steps later we see Garet literally stuck in the dirt trying to drag a heavy chest of his stuff. This kind of paints him as the Goofus to Isaac's Gallant, which again would work better if it was Goofus and Gallant instead of Goofus and #DORPO.

Hands up, everyone who is surprised.

A number of priests and villagers, using Psynergy, slow the Boulder's descent, but there's not much that can be done against something that massive, apparently.

Considering Isaac and Garet are within spitting distance, yeah, GTFO time.

Another miniboulder falls and cuts us off from the straight path, which Garet takes the time to remark on. Not remotely necessary given we have already seen this happen at least twice.

These boulders have the common courtesy to have landed before we got here, though. Finally, some respect.

We also run into this nerd here talking about monsters everywhere and the landslide wrecking property.

If you say he's going to die, I forget what happens. Probably he insults you for your negativity.

Anyway, combat. We run into a Marill with a spork in short order.

Golden Sun's base combat is as straightforward as it gets. Each character can either swing their weapon, use Psynergy if they have it, use an item, or waste a turn.

Isaac and Garet are both just kids though, so they don't have enough Psynergy to do more than annoy bugs.
Old 06-04-2016, 12:48 AM
Kalir Kalir is offline
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You get an instant ambush against the Vermin here and a sole Vermin poses precisely 0 threat.

A later fight sees Isaac critting a Bat out of existence. Critical hits are pretty key in Golden Sun, since the best weapons in the game have special critical effects with Psynergy and such. The best strats usually involve just stacking as much crit chance as you can on a character and letting them go to town.

One thing that the game does is if your attack would target something that has since died, you instead default to defending. This is, understandably, annoying, since there's nothing here that punishes you for attacking it, but I can deal with it.

Back to plot.

Isaac's parents are there, helping out another family whose names I'm pretty sure we never get outside of Felix and the girl with the portrait earlier (spoilers: her name is Jenna).

Well that was quick.

Or not.

Again, Felix and Jenna's parents don't have names I'm aware of. Let's call them... oh I dunno. Greg and Holly.

<Greg> None. I've used most of mine up healing Holly.
<Holly> Had to clear a path to the plaza moving the landslide. You?
<Kyle> I'm spent, too.
<Felix> H-help! *cough* It's hard to hold on!
<Greg> Hang in there, Felix!
<Holly> Dora, any ideas?
<Dora> Let's get help. I'm sure there's still a villager or two with Psynergy left.
<Holly> All right. Jenna, go with Dora and find someone.
<Jenna> But Felix...
<Greg> We'll keep an eye on him. But we need you to be brave and go find someone to help, okay?
<Jenna> Okay. I can do this. I'll be back soon, Felix!
<Felix> Hurry!

Fun fact: Felix doesn't actually talk at all during this scene normally. I at first assumed that was because he was like super baby-level young, but no, he's older than Isaac or Garet.

<Isaac> Yeah. Is Felix okay?
<Dora> For the moment, but we need to hurry. Can you two go help Jenna find someone?
<Garet> Yes, ma'am! We'll be there and back in a flash!

Still a few monster fights on the way. Still not remotely approaching a challenge or being interesting. Garet can't kill a thing that's already dead so he goes defense.

Plaza! First thing we see here are children and seniors, neither of which is likely to field Psynergy in any useful amount.

I mean, they CAN use Psynergy.

Just not at all effectively.

Over here, though, we have a few possibilities.

<Garet> Yes, grandpa! We're looking for someone with Psynergy, too. Hi, Jenna!
<Jenna> Oh, hi, Garet, Isaac.
<Isaac> Have you found anyone who can help?

<Mayor> There's your answer.
<Villager> I feel like I could haul a cartload! Saving Felix shouldn't be a problem.
<Garet> Cool! Follow me back!
<Isaac> It's Jenna's house, she should be leading.
<Garet> Huh? That's not important right now!
<Jenna> It's fine, let's all go together. Thank you so much, everyone.

We fight no monsters along the way and make it back in short order. Vale is not a really big place.

Right, let's pick up the pace.

As the group descends towards Jenna's house, they hear a thunderous crashing noise.

Time's up, the Boulder is falling.

Dora and the kids run for cover.

Jenna's family, and Kyle, do not get this luxury.

When the spray of water subsides, there's nothing there. The pier, and half of Jenna's home, is destroyed. Everyone has vanished into the river. The villager we brought took a critical wound and can't stand.

Honestly, truly speaking? This is a pretty effective scene here in and of itself. In the grand scheme of things, it's a bit diluted, but hey, for here and now, this is a good way to establish things, isn't it? Better here than some flashback.
Old 06-04-2016, 12:50 AM
Kalir Kalir is offline
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Like everyone's basically completely floored by this turn of events.

<Isaac> But... Dad...
<Garet> Someone needs to go, okay? You can still save your dad and Jenna's family, but you need to hurry!
<Isaac> I... okay.
Here, though, is where having a silent protagonist hurts. Isaac should be just as completely stunned as the rest, literally seeing his dad get slammed through a pier by a boulder. But instead, #DORPO (you pronounce the hashtag each time, of course) would be like "can I get into the house and steal their stuff? Oooh, maybe I can check out the area where the Boulder used to be for prizes!"

But I'm pretty sure you can't go north anyway, so.

Garet elects to catch up with us through his own weird reasoning.

On the way back to the plaza, though...

Mystery people! Whose names I intend to spoil right now because honestly they mean nothing in a vacuum. Blue hair is Saturos, blonde is Menardi.

<Saturos> I expected some kind of reaction, but a storm on this scale?
<Menardi> There's nothing quite as powerful as Alchemy, is there?
<Saturos> Psynergy like ours is one thing, but this is on a completely different level. Sol Sanctum's defenses are formidable indeed.
<Menardi> We'll have to try again, we NEED that power at any cost.
<Saturos> We lost a lot of people on that attempt, but we'll devise a better plan and try again.

I won't really say much about who they are or what they're doing, but for now, guess what, they're our villains.

Excellent timing, Garet.

<Isaac> I, uh...
<Garet> Hey, who are those guys? They look weird and scary.
<Menardi> It's not polite to listen in, children. Forget what you heard here today.
<Isaac> But... you guys caused this storm?
<Garet> They WHAT?!
<Saturos> Hmph. We can do a lot more than that. Out of our way!

With that, the two leap down and attack!

Guess how this turns out.

Yeah, something like that.

They flatten Isaac and Garet in seconds.

And with us out of the way, they waste no time in making their escape.

Title screen flashes once again at this point. The backstory is now set, so let's skip ahead three more years, why don't we.

We get a slow pan of a slightly older Jenna going about the now peaceful Vale.

Isaac's working hard on roof repairs...

And Garet's about to hit the next level of Super Saiyan.

Since the Boulder, he's been hard at work with his Psynergy training...

And he's made solid progress, too.

That's the Move Psynergy, and one of the staples of the puzzle solving that I SWEAR WE'LL EVENTUALLY GET TO DO.

<Jenna> Don't go wearing yourself out before we meet with Kraden. You have enough trouble staying awake in his classes without exhaustion helping.
<Garet> Hey! I stay awake for at least three out of four of them!
<Jenna> At least this time it won't be another lecture. We're going to do field research on Sol Sanctum!
<Garet> ...Right, yeah.
<Jenna> Oh, what, you're not happy about getting some exercise out of a class?
<Garet> No, that sounds really fun! I'm just...

<Garet> ...Yeah, kinda. I just think if I'd have been stronger, I could've--
<Jenna> Nope. Don't.
<Garet> Huh? What did I do?
<Jenna> ...Sorry. I know you only mean well. But what's done is done. What happened back then... losing my family? That was the most painful moment of my life. And it still hurts. But... if I don't accept it and move on, it'll just keep hurting. I just want to move on and live my life, and I can't do that if people keep talking about how they wish they could've done better!
<Garet> Jenna... I...
<Jenna> Again, sorry. Anyway...
This scene is mostly just Jenna explaining how she feels about the tragedy from before, which, okay, fair enough. But the crux here is...

Garet and Isaac never told anyone what happened.

<Jenna> Wait, what, Garet?
<Garet> ...Nothing. Sorry.
<Jenna> You don't just interrupt a girl and then say it was nothing. Speak up.
<Garet> No, really, I'm sorry. You don't wanna talk about it.
<Jenna> Urgh, now you're just annoying me for the sake of it. Forget it, then.
<Garet> I can't help it! Sometimes I just... my mouth runs away from me. A-anyway, if we don't go get Isaac, we'll be late for meeting with Kraden!
<Jenna> Fine.
Garet literally says nothing at all after this, and it's just the two sprites trying to emote and basically express an awkward silence. Which, in some games, sprite emoting is amazingly well done. Super Mario RPG could afford Mario as a silent protagonist for how expressive his character and sprite were. These characters have eight directional facings, speech bubbles, and barely anything else, so it's much harder to convey.

The two head back south to Isaac's house, being patched up with Psynergy.
Old 06-04-2016, 12:51 AM
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<Isaac> Thanks, mom. I'm glad to put my Psynergy to use, though.
<Dora> You're always so driven to improve! Just like your father was.
<Isaac> ...
<Dora> Oh, what's wrong?
<Isaac> I just don't wanna think about that day, that's all.
<Dora> I understand. It was just as hard for me, too. That said, for all you don't want to think about that day, you and Garet have been working yourselves to the bone studying Psynergy.
<Isaac> What's wrong with that? I like having something to learn and work on.

<Isaac> Well, yeah. Why wouldn't I? I could've saved Felix, and then we'd have all gone to the plaza, and we wouldn't h--
<Dora> It's okay. I thought the same thing for much of these three years. But please, don't drive yourself so hard over something you couldn't change.
<Isaac> No, that's not quite what I meant. I'm saying that if I work hard, and learn all I can about Psynergy now, then I can help people in the future if something like the Boulder ever happens again.
<Dora> I bet your father would be proud to hear you say that.
<Isaac> ...Yeah, I think he would be.
<Dora> I still think you don't need to work on these studies as hard as you have been. But even so, I'm looking forward to seeing where life takes you, Isaac.

Yeah this is kind of dragging on a bit. Again, the Goofus/Gallant thing kind of falls flat when your character is a silent protagonist. And it's not even for a good reason, either: Isaac can speak just fine in the later entries in the series. And he's a jackass, too. But I'm getting ahead of myself.

Let's skip past all the stuff we've heard. We're going to meet Kraden the scholar.

Dora is still going to be a bit upset about our Psynergy obsession.

During the conversation, she trips and nearly falls off the house...

And Garet undoes most of our hard work.

Then it happens again, at which point Dora makes us leave. I didn't have a way to condense this or make it better with text, so instead, screencaps. Let's move on and get to the ACTUAL GAME

Yay team.

So, one quirk about Golden Sun is its Psynergy. The only stat each character has that actually determines whether they are a better wizard than their allies or not is their total Psynergy Points. Past that, each character has Elemental levels for each of the four Aristotelian elements. Everyone starts with 5 levels in their signature elements (Venus/Earth for Isaac, Mars/Fire for Garet and Jenna). There are minor numerical variations that don't mean a damn thing in the other areas: suffice it to say that elemental levels determine offense and defense for that element.

Beyond that, everything else is self explanatory. Attack is how hard you hit, Defense is how hard you not-hit, Agility is who goes first, and Luck is something obscure. Probably status ailment resistance or crit chance, those are popular.

I like to arrange my team in order of Agility. Again, numerical variation means they might not all act in this order, but whatever, it's Golden Sun, I don't have to care.

Also, this is Jenna. Jenna... doesn't really have characterization in the first game. In the second game, she gets a bit more, most notably in her impatience. I'd say more, but that'd spoil something that will stop being spoilers as of like the next update.

Can't believe I didn't notice my settings weren't saved for this entire update. I'm pro.


Next Time: Harry Potter and the Sanctum of the Sun
Old 06-04-2016, 12:51 AM
aturtledoesbite aturtledoesbite is offline
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Originally Posted by Kalir View Post
With each of them, I note that a common trend is that the person doing the LP... doesn't actually like the game that much?
Hey, I like Golden Sun!

I just had...a few sour experiences with Lost Age. (someone tell me why i tried to lp it, again?) I still like it though.
Old 06-04-2016, 01:20 AM
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Originally Posted by Kalir View Post
Luck is something obscure. Probably status ailment resistance or crit chance, those are popular.
Maybe there should be a game where luck only affects how you do at the casino games.


Every JRPG has a casino, right?
Old 06-04-2016, 02:01 AM
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Originally Posted by Torzelbaum View Post
Maybe there should be a game where luck only affects how you do at the casino games.
So in other words, Suikoden?
Old 06-04-2016, 03:01 PM
R^2 R^2 is offline
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Wait a second.

The dev team sat down and thought out "Okay, Mars is fire, obvs, it's red and everything. But what planet can we use for earth energy?"

"I've got it! Venus!"
Old 06-04-2016, 03:11 PM
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Originally Posted by R^2 View Post
Wait a second.

The dev team sat down and thought out "Okay, Mars is fire, obvs, it's red and everything. But what planet can we use for earth energy?"

"I've got it! Venus!"
I don't think they put that much work into it. They just used some old ideas and called it a day.
Old 06-04-2016, 05:13 PM
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Jenna's parents don't get portraits, and Garet's father doesn't either, but his two sisters who matter basically not at all do. So that's neat.

So, today we're going to go meet Kraden, and the rest of the update will basically cover that and Sol Sanctum.

But first, Vale as she is experienced. You can come down here to the shops before leaving for Sol Sanctum, or even before meeting Kraden, but there's not really much reason to do so. In fact, Golden Sun as a rule doesn't really have sidequests. It's more or less a straight shot from the start of the game to the end. The Lost Age did a bit to try to make the midgame, at least, a little more non-linear, but that came at a cost of not having any kind of real goal for the team for the first half of the game. In the first entry, we will have a solid goal for much of the game.

An interesting thing is this dude here. You can't tell, but his Psynergy demonstration here is a new power he's learned, Quake. Isaac will be picking this one up in short order.

As the kid earlier mentioned, there's travelers in Vale, a rarity. We can find one of them up here.

That mask is pretty neat, but the dude will have no truck with us. Oh well.

Kraden's place is just over here, but you can't take the shortest route because you don't want to interrupt the playing puppies. I, for one, fully support this kind of stupid obvious roadblock, because puppies.

Oh hey, the other travelers.

<Menardi> How far they've fallen. To be seated at the base of Alchemy's power and still know so little...
<Saturos> It's an annoying obstacle, but not insurmountable. At least the Tolbish scholar here has some curiosity.
<Menardi> True. But even his authority has limits. I fear this diplomatic approach is a dead end.
<Saturos> What other opportunity do we have, though? If we can't find out more about Sol Sanctum, we've failed, and that is NOT an option.

Always... bribe him with snacks? Snacks are tasty.

Saturos motions for her to be quiet, as he's suddenly noticed us doing that eavesdropping thing we do so well.


<Isaac> No, we were just--
<Garet> Hey, you're those two who were sneaking around!
<Saturos> ...What are you talking about? We're just travelers here to speak with Kraden the scholar.
<Menardi> I had no idea the people of Vale were so... accusatory.
<Garet> You're lying! You were here to--
<Isaac> Garet, quiet!
<Garet> But Isaac--
<Isaac> (I know, but the last time this happened, things went REALLY badly. Rein it in.)
<Garet> Grrrr...
<Jenna> Please excuse my friend, he's a bit of a hothead.
<Menardi> I should have a word with your mayor about the hospitality of this place.
<Saturos> In any event, do you have something you want to say to us?
<Isaac> Not really, we're just trying to get to our lesson with Kraden.
<Menardi> Didn't you just hear my companion? We've business with him as well. You'll have to wait.
<Jenna> But our lesson today is really important! And besides, he'll be here after we get back from Mt. Aleph.

<Menardi> Are you sure, Saturos?
<Saturos> Our questions aren't so imperative that they need to be answered now, Menardi. We can wait until after he returns.
<Jenna> Thank you both. Sorry about the trouble.
<Menardi> No trouble at all. Glad to see at least some here in Vale are respectful.
<Isaac> Come on, Garet, let's get going.
<Garet> ...Fine.
This scene is kind of awkward in the original. The tone is more or less as I've written it here, but Saturos and Menardi play it off far more aggressively, which doesn't fit in with their approach, at least not effectively. Their actual goal isn't really known quite yet, but it will be fairly soon, and suffice it to say that making enemies in the village would put a pretty big thorn in their sides. Either way, it still ends with them relenting and letting the crew past to visit Kraden.

Anyway, Kraden's cottage is here, by the dude who wasn't all that injured during the Boulder event.

He's basically ruminating about how much Saturos and Menardi seem to know, but he both undersells and oversells his own knowledge as a scholar here in the writing, which is frankly really stupid, and I'm not here to write soliloquies.

Here's the relevant bit: they plan to set the elements of Alchemy in motion. What, exactly, this means isn't yet known.

Anyway, class is here.

<Kraden> Oh. Hello, everyone.
<Garet> It's those two from earlier. Saturos and Menardi, right? Argh, I hate them!
<Kraden> Well, I don't think I'm quite that incensed, but they were definitely far more blunt with their questions than your average traveler.
<Isaac> How so?
<Kraden> Well, I often get people here inquiring about my research, usually messengers from Tolbi. But it's all relatively mundane things, or just simple questions about the nature of Alchemy. Those two, though, seemed driven to know all they could about Sol Sanctum.
<Jenna> What's there to tell? It's a temple for revering the sun, right?
<Kraden> Yes, but... Well. I'm not sure how to best put this, but... Sol Sanctum always posed a few questions I never could quite answer. But the questions they asked implied they knew some of those answers, and very well to boot.
<Garet> Huh? I don't get it.
<Isaac> He's saying that it's possible they went into Sol Sanctum. Against the priests' laws that outsiders aren't allowed in.


Or... not?

<Isaac> Oh, good point. It wouldn't be right to imprison travelers based on just things they said.
<Garet> Oh come ON, Isaac! We know they were up to no good!
<Jenna> No, he's right. We don't have any actual evidence. If we go to the mayor now, it's just our word against theirs.
<Garet> Seriously?! So what are we supposed to do then, just let them run around ruining everything?
<Kraden> Well... we could go confirm what they said.
<Garet> Huh?
<Kraden> If we investigate Sol Sanctum for ourselves, top to bottom, we might be able to suss out information that could prove they were in there. Once we do that, either we bar them from the village for breaking our laws, or we prove they weren't breaking a law in the first place.
<Garet> Oh, I get it. But d'you think the priests would be okay with us investigating that much?
<Kraden> If we just say we're conducting our lesson as normal, why not?
<Jenna> Works for me.
<Isaac> I'm still not sure about getting in their business this much, but I would like to study Sol Sanctum more. So, two birds with one stone, I suppose.

So, another thing. In the original, Sol Sanctum is forbidden to enter, period. Yet the townsfolk all comment about things like climbing and meditating on Mt. Aleph, which Sol Sanctum is basically connected to, and you even admit that your lesson for the day involves climbing Mt. Aleph. So my editing here is mostly just closing that minor plothole. That said, the conversation here hews closely to how it plays out normally.

<Jenna> And if they do see us, we call for a priest, and they can't escape either way.
<Isaac> I'm REALLY not sure that's a good idea. Let's just try to stay out of their way, how about?
<Kraden> Don't worry about it. We'll just treat this as one of our usual lessons for now. I hope you don't all get caught up playing detective that you forget to take notes!
<Garet> Oh, uh, no sir!
<Jenna> Sounds good. Care to lead the way, Isaac?
<Isaac> I think it should be Garet, honestly.
<Garet> Not a problem! Follow me, everyone!
<Jenna> Oh, this is going to go well.
<Garet> What, you don't think I'd lead us well?
<Jenna> We're trying to be CAUTIOUS here. You're not exactly the poster boy for cautiousness.
<Garet> Oh yeah? Name one time I haven't been cautious.
<Jenna> Ten minutes ago. Twice.
<Garet> ...Okay, fine. Isaac, you lead.
<Kraden> Oh, before I forget...

Kraden ducks back into his cottage and grabs a few silvery-looking bags, and then we're off proper.

Here's the temple, but not Sol Sanctum itself. Inside are a few priests yammering about how Psynergy is a gift to the chosen people yadda yadda yadda boring garbage.

Since climbing Mt. Aleph is forbidden in the normal text, this guy is standing guard to stop you from patrolling it.
Old 06-04-2016, 05:15 PM
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He's also really bad at his job, so let's just pretend he doesn't exist. Good.

Literally two steps away is the entrance to Sol Sanctum.

Complete with the symbol for Sol on the entrance.

Sol Sanctum serves as the intro dungeon, and a place to learn the basics of dungeon exploration for Golden Sun as a whole.

Literally the first room has you face to face with a lake full of tiles.

Isaac can jump from spot to spot with ease, clearing a tile-wide gap just by moving towards it. In an era where waist-height fences form unstoppable obstacles (and still do, in this game), this is nothing short of revolutionary.

Oh hey a fight!

And as mentioned earlier, now that everyone's been studying Psynergy, they all have access to the option in combat.

As a general rule, Psynergy progress through three tiers in game. So this Cure spell Isaac has will later be matched with Cure Well, and then later again with Potent Cure. There is no reason not to use the highest tier Psynergy in a group whenever possible. I mean, you COULD make a claim about consuming too much PP, but you would be lying.

Isaac has cure, while Garet and Jenna both have a basic Flare Psynergy available in combat.

Jenna and Garet both have the same number of Mars levels, so they both do equal levels of damage with the Flare Psynergy. I know, Jenna is wielding a staff, you'd think she'd be better than Garet at this sort of thing. Trust me, they're equals. Also a single Flare is enough to wipe out three of the four things we were facing here.

Tutorial puzzle item, go!

See? Same. I think the RNG throws in about a 3 point variation on basically any damage calculation that happens, so this is well within expectations.

Hey guys guess what we gotta do to do the thing.

This opens the way ahead.

Each character has 15 inventory slots, which work much like in DQ. Equipment and plot-relevant items also take up spaces here, but same-type items, like the Herbs everyone has, stack up to... I think 30? Not that you'll actually need them. And it's not like items are so critical that we'll be hard up on those 15 spaces until we get more characters.

New Psynergy! This gives us a Venus type attack to go with our Mars-typed Flare. Different enemies display different resistances, as is the case with any game, but they're not always the most intuitive, nor is it especially critical to figure it out.

And we're at the end... already? Huh.

And not so much as a single footprint.

<Kraden> Well, this is as far as Sol Sanctum goes. And there's no sign of their intrusion.
<Garet> So are we just giving up?
<Kraden> Not yet. I have a hunch. First off, look around the room. What does it look like to you?
<Jenna> Statues? Gold tile? That's about it, really.
<Kraden> And that doesn't seem the least bit odd to you? It's like you said earlier, Jenna: Sol Sanctum was built to revere Sol, the sun. And yet, here, at the heart of Sol Sanctum, there's not a sign of this reverence to be seen at all. Truth be told, the room is rather bare.
<Jenna> Huh. That is really weird.
<Kraden> I suspect that there may be more to Sol Sanctum than this room shows at first. So let's conduct a bit of field research and see if we can't find anything.
<Isaac> I'm kind of curious about that too, but what else is there to find?
<Garet> No problem, we'll find it if it's there!

This would make a lot more sense if we hadn't had to put a gem in a minotaur statue's eye socket before this. But hey!

Gaining access to the further depths of Sol Sanctum grants us access to new, more resilient enemy types.

They have Orb Spin attack.

Oh, right, something I should do is showcase a few of the game's Psynergy animations, as best I can with screenshots. One of Golden's Sun's strengths is its higher-than-average visuals given it was a GBA RPG. The devs really went all out with some of them. Quake... is not really one of these.

Also Slimes can run away, wasting their time and yours and awarding no XP or dosh.

The minotaur puzzle gets repeated a few times in slightly more mazelike conditions.

Anyway, here's Flare.

Psynergy targeting is kind of clever: there are few, if any, abilities that target enemies evenly: instead, you choose one to take the brunt of an area attack, and the effect scales down for anything nearby. While your attack gets replaced by Defend if the target is dead, any Psynergy you planned on casting still goes off, provided there is at least one legal target that could be hit by your original targeting.
Old 06-04-2016, 05:16 PM
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I'm not going to regularly screencap levels unless they mean the character in question gets a cool new Psynergy out of the bag. Just letting you know it is still happening.

Another area. Those statues are all across the channel, so we can't jump over.

So instead, we use Move, the power Isaac and Garet developed with their training.

Move lets you basically push a thing in any direction from a distance. It costs PP like anything else, but not very much, but you recover PP just by walking around, and any room with an indepth puzzle usually foregoes encounters, or at the very least lowers the rate they appear at.

Anyway, the entrance upstairs is behind one of these, which we only discover after gemming the minotaur again.

It's not this door, though. Back here is just a featureless room where ghosts exists. We're tomb raiders now, guys! (Why is it called Amaze? I don't know.)

There's also dodge chances in this game. I have no idea what governs this, but some enemies are more likely to dodge than others.

Oooh, that looks promising. The tileset, not the Herb.

You can also run away from encounters, which is animated by your crew just nope-ing out of frame, stage left. Hence why Jenna is a good three feet in the air right here.

Anyway, we're here!

<Kraden> Just as I suspected, and just as those two hinted at, this is the true heart of Sol Sanctum. The craftsmanship on this sculpture... so much work was put into making this.
<Isaac> Neat. So this is where people would come to worship Sol, then?
<Kraden> Undoubtedly. And this is likely close to where your ancestors would've taken the Psynergy Stones and brought them to the town square, granting you the powers of Sol.
<Garet> Who cares about all of that? We know for a fact that those two were here!
<Jenna> That's true, if they saw all of this, then they were here to steal holy relics!

<Garet> I agree! Everyone, follow me!
<Kraden> Wait a moment.
<Isaac> What's wrong, Kraden?
<Kraden> Well, I can't deny that those two are up to no good, not at this point. But even outside of that... this is the first time the people of Vale have seen this chamber in what must've been decades, if not centuries. I can't just turn my back on it and leave now, not when my every instinct as a scholar is to learn and record as much as I can about this place.
<Jenna> But if we don't tell the priests and villagers, then they'll come in and deface it all!
<Kraden> Ah, but if we're here, then we can catch them red-handed.
<Garet> Oh, now THAT I like. I'd love to see the looks on their faces when they barge in and see us waiting for them!
<Isaac> I'm not sure that's a good idea. But I don't want to pass up seeing more of this place.
<Jenna> I still think we should go back and tell everyone. But it looks like I'm outvoted unless Isaac decides otherwise.

In the original text, Kraden doesn't even bring up the possibility of waiting for Saturos and Menardi. In fact, Kraden in general comes off halfway between a learned sage and a spoiled child: if you refuse to keep going, he insists on staying here, which means abandoning him here when there's monsters about. I mean, nothing actually dangerous, but Kraden can't fight and the three of you can. This isn't even the worst instance of Kraden acting like a child. In any event, we're continuing onward.

Just to the right of the Sol room is this Luna room.

Not even justifying this with a scene. Either way, he's going to stay behind and investigate the Luna room more carefully, while we press on into the passage south of it.

One of the rooms leads to this place, full of Psynergy Stones.

In the lore of the game, the Psynergy Stones are basically what grants Psynergy to people. It has nothing to do with being chosen people of the gods. Living near a large concentration of Psynergy Stones will grant Psynergy, although it can in rare cases arise in unrelated individuals. Different stones can also grant different elements: the people of Vale almost exclusively have Venus and Mars Psynergy, which are in-lore related as linked through Sol. (One could theorize that Mercury and Jupiter are similarly linked via Luna, but that's never outright confirmed.)

From a mechanical standpoint, Psynergy Stones restore all PP. Since you could always just spam your healing Psynergy before picking one up, I don't know why it doesn't just heal HP too. Oh well.

On the upper floor is this room.

This statue puzzle here is supposed to be the trap that Saturos and Menardi triggered on their first incursion, which in turn caused the storm and the Boulder event. I'm not going to bother with showing it off because the text as is implies that neither Saturos, Menardi, nor their entire team was smart enough to realize that not only did pushing one statue cause a cataclysmic event...

But that the method of disarming it was one room over.

I kid you not: Jenna's family, Isaac's father, and Saturos and Menardi's team all died because they weren't smart enough to push the statues in the room slightly to the left.

The actual puzzle isn't that hard, either: push both of these statues up to the slots, where they'll start shining light on the center.

This makes a floorhole, which you can then use Move on the central statue to drop it in.

I don't have a good in-character reason for dropping the statue in a hole either. Let's go with that instead the team had to decode mysterious texts or something, how about.

Once that's done there's no problem whatsoever with shoving these statues around.

The light from the statue above changes the section of the relief on the floor from Luna to Sol, which is mirrored in the room below. If we hadn't dropped the statue in the hole floor first, lightning would've started striking in this room.

Once we do this the first time, Kraden heads up and observes what we've done, making the remarks I've mentioned above as to the left room disabling the trap of the right room, but MYEH MYEH MYEH.

Let's cut ahead. This room changed to Sol...
Old 06-04-2016, 05:19 PM
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And the central room to Luna.

As Kraden says, this changed something in here significantly.

A portal to a secret room????

Hey, why not?

Yes, the sprite stretching is normal here. I think they were trying to establish the scale of this area and didn't quite think it through.

<Isaac> The what?
<Kraden> ...Oh, I'm sorry. I just noticed all the water down below, and thought we'd ended up in the ocean. But it's completely still, no waves.
<Garet> What are you talking about?
<Kraden> Right, of course. You wouldn't know. At the edge of the world, far beyond Vale, is the ocean, a vast and limitless expanse of water, as far as the eye can see. It's breathtaking.
<Garet> Whoa, cool!
<Jenna> Uh, aren't you two missing something? Like... where are we, if not the ocean?
<Isaac> Yeah that seems like the more important issue right now.
<Kraden> Of course. My apologies. Well, let's see... lots of stone pillars coming out of the water, I can see some statues on those islets a ways off, and... no, that can't be. Truly?
<Isaac> What is it?

<Kraden> I can't believe it! This is a discovery for the ages! If I'm right, then we've found the secret resting place of the Elemental Stars!
<Jenna> Uh, Kraden?
<Kraden> This is monumental! I thought Sol Sanctum had secret truths, but this is on a level I never would have dreamed to discover in my--
<Jenna> KRADEN!
<Kraden> Oh! I'm sorry. I suppose I should explain why this is as... AMAZING as it is.
<Garet> Yeah we're all kinda lost here.
<Kraden> Well, let's start basic. You all know the fundamentals of Alchemy, right?
<Garet> Even I know that! There's the four elements of earth, fire, wind, and water, which compose all things in Weyard, even living things like us.

<Isaac> Yeah, that's right. So are these Elemental Stars linked to the elements, then?
<Kraden> It'd be more accurate to say that they ARE the elements. Inert, yes, but with enormous potential, like a key that has yet to find its lock.
<Jenna> Okay, now I see why you were excited. That's amazing!

<Kraden> Mercury, of water. Mars, linked to fire. And last but not least, Jupiter, aligned with wind.
<Isaac> That sounds... incredibly dangerous.
<Garet> So this must be what those two were after!
<Jenna> But hang on. Kraden, you said that they're inert. So does that mean they're useless?
<Kraden> There could not be a thing further from useless in the world! The entirety of the study of Alchemy, my life's work, all hinges on the existence and usage of these Elemental Stars.
<Jenna> ...I don't get it.

<Isaac> Well, you've mentioned a few times that your research wasn't just about Psynergy.
<Kraden> I must've not gone in detail. To summarize: these four stones are said to be the path to the Stone of Sages.
<Garet> The what of what?
<Kraden> As much power as each raw element possesses: imagine the four of those unified into a singular whole. Imagine the kind of power that would have over reality itself.

<Garet> Oh, I get it! Those dirtbags must be after immortality!
<Isaac> So wait... Kraden, are you also looking for the Stone of Sages?
<Kraden> Hm? Well, of course! Such a discovery would be of incredible help to humanity as a whole!
<Isaac> I dunno. I'm not really sure that kind of power would be something people like us should have access to.
<Kraden> Perish the thought! Any tool, no matter how dangerous, can be put to good use to aid humanity. You wield Psynergy to that end to protect your village, do you not?
<Isaac> I guess you have a point. Still, shouldn't we just leave them all here? Saturos and Menardi can't get in here yet, right?
<Kraden> How can you even suggest such a thing? There's so much to be learned, just at our fingertips!

<Jenna> Kraden, be careful!
<Garet> Yeah, if you want to get those Elemental Stars, leave it to me instead!
<Isaac> Guys, no. I don't want to take them. That was probably what caused the disaster three years ago!
<Jenna> Isaac?
<Isaac> Look. I know Saturos and Menardi are dangerous. But I also know that they caused the disaster three years ago, and they did it on accident, and they did it by tampering with Sol Sanctum somehow! I'm not going to inflict that kind of harm on Vale again, just for... intellectual curiosity!
<Garet> ...Wow.
<Jenna> ...Isaac, I'm sorry. I had no idea.
<Kraden> ...So the two of them have been in here before.
<Isaac> What?
<Kraden> Isaac, I understand your concerns completely. But if anything, this proves that we should take the stars.
<Isaac> You can't be serious.
<Kraden> No, hear me out. If Saturos and Menardi knew about the Elemental Stars and how to reach them, there's no guarantee they can't get in again and repeat the disaster. But I've studied the Elemental Stars all my life, and I don't want immortality or limitless power for myself. More importantly, I know how to keep their raw power in check.
<Jenna> So you still want to grab them? After all the damage they've done?!
<Kraden> Yes. And I can keep them from doing damage in the process. I might not be able to go get them myself, I'm not as physically able as you all, but...

<Isaac> What are these?
<Kraden> Bags woven from Mythril. You haven't studied the material much, but suffice it to say it can nullify strong Psynergy effects. You won't find a better material for keeping the Elemental Stars safe.
<Jenna> So you were planning on taking the Elemental Stars the whole time!
<Kraden> Well... not exactly. I didn't even know for a fact they existed. But if they did...
<Garet> Guys, it's all right. If we take the Elemental Stars and stuff 'em in these bags, then we can protect our village AND wreck Saturos and Menardi's plans, and nobody has to get hurt!
<Isaac> ...I don't like it, but if you're sure...
<Kraden> I wouldn't ask you to get the stars if I thought it'd put my students in danger. Trust me, Isaac.
<Isaac> ...Okay. Jenna, can you stay here and make sure Kraden doesn't try to chase after us?
<Jenna> Haha, are you really that concerned about him?
<Isaac> I'm not in a joking mood, Jenna.
<Jenna> Sorry. Yeah, I'll keep him in check.
<Kraden> I understand, Isaac. Thank you very much.

Now this... this was a fun scene to rewrite.

In the original, it's never brought up that grabbing the Elemental Stars is at all dangerous. I mean, they go over their raw power and the Stone of Sages and the need for the Mythril Bags, but not that taking them could be a bad idea. Hell, Jenna says "make the boys do it!" when Kraden tries to go for the Stars himself and nearly falls in the drink.

In fact, despite Isaac (and Garet, possibly) knowing that messing with Sol Sanctum was what caused a lot of people to die, they don't really once hesitate in going to get them. (I tried making Isaac say no to Jenna's request but she legit "but thou must"'d me. Rude.) You just hop in and grab them, heedless of peril. Then again, it's supposed to be "known" that the stupid statue puzzle was what caused the storm.

I'm not really sure I did a GREAT job of this dramatic reveal here, but it's a far cry better than the statue trap being Joe Chill.

Next Time: Harry Potter and the Elemental Djinn
Old 06-04-2016, 08:02 PM
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Hah, I remember playing this many moons ago. Kraden's shaping up to be an excellent final boss (just guessin').
Old 06-05-2016, 10:41 PM
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So, this would be the first LP I've really created a backlog for. Usually I just churn out an update, throw it out there, call it good. But for this one, I want to get at least five updates ahead, just to convince myself I'm REALLY up to this. I mean, I'm effectively rewriting Golden Sun. That's not nothing.

Anyway, the Elemental Stars room is basically just a final exam for making sure you understand how Isaac's jump works. It's orthogonal only, and the thing he's jumping to has to be the same altitude as his current position. Yeah, kind of obtuse rules, but I don't mind so much, because having that kind of established ruleset is kind of critical in a puzzle game (as is knowing exactly where those rules do and do not apply. See: Ittle Dew, the Talos Principle.)

In any event, it's not long before we reach the Venus Star first.

Taking it causes a few of the pillars to jut out of the water, creating new paths. Most of them are useless, but a few will unlock new paths.

The Star itself doesn't do anything else when we take it, thanks to the Mythril Bag.

One down, three to go.

It, um... It's really not hard at all.

Two down!

He really kind of is.

Anyway, Jupiter Star is next up. I'm not gonna bother showcasing the puzzle solutions, because basic navigation isn't a puzzle.

Kraden doesn't call out for us to keep going this time, though.

Turns out there's a good reason for that.

<Menardi> They were bound to eventually. We could practically hear the scholar's enthusiasm through the portal. Him being silent would be suspicious.
<Kraden> So I was right! You two have come here to steal the Elemental Stars!
<Menardi> Quite a bit of audacity you have, calling US the thieves. If it wasn't for our information, you'd have never found this place.
<Saturos> Credit where it's due, though. Mythril bags to hold the Stars is a stroke of genius. I don't think we'd have thought of that.
<Jenna> Let us go, you jerks!
<Menardi> Let me think about it. No.
<Saturos> Keep them entertained while I fetch the stars from their friends.
<Garet> Yeah, just try it!
<Saturos> Pah! What, do you think a second fight would work out in your favor?
<Isaac> No, but you won't get close enough. Take one step onto those pillars and I'll shake your feet out from under you. I'm not a fighter, but I'm a Venus Adept, which is more than enough.
<Saturos> ...Hah! You're nearly as clever as your teacher. But are you quite so bold when your friends' lives are at stake?
<Jenna> You wouldn't!
<Menardi> Oh, by all means, feel free to test us. Boys, if you want your friends to see the sky again, give us the Elemental Stars. Now.
<Kraden> You've already proven yourselves villains. Why should they take you at your word, when they could throw the Stars into the water below?

Hey, remember this dude?

He's back!

<Menardi> Oh, let me have my fun.
<???> I think your sense of humor needs work, Menardi.
<Saturos> Comedy aside, we can't afford to fail here. If the two over there... Isaac and Garet, was is? Should they cooperate, then we don't have a problem.
<???> Hmph.

<Garet> Go soak your head! Kraden's right, we can't trust either of you.
<Isaac> And as much as you can hurt us, we can't let you have the Elemental Stars. They're too dangerous for people like you.
<Kraden> Well said!
<Saturos> Haha! Bravery within bravery. Are you absolutely certain you're all right with letting your friends die?
<Kraden> I already gave my life to the betterment of humanity. I'm not afraid for it to end a little faster.
<Menardi> How dramatic. But I think I have a better idea than all of this.

<???> ...Are you sure?
<Menardi> You have to agree, we do need those Stars.
<Saturos> And I'd really rather not get my hands dirty in the process. Besides, who else will see you but the six of us?
<???> I guess I don't have another option.
<Saturos> Then it's settled. Remove your mask, Felix.
<Jenna> What? Felix?

<Isaac> I heard him loud and clear. He said Felix.
<Garet> That's Jenna's brother's name... but he died, didn't he?
<Isaac> The Boulder... nobody could've survived that.
<Garet> So who even IS this guy?


...Which I will ruin by talking about the editing I did.

The original scene plays out much as it did in my writing, with a few exceptions. First off, it's... really vague and hard to read that Kraden's refusal to cooperate is because they can't be trusted to keep their word and return them alive, rather than sheer bravado. Which makes the whole mask guarantee nonsense seem a bit weird and just kind of forcing a dramatic reveal. (Even with my rewriting, it feels kind of forced anyway, the mask lasts for all of like ten text boxes.)

The second is the fact that as things stand, Saturos and Menardi could totally just beat the hell out of us and take the Stars. They've done it once before, and we aren't that much stronger than we were three years ago. So I decided to make it so the villains HAVE to make this deal, with Isaac's ability to hold them off via terrain superiority.

Anyway, back to the drama. Is it true? Can it be?!

That's Felix, no question.

<Jenna> How... you're... I thought you'd died!
<Felix> You probably won't believe me... but I was saved by your two captors.
<Menardi> It's the truth. We found him unconscious in the river, and rescued him.
<Kraden> Unbelievable...
<Jenna> Do you have ANY idea how much I've grieved over you these past years? How much it hurt? And you only show up now, alongside people threatening to-
<Felix> I didn't have a choice! I wasn't well enough to travel for over a year, and certainly not by myself. And Saturos and Menardi, they couldn't very well just walk back into Vale so soon after.
<Jenna> And this is how you decide to return? Not so much as a word on your way to raid Sol Sanctum?
<Saturos> Yes, yes, you have some reuniting to do. But first things first. Isaac, Garet, this is our guarantee. Bring us the Elemental Stars, and your friends will be returned to you. It's as much a guarantee to Felix as it is to you.

<Isaac> I don't like the idea of giving them the Stars, but at least now we know that Jenna and Kraden will be safe.
<Garet> I don't like it either, but we don't even know what they're planning to do with them.
<Isaac> ...Yeah, let's just give them the Stars. Here, you take these ones over.
<Garet> All right, but don't take too long going for the other one. I don't trust these guys THAT much.

Honestly, I don't know why they just have Garet go give them the stars, when the route to the Mars Star is on the way. Eh.
Old 06-05-2016, 10:43 PM
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Either way, a new dude warps in as Garet makes his way over.

<Garet> Whoa! Personal space! Very small ledge!
<Saturos> Alex, you're late. Excuse our companion. His need for the dramatic probably exceeds your scholar's.
<Menardi> I'll take results over flashiness any day of the week. Hand him the Stars!
<Garet> Okay, okay.

So that's three of them.

Normally at this point, Garet tries to rules lawyer his way into saying "we got you the Stars, let our pals go", which goes over about as well as a lead balloon with severe depression. Since that's dumb and boring, I think we'll try to explain our villains a little bit better.

<Garet> What are you guys planning on doing with the Stars?
<Alex> Hm? What else would we do with them?
<Garet> Huh?
<Alex> Ah, of course. Vale is famous for its blindness to truth and glory. Very well, I'll phrase it plainly: we want to restore the true power of Alchemy.
<Garet> You mean that Stone of Sages, don't you? I knew it, you're just trying to become all powerful!
<Alex> Ha. From where you're standing, we may as well already be. Don't let it get to you, though. It'll all work out nicely in the end.

Anyway, that wraps up the negotiations.

Give them the Stars, everyone goes home, the villains get life unending but that's about it, right?


<Jenna> What is THAT thing?!
<Menardi> That wasn't here the last time this happened...
<Kraden> It can't be... is that the Wise One?
<Garet> Isaac, do you have any idea what that thing could be?
<Isaac> No, but it's probably not going to be happy about the Stars. Let's hide and hope it just goes for that Alex guy.

<Jenna> But Isaac! And Garet!
<Saturos> We can't leave without the Mars Star!
<Felix> Both of you, drop it! That thing is swelling with Psynergy, don't tell me you can't sense it!
<Saturos> Hrrrgh... I don't like it, but you're right. We'll have to cut our losses and try again.
<Alex> Before we do, an idea. Suppose those two make it out alive. They have the Mars Star on them, and could very easily hide it somewhere we couldn't locate for years.
<Menardi> Alex, we don't have time for your word-spouting!
<Alex> Then to cut to the chase: we take Jenna with us. The two of them will want her to be returned safely, and we still want the Mars Star. We simply prolong our agreement until it's fulfilled.
<Felix> Don't talk about my sister like she's some kind of bargaining chip! Why don't you just teleport over there yourself if it's so important?
<Menardi> An excellent question. Well, Alex?
<Alex> Er... I'm fairly certain that being there would have something to say about that.
<Menardi> Of all the people here who developed teleport Psynergy, it HAD to be the weaseling coward.
<Saturos> Not the time for in-fighting! Everyone out, and bring Jenna and Kraden with us. If the two of you can still hear us: bring us the Mars Star if you ever want to see the two of them again!

This scene wasn't really changed that much, save for aiming Felix's ire at a more appropriate target. In the original, Menardi shoves Jenna towards the exit in impatience, which, okay, proper paints them as still villainous, or at the very least stressed out. But I feel like it kind of undercuts Felix's trust of the two if he's already yelling at them for clear mistreatment of his family in our first encounter with him.

Also they are placing a LOT of confidence on the survival odds of two people they're writing off for dead. Either that, or their ability to loot a ruined chamber buried under a volcanic eruption.

Anyway, back to these two.

<Isaac> Badly? Try horribly. They looted Sol Sanctum... WE looted Sol Sanctum. We're about to revisit the storm from three years ago, or worse, on Vale. Felix has joined with the people responsible for his parents' deaths. And now they've taken Jenna and Kraden from us, too!
<Garet> ...Yeah. Hey, look on the bright side, though: they won't hurt Jenna or Kraden. Not with Felix there to help.
<Isaac> I'm having a bit of trouble seeing a bright side to all of this.
<Garet> Well... that floating rock with an eyeball's gone. We can probably escape now, so we won't die here!
<Isaac> ...Well, not dying is a start, I suppose.
<Garet> See? We'll be fine! Now then, follow me!
<Isaac> You don't mind being the leader, then?
<Garet> I wanted to be the leader in the first place, but SOMEONE thought that was a bad idea.
<Isaac> Hah... I think I'll feel better if you lead us out of here. Thanks, Garet.
<Garet> Not a problem at all, buddy!

Mechanically, this isn't strictly true, but not for the expected reason. I'll explain a bit more later, though.

Right now, we're not QUITE done with the rockeye.

It can speak! It tries to warn us away, claiming this place is dangerous.

In fairness, it hasn't actually... done. Anything. At all. All it's done is sit there and gather energy while everyone remarked about how powerful it is, but hey.

In any event, it heads over and uses Psynergy to keep a fissure from flaring up too much. That's a start.

Yeah being inside of a volcano erupting is usually pretty bad I hear.

But first.

<Isaac> The what?
<TheWiseOne> Mythical creatures, born of Alchemy. Living Psynergy. Sealed by the Elemental Stars, along with so much raw Alchemy.
<Garet> Okay, so what does that mean for us?
<TheWiseOne> The Djinn are minor compared to their plans. The Elemental Stars are the key to igniting the Elemental Lighthouses, where the four elements lie dormant. Should these be lit, Alchemy will reawaken, with far more force than the simple eruption of Mt. Aleph.
<Isaac> Alchemy will reawaken? That doesn't make any sense.
<TheWiseOne> Long ago, Alchemy was sealed away, its misuse having become too rampant and dangerous for humanity to survive. The Elemental Stars are the catalysts to reawakening Alchemy, in all its power.
<Garet> So like that Stone of Sages?
<TheWiseOne> The Stone of Sages was a factor, but even outside of that--

Hey, bad news for us. Unfortunately, we really don't have the time to outrun a volcanic eruption.

Thankfully, a plan arises.

Narratively, we're backtracking here a bit. This happens as the Djinn leave the statue, ordinarily, which is basically a complete non-sequitur in the heat of the moment but is in reality one hell of a Chekhov's gun.

<Isaac> What did you do to it?
<TheWiseOne> I cannot say. But I can say that with it, you now have the means to escape.
<Garet> What? Isaac, do you know what that thing means at all?
<Isaac> ...I kind of think I do. It's weird, but I think I have a new power.
<Garet> You can just... do that?
<TheWiseOne> Try it and find out.
Old 06-05-2016, 10:44 PM
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And then we did.



Isaac and Garet both begin play with the Move Psynergy for out of combat use, but Isaac can also use the Retreat Psynergy. This is never explained or hinted at normally, and in your incursion to the core of Sol Sanctum you have no reason to actually use it.

So instead of saying we had it from the word go, I'm just saying that Isaac gained it as part of whatever the Wise One did to the Mars Star, because that makes a lot more narrative sense to me.

Mechanically, it's an escape rope.

Our dramatic escape sequence takes all of two seconds.

The entire town's watching the mountain in fear.

No, we don't get in trouble for sneaking into Mt. Aleph or Sol Sanctum or anything. In case you're wondering.

<Isaac> What are we gonna tell them?
<Garet> I don't know. What CAN we tell them?
<Isaac> ...I guess we just tell them the truth. Maybe they can help us. And it's not like we can be in THAT much trouble.
<Garet> Hey, we technically didn't do anything wrong.
<Isaac> I think technicalities kind of fall flat in the face of volcanic eruptions.
<Garet> Well we're not going to argue with the volcano, are we?
<Isaac> Okay, okay. Let's just go.

So, we're going to recap everything for the people back home.

Nothing of actual note happens in this scene, so let's just speed it up.

The retelling is done in a sepia-toned pantomime, Super Mario RPG style, and that's honestly kind of adorable to me.

Again, the two are in basically zero trouble for sneaking past the priests and getting into Sol Sanctum despite it being nebulously forbidden.

<Isaac> Yeah. Unless we bring the Mars Star to them.
<Garet> They didn't even say where to bring it.
<Isaac> Well, we know they're going for the lighthouses. We can meet them there, right?
<Acolyte> Do you think Jenna and Kraden can be saved?
<Garet> Of course they can be saved!
<Isaac> Saturos and Menardi are dangerous fighters, but we can trust them to stick to their word, I think. And Felix... I don't know what his motives are, but he'll keep them safe.
<Dora> What a horrible situation for them. For all of us, honestly.

Most people haven't said much in this scene, but hey.

<GreatHealer> I have seen it before, in dreams and visions.
<Garet> Huh? You mean that really was the Wise One?
<GreatHealer> Yes. It appeared to me just now, and has given me insight about what has occurred. It confirms your tale in its entirety.
<Isaac> Well that's one thing going right.
<Mayor> What about the eruption, Great Healer? Is Vale going to be safe?

It's hard to tell from here, but the healer is basically glowing red and sparkling here, as though getting further information from the Wise One.

<GreatHealer> However, the eruption cannot be stopped, and far more terrible things than the destruction of Vale loom ahead.
<Mayor> Vale is our home, our lives. What could you possibly mean by greater than its destruction?
<GreatHealer> A great and terrible power is about to be reborn. Should the elemental lighthouses be lit, that power will be loosed upon the world.
<Dora> That sounds dreadful. Can nothing be done?
<GreatHealer> Indeed, something must be done: our inaction may bring the world to ruin. However, here the Wise One has issued a law...

<Mayor> Great Healer, you can't be serious! You mean to tell me that the destruction of the world is to be averted by two boys? You want me to send my grandson out on his own into the world outside of Vale?!
<GreatHealer> The Wise One has spoken.
<Dora> I can't believe this. Whatever reason could there be for robbing us of more of our family?
<GreatHealer> I was not told more than this law, other than that it cannot be broken.
<Garet> We only met the Wise One for like five minutes, tops, and yeah that sounds like what it would say.
<Mayor> Ridiculous! Absolutely ridiculous.
<GreatHealer> It is still your choice, of course, but it must be a choice you make yourselves.

<Isaac> That doesn't sound like a choice at all, but yes, I accept.
<Garet> Are you sure, Isaac?
<Isaac> No, I'm not sure at all. But I'm not going to just leave Jenna and Kraden OR the Elemental Stars in their hands. If we're literally the only ones who can stop them, then we have to stop them, simple as that.
<Garet> Well, I'm not letting you do it alone. I'm going with Isaac, and we're gonna save the world!
<GreatHealer> Very well. O Wise One, these two have accepted your quest! Give us your next command!
So. In the original text, when presented with this choice, Garet instantly goes "I dunno, you decide for me, Isaac". And then he complains if you do choose yes, and his granddad admonishes him saying "hey, you said you'd let him choose." Decided to go with this after-the-fact siding with Isaac to make him a slightly less terrible and stupid person.

However, this is one of the rare few instances of NOT being a "but thou must" or false choice. You can totally decide not to save the world and just leave the Sanctum. Doing so gives a non-standard game over, implying that the world inevitably drifts towards its destruction. Which... I don't think is what would actually happen given what goes down later in the series, but okay, points for cleverness.

Anyway, the orb dude hovers in after we accept and gives the healer more glowy orders while personally addressing us.

<TheWiseOne> This will not be the hardest choice you make, simply the first. Go forth, and know that I will be watching you.
<Isaac> We'll do our best, Wise One.
<Mayor> ...What, that's it? That's all it had to say?
<Dora> I'm inclined to agree, that wasn't very much to go on.
<GreatHealer> I have received more information from the Wise One.

Like the minor scene with the Mars Star earlier, this is here to be a giant Chekhov's gun for much, MUCH later, and to lay down the groundwork for Felix to effectively be the real protagonist of the series. But it's a minor, easily-forgettable line in a sea of equally forgettable lines, and it doesn't even have the animation of the Mars Star event to put it in the player's mind. In fact, I'd argue that even the writers forgot about it later down the road.

Point being, the healer here gives us basically nothing of use to actually go off of.

And once they leave saying one more "that is all", these useless jerks leave too. Not like they said anything in the cutscene anyway.

<Mayor> Sending two young men off into the wilderness with barely a wisp of actual information, and forbidding anyone actually aid them?!
<Dora> Hm... they never said we couldn't aid them, just that they had to go alone. Do you think you could pool some resources from the community for their journey?
<Mayor> Ah, now THERE'S a good practical idea. I'm sure we have some maps in my study somewhere, that's a start. And we'll make sure to send them off as a village, give them a proper farewell.
<Garet> Thanks, grandpa!
<Mayor> Hohoho, not a problem, Garet.

<Isaac> Yeah, let's not go overboard with preparation. The sooner we head out, the better. In fact, I'd like to leave tomorrow if possible.
<Garet> Whoa, Isaac, isn't that a bit fast?
<Isaac> That should be my line. Those maps and some provisions sound good, don't get me wrong. It's just... I don't want to take forever, not when there's so much at stake.
<Dora> Such a hard worker. Just like your father.
<Mayor> We'll get things all set up for now. You two get some rest for now.
And then we did.

Ordinarily, the extent of your parting gifts is a single Herb (50 HP healing item) and an item from Dora we'll get at the farewell party. I figure it'd be a bit smarter to actually have the mayor put his money where his mouth is in calling out the priests.

Last edited by Kalir; 07-23-2017 at 11:11 AM.
Old 06-05-2016, 10:46 PM
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Anyway, moving right along.


These two are basically saying nothing of actual use except this.


I don't have a good way to rewrite the first half of this scene, in which literally everyone gets a few shots in at Garet. Way to make a guy feel loved at his farewell party. There's also the minor issue of me having completely forgotten if his family has names either. They all have portraits, mind you, just not, y'know. Names.

The little kid here (uh... let's say Tammy) gives us the Catch Beads, which were what Dora used to grab our cloak in the prologue. There are a few items that grant Psynergy like this in the game, but the Catch Beads aren't required for anything.

At this point they all bring up that Dora must be feeling completely heartbroken that her only son is leaving, especially with her husband dead and gone. But there's just so many plotholes with this (Jenna going without mention despite being in the care of her grandparents who are probably just as sad about literally everything that's happened, the fact that Isaac off-screen promised to not return until he finished his quest, which is only ever mentioned after the fact to guilt trip you if you return, the fact that she's the one saying you should leave tomorrow originally, Dora being the only one with an actual name or any connection to what you've been doing) that I'm honestly 100% in favor of axing this entire discussion. Hell, they only bring it up solely to tell Garet he's wrong again.

So yeah. I'm sorry, I know I went in trying to edit the writing in these scenes, but I just can't feasibly do it for this scene at all. If it was taking potshots at Garet at another time, like before you meet with Kraden (which they do if you talk to them because his training stone crushes the flowers his older sister... Heather, we'll say, planted), it'd be fine and building character (and they do try that with the roof scene, except it just involves more Dora instead of Garet's family). Here, though, it's just... Nah. Nothing worthwhile here at all.

The sooner we leave Vale and get into the real game, the better.

The entire town hops as they deliver this line. That's cute, at least.

And we're off.

The world map! And a hoppy!

I'm pretty sure you can skip the hoppy, but I don't see much of any reason to do so except a challenge run (and even then, why bother).

So, this is one of the game's Djinn.

Djinn are the main mechanic that differentiates Golden Sun's battle mechanics from other games. They were unsealed when Mt. Aleph erupted, and now they're all over the land. There's 7 of each of the four types, and they're your main method of customizing your characters.

Flint here is a Venus Djinni. Each Djinni you equip increases that character's elemental level for their element (as well as a few ancillary stats), which in turn might change their class. For Isaac, Flint is basically a straight upgrade to his Psynergy and stats, but for Garet, that extra Venus level changes his class from Guard to Brute, lowering his defenses but making him better at running at people and hitting them. It also changes up his Psynergy: as is, it's a straight downgrade, but once we get more Djinn and levels, he'll become competitive with Isaac.

As a general rule, there's three types of class: pure element classes (only give character Djinn of their type) pack the most kick but have vulnerabilities to almost all other Psynergy, dual element (only equip one other type) are a bit more versatile and still plenty strong, and tri-element classes are the hardest to get, being basically lategame exclusive for the first game but having lots of unique Psynergy and even more versatility.

They can also be used in-combat. Each Djinni has an Unleash effect...

Doing it undoes the class-bonus effects for setting it but usually has a strong immediate effect, akin to the crit abilities from some of the game's artifact weapons or some of the support Psynergy.


Once used this way, the Djinni goes into standby and enters your pool of Djinn to be used for summoning.

Summons are strong, wide-scale area attacks that boost the summoner's Elemental strength corresponding to the summon. The more Djinn of an element you have on standby, the stronger potential summon you can field, up to a maximum of four Djinn.

Particle effects are involved.

Finally, after summoning, all Djinn used in the summon go into recovery, where they can't be used for anything for a short while (either in-fight turns or walking on the overworld), after which point they set again, changing class stats once more. You can also set Djinn that are on standby if you'd rather use their unleash effect again or maintain your class bonuses, but why would you waste a whole turn doing that?

Anyway, that's all for now. Let's start out adventure!

Next Time: Harry Potter and the Jupiter Adept
Old 06-06-2016, 12:04 AM
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Originally Posted by Kalir View Post
You can also set Djinn that are on standby if you'd rather use their unleash effect again or maintain your class bonuses, but why would you waste a whole turn doing that?
Because two people alternating between unleashing and setting the barrier Djinn makes you effectively invincible.
Old 06-06-2016, 12:26 AM
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It's not like the game (or The Lost Age) is exactly hard outside using those either.
Old 06-06-2016, 03:07 PM
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World map! Except... no, this is actually a continent-and-a-half map.

Camelot tends to write on the long side of games [citation needed]. So the first game in this series takes place almost solely on the continent of Angara, which... if you look at Weyard, the world of Golden Sun, from a birds-eye view, is effectively Europe and Asia. The locales of Golden Sun also loosely correspond to their real-world analogues, which doesn't mean much given we'll be in European areas for most of the game, but it'll get a bit more apparent as we head towards the northern bit of Gondowan (Africa), and REALLY obvious when we hit Xian (China). So look out for that. The sequel plays with basically every area except these.

Also, now that we're out of the tutorial for how to play the game, all the monsters have been replaced with statboosted versions of themselves with identical names and sprites (I dunno either). Wild Mushrooms now have an area heal move, as well.

And Bats can shoot sonic waves. I don't know if they can disrupt who they hit at all, but they didn't when I was playing. In either case, it's not THAT much harder than it was before.

Anyway, there's somewhere the plot really wants you to go first, but I'm not going there. First, north to Lunpa. We'll discuss the town in more detail soon, but for now it's locked off.

Only reason to actually come up here this late is to use Catch to grab a Nut, but if you really need a single consumable healing item badly enough to go off the beaten path, you may want to consider rethinking your strategy. I mostly ended up here by not having played for ages.

Here's where I wanted to go.

Goma Cave is our quickest route to the nearest lighthouse. There's only one on Angara, Mercury Lighthouse, further north. You could almost make a case for Venus Lighthouse, on the tip of Gondowan (roughly at Saudi Arabia's location), but eh.

Most of the entrance to Goma Cave is no trouble whatsoever.

But eventually, we get to this stump, which refuses to budge.

<Isaac> Those leaves have all built up too much, it's impossible to get any traction.
<Garet> Oh, I have an idea!
<Isaac> No.
<Garet> Wh- you didn't even hear it!
<Isaac> You were going to suggest burning the leaves, right?
<Garet> Yeah, so?
<Isaac> Using Mars Psynergy to fight off monsters is one thing. But I feel like accidentally starting a wildfire might be somewhat counterproductive to our goal of saving the world, don't you?
<Garet> ...Huh, good point. But we have to get through here, right?
<Isaac> I don't see another route on this map to Mercury Lighthouse. At least, not one that doesn't involve several months of hiking.
<Garet> Okay... we passed a town on the way here, right? Let's go there and see if we can get any info.
Ordinarily, there's no discussion here. It's just Garet's one line and then you're expected to come back later. Which... okay, if you DIDN'T at least swing into the town on the way here, you were probably just being obtuse.

Also, they DO add Fireball in Dark Dawn as a puzzle solver, and use it precisely to burn down plants and the like. That's not the solution here, for reasons.

For now, forget it. Back to the town of Vault.


This is the merchant Hammet. He's part of a sidequest later on, the content of which will become very apparent shortly.

His caravan heads south, but a destroyed bridge there stops them.

<Worker> I thought Mt. Aleph was inactive.
<Hammet> What a time for a robbery. If it wasn't for the volcano, I'd have stayed there and mustered what resources I could to track the thieves down...
<Worker> Are you sure Ivan should just be left alone there?
<Hammet> He requested it. And the Shaman's Rod he lost is... well, it's important. Anyway, that's not the true issue. With the route back to Kalay cut off, we're out of options.
<Worker> Are you sure we can't just stay in Vault?
<Hammet> A volcanic rock the size of a chair punched through their inn's roof. Yes, I'm sure!

As if to drive the point home...

A Psynergy Stone crashes to the ground very close to the caravan.

<Worker> North? You mean to Lunpa?
<Hammet> That's what I mean, yes. The eruption doesn't seem to be affecting that area.
<Worker> ...Are you absolutely positive about this, sir?
<Hammet> No, but what I AM positive about is not dying to flying shards of stone! Let's go!

Lunpa is, and remains, locked off even though they're heading up there. So that's fun.

Anyway, Vault. Weird name for a town, especially right after we just left Vale.

Despite Hammet's caution in the field, Vault is completely harmless, and everyone treats the eruption as though it happened last week instead of "right now".

I like how they put the kids chasing each other in circles around wells and the like in most towns. It's kind of cute.

My aimless meandering was moderately taxing, but again, we recover PP just by walking. I'll probably stop at the inn anyway solely because I can make up for the price of a stay by stabbing a rat or two.

In any event, we're not far behind Saturos and Menardi's group, so they're likely headed to Mercury Lighthouse too. I don't know if they took the hiking route or not.

First, shopping.
Old 06-06-2016, 03:11 PM
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We can buy and sell weapons and armor at these two dudes. The "Artifacts" option mostly leads to magic weapons that have unleash effects, while the Repair option is there to fix up items that have a chance of breaking with each use. We don't have any of either yet.

The only artifact being sold is something neither of our characters can equip.

The equipment there isn't BAD per se, but literally nobody ever will bother buying a Mace early on. You'll probably buy a Long Sword or Battle Axe if you want weapons, but they're expensive.

Instead, I'm just gonna buy up a full set of armor for both of our dudes. That means caps for their heads...

And shields for their arms.

To actually advance the plot, we have to track down the Shaman's Rod. It doesn't do anything in and of itself, but that's our goal. No points for guessing that this guy is involved.


There's also a Djinni over here. Unfortunately, we can't get this one for a while.

Ringing the watchtower bell scares it from behind the tree onto a ledge, but we can't reach that ledge from where we are.

In our wild bumbling, we end up in the mayor's home.

We start a conversation with this kid and get rewarded with Psynergy aimed at us.

This is before any of us say anything at all, mind you. Say hello to Ivan!

<Ivan> Powers like yours, right? Psynergy... that's what it's called? Fascinating!
<Garet> Uh... normally people start conversations with greetings, y'know.
<Ivan> I didn't know others with my powers existed. Perhaps you can help me, Isaac and Garet.
<Isaac> You're reading our minds before even letting us say a word. That's not a great way to start off a request for help, especially since we don't even know your name.
<Ivan> Ah, right. Sorry. My name is Ivan. I serve Master Hammet of Kalay, but he was robbed here, and among the things lost was something very important, which I must recover.
<Garet> Hammet? Kalay? ...Oh wait, I think I remember seeing a place with that name on our map.
<Ivan> Yes, it's a city in southern Angara. Anyway, someone in this town stole the Shaman's Rod, which I absolutely must recover.

You can decline here, in which case Ivan goes right back to his niche in the house. But we'll need his help eventually.

<Isaac> I'm not sure we can spare that much time to help, we're on some pretty urgent business.
<Garet> Nah, we can help! Leave it to us!
<Isaac> (Garet, we really don't have the time for this.)
<Garet> (Yeah, but we can't get into Goma Cave, right? So if we're gonna be stuck here either way, why not do a good deed or two?)
<Isaac> (Fair enough. And as weird as this Ivan guy is, he'd probably be really handy to have on our side.)

<Isaac> Hey! Cut that out!
<Ivan> Sorry. It's a bit of a bad habit, I know. Most people can't tell that I'm reading their minds.
<Garet> I'd really like you to not do that to us, Ivan.
<Isaac> Garet's right. How would you like it if people pried into your mind without your permission?

Ivan as a character is probably the second most developed in the first game, behind Garet. He's mostly defined by his social awkwardness, between his submissive attitude and his inability to determine that reading people's minds is inappropriate. Which... is fine, really. I'll probably try to do something to differentiate him from my writing of the ever-cautious Isaac here. Probably play up his being an apprentice or whatever to Master Hammet.

Anyway, Ivan's response to us claiming Mind Read is a creepy power...

Is to let us share that power ourselves.

<Isaac> ...Whoa.
<Garet> Wait, what happened?
<Isaac> I think I was also able to read your mind. Ivan, how did you do that?
<Ivan> It was mostly a lucky guess. But by sharing our Psynergy, you should be able to read the same thoughts I can.
<Garet> Well that doesn't make that power any less creepy for us!
<Ivan> Would it help if I let you try it, Garet?
<Garet> No, it really, really wouldn't.
<Isaac> Look on the bright side, Garet. We're looking for who stole something. That's got to be way easy to find by reading people's minds until we find the culprit.
<Garet> ...Huh, that's a good point. But why didn't you just find the rod yourself with that power, Ivan?
<Ivan> You both look like you've had some practice swordfighting. My practice has been in merchantry. If I walked into a den of thieves slinging accusations, that'd be just asking for trouble without anyone to help me.
<Garet> Oh! Well, don't worry! Me and Isaac are both good fighters, we can protect you!
<Ivan> You have my thanks.

Yay, we can think all the stupid things we want!

And now we have three party members instead of just two!

Ivan leaves your party if you leave Vault, however. Golden Sun is very good about restricting new party members to where you get them until you do whatever they need to do in that area. At least Ivan returns your Djinn to you if you give them to him (which isn't a bad idea right now honestly).

Anyway, Ivan is a Jupiter Adept, so his innate element is wind. But as stated, he's not that much of a fighter: he wields a different set of weapons than Isaac/Garet do, with only short swords being shared between them. His Agility and PP reserves are high, but his other stats less so.

If we give Ivan the Venus Djinni we have, his class changes from Wind Seer (the Mage line) to just plain Seer (the Shaman line). It's not a bad idea, it gives him Cure and bulks him up quite a bit, but I'm going to stick to pure element classes until we get at least two of each Djinni.

Anyway, Ivan starts off with his Mind Read power, which for ease of use should be set to a shoulder button, and Whirlwind for field use.

Almost every single NPC in the game has an alternate line of text for when you use Mind Read on them, which is occasionally clever, charming or helpful. In practice, you probably don't want to add even more text to your playthrough of the game.

Anyway, this loser is almost certainly in on it, but we don't get any information aside from them being from out of town, so we're not that much closer to the Shaman's Rod.

Not that hard to find them, though.
Old 06-06-2016, 03:13 PM
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Thanks, innkeeper. You're super helpful.

We find them upstairs talking about CRIME.

Ivan's creepiness is tangible, even without Mind Read, and the thieves refuse to let him near them on principle.

And we can't Mind Read what we can't catch.

So it's time for a minigame!


Garet parks himself in the room's exit, leaving Isaac and Ivan to corner one of the thieves.

The thieves will flee if either Isaac or Ivan gets close, and Ivan just walks in a direction. In theory, you're meant to corral one of them towards Ivan. In practice, apparently if you just walk left at the start like I did here on accident, you instantly corner one. So that's neat.


<Garet> I knew it! They looked super untrustworthy the second I saw them.
<Isaac> Did you find where they were keeping everything?
<Ivan> Not specifically, but I know it's in this inn somewhere.
<Garet> Then we're gonna search the inn, right?
<Isaac> Looks like it. Stick together, everyone!

Hey guys can you guess where the stuff might be?

Also: how did the thieves get in here and seal it off? Or more relevantly, how were they planning to get the stuff back?

In any event, the dude doing repairs was captured here for seeing too much.


<Villager> Saw a whole bunch of crates that didn't belong to us, so I was going over to take a closer look when WHAM!
<Garet> So someone knocked you out and tied you up? What a bunch of crooks!
<Isaac> Did you get a chance to look in the crates?
<Villager> No, but we probably should while we can, don't you think?

Of course it's not gonna be that easy.

<Ivan> Excuse me?
<Bandit> Figured you guys wouldn't stick around after being robbed, what with the mountains of gold you already have to lounge around on.
<Ivan> What do you know about Master Hammet, you scoundrel?
<Bandit> Apparently not as much as I thought, because word has it the big man, fleeing the eruption, went right into Lunpa of all places.

<Villager> A man with Hammet's money shouldn't even be in eyeshot of Lunpa!
<Isaac> What kind of place is Lunpa? We're not familiar with the region.
<Villager> Well, the town was named after its founder, Lunpa the so-called noble thief.
<Bandit> So-called, nothing! He fought tyrants and retrieved treasures from ruins! His son Donpa continued the tradition even after he died, but Donpa's son, Dodonpa... well, you think we're villainous? You haven't seen Dodonpa at work.

<Ivan> I can't believe Master Hammet went to Lunpa, of all places...
<Bandit> Hey, idea. If you let us go, we'll try to put in a good word with Dodonpa, tell him not to hurt your master. How's that sound?
<Garet> No way! You guys already stole from Hammet, from Ivan, probably from the rest of this town to boot!
<Isaac> I agree. You still committed crimes against people and their property, and during a natural disaster to boot.
<Bandit> Psh. Guess you guys are as stupid as Hammet, and twice as ugly! ...To boot!

This scene just got a few tweaks. First: giving some reason why Lunpa would be a "noble" thief, especially when he's initially referred to as such by someone who just got wronged by a group of thieves. Second: trying to make the bandit's bargain less stupid. In the original text, they just go "see, we're not as bad as Dodonpa, won't you let us go?" Which... doesn't really fly at all.

Which brings us to the first boss fight of the game, sort of. The music here isn't any different from the usual fight music though, and the challenge is similarly nonexistent.

Ivan's physical attack might not be good, but he can fall back on offensive Psynergy, and he starts out with Whirlwind and Ray, both solid contenders.


You can determine enemy weaknesses to the different elements by the punctuation after the damage on an attack. These guys have equal levels of resistance to everything, so they get the weakness punctuation (!!!). If they resisted, it'd instead be a single period, and if neither applies, it's just a single exclamation point.

These guys use items in the fight, which are actively limited in usage, it seems. The Smoke Bomb, as you can see, inflicts blindness delusion.

Last edited by Kalir; 06-06-2016 at 04:33 PM.
Old 06-06-2016, 03:15 PM
Kalir Kalir is offline
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Given that every character on our team can contribute via offense Psynergy, this proves about as effective as you'd expect.

The Thieves also sometimes waste their turns.

However, they do have healing items and know how to use them, so there is that to watch out for.

That more just prolongs the fight, rather than making it a challenge, though.

Me being a dumbass and using Ivan's physical attack certainly doesn't help in that vein.

Progress is being made, though.

The bandit leader also has Slice, a speedy attack that can inflict pretty high levels of damage, but even so, that's nothing to write home about.

Bye, nerds.

Earthquake! Guess what it's the upgraded version of Quake (which still remains usable). Costs more PP in exchange for dealing more damage and hitting a wider area.

Ivan also grabs their sword, out first artifact item, which I'll put to use in the next update.

<Villager> But you guys... those powers of yours are INSANE! They didn't stand a chance!
<Isaac> Oh, right. As thanks for saving you, could you... not tell people about those powers we used?
<Villager> That's a weird request. But like you said, you saved me, so no problem. Your secret's safe with me.
<Isaac> Thank you very much.
<Ivan> Someone should go get help with rounding these guys up.

So, in the normal game, Psynergy is completely imperceptible to non-Adepts. They can tell the aftereffects if they're perceptible, but not the actual forces involved. That's all well and good for justifying Mind Reading every single person in the game, but it kind of falls apart when using Psynergy like Earthquake in the face of non-Adepts. I'm still fine with non-Adepts not being able to detect things like Mind Read, but I'm going to just treat Psynergy as more or less obvious to anyone who's looking.

<Ivan> You think it wasn't trouble for people to make or earn these things themselves?
<Bandit> You already beat me, I don't need you to lecture me.
<Garet> Evil never prevails!
<Isaac> Haha, okay, Garet.
<Ivan> I can't thank you two enough for your help here. Once the mayor gets back, we'll look through these crates, return everything, and I'll finally recover the Shaman's Rod.
<Isaac> What's so important about the Shaman's Rod, anyway?
<Ivan> Hm... after all you've done for me, I think it's fair that I tell you. The rod itself doesn't seem to have any special powers, but Master Hammet says that someday, I'll need to use it for an important trade.
<Garet> Weird. Any idea where, what for?
<Ivan> None. But I owe my upbringing to him, so once I get it, I'm headed to Lunpa to meet up with him. What will you two do after this?

Rather than waiting for an answer, he just reflexively reads our mind again.

<Isaac> Ivan, we talked about this!
<Ivan> Oh! I didn't even realize, I'm so sorry. Again, it's habitual.
<Isaac> Well, guess there's not much point in hiding it. We have to rescue our friends, and stop people from causing untold harm to our world.
<Ivan> I see. I suppose I couldn't ask you two to help me further, you've been delayed enough as is.
<Garet> Yeah we have. We might just have to go hiking over the Goma Range anyway.
<Isaac> I don't see another option, yeah. Sorry, Ivan, but you're on your own.
<Ivan> It's fine, I understand.

Mayor and a few villagers roll up.

The thieves don't really make a good argument for themselves here, either.

<Ivan> (Why does he think you're the one to have a vendetta against?)
<Isaac> (I don't know, people just seem to think I'm the leader all the time.)
<Garet> (Yeah, I should be the leader and nobody recognizes it!)

Anyway, the thieves are hauled off to jail...

And the villagers start searching through the crates.

First one is the mayor's urn, which, okay, that's fine.

Next up is... a gold statue thing?

Oh no how utterly villainous.

And the last one has the Shaman's Rod.

<Ivan> That's great! I must head to Lunpa at once, then.
<Mayor> ...You haven't heard, then?
<Ivan> I've heard that Master Hammet went that way. Did something happen?
<Mayor> Dodonpa caught wind of his approach and set up an ambush, it seems. We haven't heard from Hammet since he went that way.
<Ivan> No...
<Mayor> I'm almost certain they've kidnapped Hammet. The gold and supplies he had on hand would certainly be a worthwhile treasure, but Dodonpa has no need to kill him, at least.
Old 06-06-2016, 03:17 PM
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<Ivan> That's horrible.
<Mayor> We can't do much else right now until Dodonpa makes his move. I'm truly sorry, Ivan. To have one calamity after another befall you... if you need to stay here in Vault a while, you are more than welcome to remain our guest.
<Ivan> Thank you, but if it's as you say, I have a lot to do. I'm sorry to have been such trouble for you all, I'll be departing at once.
<Mayor> No trouble at all. Safe travels, Ivan.

The mayor also thanks us for catching the thieves and promises a reward at his home. I forget to go get it this update. It's probably not important.

Oh whoops, I accidentally wrote this conversation a short ways up. Oh well, no need to repeat it.

To the point, then.

Ivan goes over and actually gets the Shaman's Rod from the crate...

And with that, he's gone.

He returns our Djinni to us if it's equipped to him. He does not do this for the Bandit's Sword if it dropped into his inventory. I'm not that broken up about it and you can probably guess why.


Woo, sidequest stuff.

I got this way earlier than I really should have, though. I've no need for this until we hit... like, halfway through the game.

On our way back to Goma Cave, Garet picks up a new attack Psynergy of minor consequence.

We STILL can't get past this obstacle...

But who should show up but this clown. Hands up, everyone who is surprised.

So, while we can't burn the leaves...

Ivan's Whirlwind Psynergy is more than sufficient.

Cleans them out with efficiency.

<Isaac> Thank you for your aid. But why are you here?
<Ivan> Well, I had to go confirm that Hammet was kidnapped for myself, of course, and I had to try to save him. But Lunpa's locked up tight, and there was no way I could sneak in, Psynergy or no.
<Garet> I'm sorry to hear that. But y'know we can't help you break in right now, right?
<Ivan> No, I know that. But I thought that if I can't rescue Hammet now, and he's in no immediate danger, why not help you two with your quest?
<Isaac> We'd welcome you along, of course, but we're going to be fighting people far more dangerous than a band of highwaymen. Are you sure about this?
<Ivan> By the looks of things, the more Psynergy you have the better, and my Psynergy seems drastically different from either of yours.
<Garet> Good enough for me. Welcome to the team, Ivan!
<Ivan> Thank you very much.

<Isaac> That's the next stop on our map towards Mercury Lighthouse, so yeah.
<Ivan> I've heard good things about Bilibin. Very hard workers, skilled in carpentry. They conduct a lot of trade with the lumberjacks of Kolima Forest, and we in Kalay with Bilibin for the same.
<Garet> Sounds like an excellent place to get supplies, then. Let's go, everyone!

So, okay, storywise this entire exchange makes a degree of sense. From a gameplay perspective, this is just stupid.

First off, why CAN'T Garet just burn away the leaves? Second, assume you did what I did because you had to reach the lighthouses. (This is already a shaky assumption because you have no idea where the lighthouses even are, but bear with me.) You come here, try to Move the stump, fail, and go "okay, we don't have that Psynergy yet, we'll come back." And then you go to Vault and do that entire sideline, but end up with nothing to show for it but the mayor's reward and (maybe) a Bandit's Sword. At this point, you STILL have no idea what could even get past the leaves: the only hint you can use Whirlwind is seeing it pop up in Ivan's Psynergy selection when choosing Mind Read. It doesn't even have use in Vault.

The end result is that the solution will evade players until they come back, frustrated they can't find or recruit Ivan at Lunpa, and then he magically joins the party anyway. The good news is that there's not many actual locations you can reach here: the bad is that it's still going to take a lot of backtracking over the world map.

Anyway, Whirlwind gets rid of leaf piles. This is okay.

And Ivan kept the Bandit's Sword, which we'll have him equip instead of the Shaman's Rod, solely because it's an artifact weapon and he kind of needs to be able to keep up with the other two in a fight.

Next Time: Harry Potter and the Man-Shaped Tree
Old 06-06-2016, 04:17 PM
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<Garet> No way! You guys already stole from Hammet, from Ivan, probably from the rest of this town to boot!
<Isaac> I agree. You still committed crimes against people and their property, and during a natural disaster to boot.
<Bandit> Psh. Guess you guys aren't any smarter than Hammet.
This section's kinda awkwardly worded. I think you could drop the "to boot" on Isaac or Garet's lines, or add one in the Bandit's to emphasize the humor in it, a la "<Bandit> Psh. Guess you guys are as ugly as Hammet and twice as stupid! ... To boot!".

Also this:

<Ivan> Excuse me?
<Bandit> Figured you and his you guys wouldn't stick around after being robbed, what with the mountains of gold you already have to lounge around on.
<Ivan> What do you know about Master Hammet, you scoundrel?
<Bandit> Apparently not as much as I thought, because word has it the big man, fleeing the eruption, went right into Lunpa of all places.
Old 06-06-2016, 04:31 PM
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True. I admit to not running that post past a second party for editing, and I've no qualms about tuning those sections up.
Old 06-07-2016, 02:52 PM
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Oh, I guess Amazes can cast Rumble. This is a monster-only ghosty Venus attack.

Anyway, the mayor's reward.

It's a revive item! If you're not worried about the state of the game as it currently stands, feel free to sell this for a boatload of dosh. (2250 coins to be precise, more than enough to keep an earlygame party happy for a while.)

Also, once you take care of the thieves, the townsfolk helpfully point you in the direction of Goma Cave, so I guess that's there too.

Anyway, here's Goma Cave proper.

The inside has a worked route towards Bilibin, but it's been blocked by a cave-in.

Once we get through, we'll push that stone down and effectively create a shortcut through the map if we want to head back through here again. Golden Sun is pretty good about things like that.

Anyway, the enemies in Goma Cave are about the same as on the overworld, just a bit more numerous.

Because I'm not going to use it in combat when I have access to Ray, here's Whirlwind to show it off.

Also, Isaac's Earthquake Psynergy is incredibly strong for how early we are. It's our go-to choice for killing large encounters quickly, but his PP reserves aren't quite as sturdy as Ivan's, and he's your only healer unless we swap around the Venus Djinni, which I'm not going to do this early. Having everyone with powerful blasty Psynergy is a better option for me, I think.

Garet's Fire Psynergy is a weaker version of the Psynergy Saturos used to finish us off earlier.

As for the Bandit's Sword we got...

Works just like the Bandit's Slice attack: speed forward, do lots of damage.

The most dangerous enemies in the cave are the Skeletons, seen here hatecritting Garet for a pretty solid amount of damage this early on. It'll take a few turns of regular attacks to take them down, but still, nothing here should pose a threat at all.

Exception noted for this guy here.

That's a Mars Djinni, therefore we want it. But as the explorer here indicates, it'll try fighting before just joining us.

Ghosts have Herbs? Okay. They can also cast Rumble for what that matters.

Anyway, the puzzle here is easy. Push the pillar into the divot in the ground, and it'll create a path to reach the Mars Djinni.

Goma Cave overall is mostly just about pushing things around. We don't have much Psynergy to us at the moment, so it's just a straightforward intermediary dungeon in every respect.

Lucky Medal! This is used as one of two currency types for the gambling minigames once we reach the city of Tolbi. For now, we're just gonna hoard them.

Shove this stump into the drink below...

And you create a path to move on.

Oh, I guess we CAN crit with artifact weapons, the unleash doesn't replace it. Okay! The two ARE mutually exclusive, though.

Let's wrassle.


Djinni fights happen a few times in the game, and while they're usually pretty dangerous, they have some easily exploitable weaknesses by the fact that you know for sure what element they are.
Old 06-07-2016, 02:53 PM
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They pack and wield Psynergy of their type with incredible efficiency, but that's not the big problem. The problem is that they can also flee in a fight. As the explorer notes, if they do this, you can re-enter the area to get the Djinni to fight you again. This is annoying for a few reasons, one of those being if you had to solve a puzzle to reach them in the first place, you get to do the puzzle again.

Anyway, we don't have that much single-target kick, so I'm gonna unleash Flint on him.


Cost a bit more than I'd like, but nobody died, I call that a success.

And that's another Djinni added to the team!

Forge's unleash effect is a party-wide attack boost, which is pretty nice to have this early on.

This guy is perhaps knowing a bit more than an explorer like him should, but he's right. By far the most important things to find in Golden Sun are extra Djinn.

Anyway, Isaac can now go Brute himself, using Forge.

Ivan, on the other hand, can become a Pilgrim, which is honestly almost a complete upgrade statwise. His Psynergy, though, gets strictly worse, at least until he has several Djinn under his belt.

And we're done with Goma Cave. Nothing else of merit really happened in there.

Hey look, it's Bilibin!

That's a weird lookin' tree.

So, there's a very clear intention of the designers for you to do something here.

And that intention is this, right here.

Bilibin's basically trying to deal with a curse originating from Kolima.

Bilibin's lord, McCoy, requested Koliman lumberjacks to cut down the sacred tree within Kolima Forest to build a fancy new house for his wife. This went about as well as could be expected.

The hint is that it's less the fact that the tree is sacred and more the fact that Psynergy Stones from the eruption have basically jacked everything up. Formerly harmless creatures can now pose a severe threat to anything they want to pick a fight with. I mean, imagine YOU had to fight a rat that could call down thunderstorms whenever it wanted.

Honestly, what we're really here for...

Is a Djinni.

Like Vault, you do have to do this place's quest eventually, but are allowed to go in another direction if you so choose. Unlike Vault, you aren't really locked into doing it anyway (for now).

I'm stopping in here to fill you all in on the situation, and then to grab this Jupiter Djinni. I'm pretty sure I have to pull the statue down from this side, but not 100% sure. Either way, it tells you there's a Djinni here and where you can reach it from.

To actually get to it, we have to walk on top of the town wall.

Whirlwind open this side passage...

And there you have it.

Old 06-07-2016, 02:55 PM
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Gust's effect is much like that of the Bandit's Sword. Which is to say, it hits a dude for damage.

The effect when giving it to Isaac or Garet is much the same, turning them from their useful base classes into the (at this point) completely garbage Apprentice/Page classes.

Okay, not COMPLETELY garbage. But having a higher PP pool isn't very helpful when all my attack Psynergy is replaced with a garbage status effect Psynergy.

Anyway, weapons. While we can't afford the Witch's Wand, we can now afford the Magic Rod, which is even better for Ivan than the Bandit's Sword.

But instead of selling it, we're giving it to one of our dudes. Let's say Isaac.

Oh, and we get a Game Ticket every few purchases. This is the other currency for gambling games.

The Bandit's Sword isn't incredibly powerful, but Isaac and Garet haven't got weapon upgrades yet.

In order to get Garet a cool weapon, I even sell our highly precious and valuable Nut.

This nets him a Heavy Mace, which isn't the best thing the store sells, but it's no slouch, and it's distinctive!

The problem with Bilibin is that they really, REALLY want you to try going in the wrong direction, being confused as to why you can't, and then solving this intermediary problem, when there's literally not a thing stopping you from just ignoring the entire thing and going in your ACTUAL direction of north (which NOTHING EVER TELLS YOU IS THE RIGHT WAY).

The actual thing meant to dissuade you is the fact that the encounters get tougher if you go north than if you go east. Nuts to that, says I. I'll fight whatever the game feels like throwing at me.

Should probably get an inn stay first.

Oh hey, Murk unleash. It doesn't do much more damage that I can tell...

But it can put targets to sleep, which works the same as it does in literally any other game.

Ghosts can cast Impair to weaken our defenses. I don't care.


Oh cool, they dropped an Oil Drop. This will effectively duplicate the final Psynergy in Garet's Flare line, making it a solid emergency fire attack.

Far enough north, and we hit Bilibin Cave. Even outside of ignoring the pseudo-sidequest of Bilibin, this is a good idea to go first anyway, to limit backtracking for stupid reasons later.

Oh, hey. This plant here...

If we change Isaac or Garet to Brute, they get access to the Growth Psynergy.

Casting it on this plant...

Turns it into a vine ladder!

I didn't figure this one out for an embarassingly long time the first time I played this game, leading me to miss a lot of high-class goodies.

For example, slide down this slope here and go in the cave...

To get the Elven Rapier.

This sucker is far and away better than any of our other weapons. I'm giving it to Garet, whose barely-used Heavy Mace will replace the Bandit's Sword for Isaac.
< 1 2 3 4 5 >