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The Stars Are Right... for an Arkham Horror LP!

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Old 03-17-2011, 11:28 PM
SladeForrester SladeForrester is offline
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March 18, 1926

There is one cardinal rule to remember when mastering the art of selling. Your product, whether it be magazines, sweepers, cosmetics, insurance, automobiles or groceries, it doesn't matter, because you are not selling a product. You are selling yourself. Get your customer to believe in you, and they will buy. I have carried this rule with me from door to door, town to town, and it has always brought me success. People said I could sell an icebox to an eskimo, and they were right. It's all about confidence and perseverance, because once you get your foot in the door, the sky is the limit.

--Foreward to "Salesmanship: Science or Artform?" By Robert Jenkins


After several attempts, I managed to sell myself to the head of the Silver Twilight Lodge in Arkham. I have seen other so-called Houses of Magick all over New England, and while they all have different names and different "systems," their members have two things in common: They're all very suggestible, and they're all VERY wealthy. I had heard about such a group operating in Arkham, but it wasn't until I saw that man buying up all the candles and charcoal at the General Store. Now I have my foot in the door, and it won't be long before I have their money, their trust, and a train ticket back to New York City. That is my business, and business is good.

--From the Travel Log of Bob Jenkins


The Past

The Author made it back through the portal unharmed! It seemed that she was now attempting to focus your mind on closing the portal, and had almost succeeded. I would have to try to help her in some way. The Archaeologist had also disappeared into a portal, as they seemed to be popping up everywhere now. The Salesman actually managed to gain entry into a Hermetic Lodge. Maybe he'll be able to figure out more of what's been going on in this town. I have a feeling they are somehow connected to the chaos here. The Scientist seems to be flailing about with no real direction... I will have to help her sharpen her mind somehow...


Turn Four

Board, Start of Turn Four

Character Sheets, Start of Turn Four
Kate Winthrop, the Scientist
Sanity: 6/6
Stamina: 2/4
Focus: 1
Speed: 2
Sneak: 4
Fight: 2
Will: 2
Lore: 3
Luck: 3
Money: $7
Clues: 8
Common Items:
Unique Items:
Holy Water
Find Gate
Mists Of Releh
+1 Speed
Allies: NONE
Trophies: NONE
Others: NONE

Monterey Jack, the Archaeologist
Sanity: 3/3
Stamina: 7/7
Focus: 2
Speed: 3
Sneak: 1
Fight: 4
Will: 1
Lore: 3
Luck: 3
Money: $2
Clues: 3
Common Items:
.38 Revolver
Unique Items:
Enchanted Blade
Elder Sign
Flesh Ward
+1 Lore
Allies: NONE
Cultist (1 pt)
Others: NONE

Bob Jenkins, the Salesman
Sanity: 4/4
Stamina: 6/6
Focus: 1
Speed: 2
Sneak: 3
Fight: 3
Will: 4
Lore: 2
Luck: 2
Money: $6
Clues: 1
Common Items:
Dark Cloak
Unique Items:
Holy Water
Dragon's Eye
Cabala of Saboth
Spells: NONE
Ruby Standish
Trophies: NONE
Silver Twilight Lodge Membership

Gloria Goldberg, the Author
Sanity: 5/6
Stamina: 4/4
Focus: 2
Speed: 2
Sneak: 2
Fight: 2
Will: 3
Lore: 4
Luck: 2
Money: $7
Clues: 2
Common Items:
Dark Cloak
Unique Items: NONE
Dread Curse of Azathoth
+1 Will
Allies: NONE
Formless Spawn (2 pts)
Others: NONE

Kate makes no adjustments.
Monty makes his Fight 3 and Will 2, and adjusts his Luck to 4 and Lore to 2. He has no idea what he'll find here, but a strong Will and good Luck can't hurt.
Bob makes his Speed 3 and Sneak 2. There is a reason for this.
Gloria does not change. Her Lore can't get any better and she has to close this Gate.

Kate moves 3 spaces (2 base Speed +1 from her Skill) to the Science Building, deciding she needs to document her findings so far.

Monty moves to the other side of R'lyeh.

Bob heads back to the Silver Twilight Lodge for his first trip to the Inner Sanctum.

Gloria stays put to make another attempt on this gate.

To be continued...

Last edited by SladeForrester; 03-18-2011 at 01:23 AM.
Old 03-18-2011, 12:52 AM
SladeForrester SladeForrester is offline
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Turn Four, continued

Arkham Encounters
Science Building: You find a student pounding on a strange device that he has hooked up to massive machinery. He states that it is a dimensional beam machine. If you offer to help him, make a Lore (-2) check. If you pass, beams shoot out in all directions, disrupting the gates open throughout the board. Roll a die for each open gate one at a time. On a success the gate is closed. However, you may not take it as a trophy, but instead return it to the pile of gate markers. If you fail, the machinery overheats and explodes. Roll a die and lose that much Stamina, then move to St. Mary's Hospital.
Well, this is a predicament to be sure. There are several pros and cons to this move. Gates closing is almost always a good thing, because less gates means less chance of gate surge. However, Monty is in one, and that one closing would result in him getting eaten. We also need the Gate Trophies gained from closing to stop this Rumor. Considering also Kate's low Stamina and the fact that she has already been delayed once this game, and only having one Lore die to roll, makes me decide not to take this Encounter. If Kate had more Stamina and if we had a different Big Bad, it would be a no-brainer, but there are just too many factors that make this a bad idea to try.

Monty is in an Other World, so he does not have an Encounter here.

Inner Sanctum: You are allowed into the vault of Silver Secrets. Pass a Luck (-2) check to steal a very unusual item. Search the Unique Item deck and take any one Unique Item you want.
Very nice pull. Only one problem: Bob's Luck is only 2, so the -2 brings him to zero, which would be an automatic failure. However, he has one Clue token, and since we all know what goodies reside in the Unique Item deck, we're spending it.
Clue tokens = 0
One die, make me proud!


Things are looking up.

Gate fight, Round 2! Remember, we get 4 Lore dice to roll 2 successes.

Nailed it! With a titanic amount of mental focus, Gloria watches as the gate irises closed. She now gets to keep the Gate token as a trophy. Gate Trophies are worth 5 points for the purposes of spending for effects and post-game score, but we need this and one more to get rid of that Rumor. The icon on this Gate is a triangle, and if there were any Monsters on the board with a triangle icon, they would immediately be sucked back through and disappear. Sadly, this does not happen here.

Other World Encounters
R'lyeh: You run for the boat. Pass a Speed (-1) [2] check to reach it in time. If you do, you escape with vital information. Gain 5 Clue tokens/ if you fail, stay here next turn, hiding from your pursuer.
Monty has a Speed of 3, with after the modifier gives him 2 dice to roll to pass this check, and due to the [2], he needs successes on both dice. We have 3 Clue tokens to spend if this goes bad, and all things considered, there is no reason not to spend them all if we have to. Roll 'em up!

Only one. Clue token #1, go!

Damn. Clue token #2, go!

Got it that time! A net gain of 3 Clue tokens is a good haul indeed, and now Monty won't be delayed. He now has enough to seal a Gate even without his Elder Sign.
Clue Tokens = 6

To be continued...
Old 03-18-2011, 01:39 AM
SladeForrester SladeForrester is offline
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Turn Four, continued

Headline: Horror at Groundbreaking! An ancient stone is disturbed by the construction, releasing 2 monsters into the Miskatonic U. streets.
Clue Appears at: Silver Twilight Lodge
Gate Opens at: Historical Society
( moves white
+ moves black
Wow, monsters at the University and a gate at the Historical Society. I guess these academics are the most dangerous people in Lovecraftia.

Since the Clue falls right on Bob's head in the Lodge, he gets to claim it immediately!

No Monsters move again this turn, but now we have 3 new ones to contend with. First, the one that pops out of the Gate:

Damn do I hate this thing. Whenever the Mythos decrees that it moves, it WILL get a chance to smack someone. Hopefully it'll be Monty or Gloria that has to take it on, but Kate or Bob could Evade it to get into a Gate.
As for what appears in the streets...

The Warlock is hard as hell to hit, but if we kill him we get Clues. The Chthonian can't move, and as such is easy to Evade, but when it's icon comes up it has a 50% chance to tentacle-smack everyone on the board.

One thing I haven't had a need to call attention to yet is the Monster count. We now have 5 Monsters loose in Arkham, and our limit is 7. However, it looks like we'll have to get through some baddies to make it to anywhere useful, so next turn, we be whoopin' ass.

Next, we roll for the Rumor. Remember, on a 1 or a 2, the Terror Track increases by 1.

Shit. The Terror Track moves to 2, and another potential Ally decides it's time to blow this popsicle stand. Thomas F. Malone, may you find someplace less terrifying.

I'm gonna sing the Doom Song now!

Doom Doom Doom! Doomy Doomdoom!

Board, End of Turn 4

Character Sheets, End of Turn 4
Kate Winthrop, the Scientist
Sanity: 6/6
Stamina: 2/4
Focus: 1
Speed: 2
Sneak: 4
Fight: 2
Will: 2
Lore: 3
Luck: 3
Money: $7
Clues: 8
Common Items:
Unique Items:
Holy Water
Find Gate
Mists Of Releh
+1 Speed
Allies: NONE
Trophies: NONE
Others: NONE

Monterey Jack, the Archaeologist
Sanity: 3/3
Stamina: 7/7
Focus: 2
Speed: 3
Sneak: 1
Fight: 3
Will: 2
Lore: 2
Luck: 4
Money: $2
Clues: 6
Common Items:
.38 Revolver
Unique Items:
Enchanted Blade
Elder Sign
Flesh Ward
+1 Lore
Allies: NONE
Cultist (1 pt)
Others: NONE

Bob Jenkins, the Salesman
Sanity: 4/4
Stamina: 6/6
Focus: 1
Speed: 3
Sneak: 2
Fight: 3
Will: 4
Lore: 2
Luck: 2
Money: $6
Clues: 1
Common Items:
Dark Cloak
Unique Items:
Holy Water
Dragon's Eye
Cabala of Saboth
Elder Sign
Spells: NONE
Ruby Standish
Trophies: NONE
Silver Twilight Lodge Membership

Gloria Goldberg, the Author
Sanity: 5/6
Stamina: 4/4
Focus: 2
Speed: 2
Sneak: 2
Fight: 2
Will: 3
Lore: 4
Luck: 2
Money: $7
Clues: 2
Common Items:
Dark Cloak
Unique Items: NONE
Dread Curse of Azathoth
+1 Will
Allies: NONE
Formless Spawn (2 pts)
City of the Great Race (5 pts)
Others: NONE

Well kids, things seem to be coming together. With a second Elder Sign in our backpack and a substantial amount of Clues, it's time to go crazy (wait, bad choice of words) Sealing Gates. Unfortunately, this turn doesn't really lend itself well to voting, and I'm blessed with a light schedule, so in 24 hours, Turn Five is alive!
Old 03-18-2011, 10:41 AM
Taeryn Taeryn is offline
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I just wanted to say I'm really enjoying reading this and I will enjoy even more when other posters get to be the players. I am the kind of person that really enjoys these complex board games, but my friends would rather play boggle or scattegories or some other equally not role playing style board game. I will enjoy living vicariously through this thread...
Old 03-19-2011, 02:05 AM
SladeForrester SladeForrester is offline
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The Past

These creatures were coming from everywhere it seemed! Not only were there things that could only be described as unnatural, it seemed that one of them even had a human master! How could anyone be so insane as to which for the utter destruction of the entire Universe? I can't even fathom it.

Those four intrepid souls I had keyed on seem to be united in their purpose now. I was able to show them what needed to be done. It was through those portals that the evil I had seen at the edge of the Universe was able to touch the world, and if enough of them opened, it would come through in full. That could NOT be allowed to happen, under any circumstances. I pray we all have the strength to see this through.


Before we begin, one bit I have not gone over yet in the rules is the various ways the Big Bad can awaken. The main one is the Doom Track maxing out, as we have been tracking, but there are other ways. There is a limit to the number of active Gates that can be open at any given time, dependent on the number of players. In larger player games, like Phase 2 will be, there is a smaller Gate limit. In our 4-player example, the Gate limit is 7, which we haven't really gotten close to yet, thank goodness. Other ways include running out of Gate and/or Monster tokens, so spending them is encouraged in certain situations. And now, on with the show!

Turn Five

Board, Start of Turn Five

Character Sheets, Start of Turn Five
Kate Winthrop, the Scientist
Sanity: 6/6
Stamina: 2/4
Focus: 1
Speed: 2
Sneak: 4
Fight: 2
Will: 2
Lore: 3
Luck: 3
Money: $7
Clues: 8
Common Items:
Unique Items:
Holy Water
Find Gate
Mists Of Releh
+1 Speed
Allies: NONE
Trophies: NONE
Others: NONE

Monterey Jack, the Archaeologist
Sanity: 3/3
Stamina: 7/7
Focus: 2
Speed: 3
Sneak: 1
Fight: 3
Will: 2
Lore: 2
Luck: 4
Money: $2
Clues: 6
Common Items:
.38 Revolver
Unique Items:
Enchanted Blade
Elder Sign
Flesh Ward
+1 Lore
Allies: NONE
Cultist (1 pt)
Others: NONE

Bob Jenkins, the Salesman
Sanity: 4/4
Stamina: 6/6
Focus: 1
Speed: 3
Sneak: 2
Fight: 3
Will: 4
Lore: 2
Luck: 2
Money: $6
Clues: 1
Common Items:
Dark Cloak
Unique Items:
Holy Water
Dragon's Eye
Cabala of Saboth
Elder Sign
Spells: NONE
Ruby Standish
Trophies: NONE
Silver Twilight Lodge Membership

Gloria Goldberg, the Author
Sanity: 5/6
Stamina: 4/4
Focus: 2
Speed: 2
Sneak: 2
Fight: 2
Will: 3
Lore: 4
Luck: 2
Money: $7
Clues: 2
Common Items:
Dark Cloak
Unique Items: NONE
Dread Curse of Azathoth
+1 Will
Allies: NONE
Formless Spawn (2 pts)
City of the Great Race (5 pts)
Others: NONE

Kate shifts her Lore to 4 and Luck to 2, anticipating some spellcasting.
Monty makes no adjustments.
Bob also stays put. He needs his movement points, and has some excellent Evade bonuses.
Gloria makes Speed 3 and Sneak 1, as she needs movement points and can probably fight her way through most things on the board.

Kate has some serious Evading to do. First, she moves to the Miskatonic U. Streets.

Here she has to Evade both Monsters to make it through. She could try to fight them, but she is severely lacking in the Combat department and both of these things could chew her up and spit her out with her reduced Stamina. When there are multiple Monsters in the same location like this, the player chooses in which order they get tackled. First, we roll to Evade the Chthonian. The +1 Evade modifier will help us here, giving us a dice pool of 5.

One success is all it takes, and we slip by the Chthonian. However, the Warlock presents a bigger challenge. A -2 Evade modifier and a -3 Combat modifier should it spot us is unacceptable. However, we have a Spell that will help here, Mists of Releh. Kate has a Lore rating of 4, same as her Sneak, and the casting modifier of the spell is the Warlock's Evade modifier, so the dice roll is the same, but using the spell gives us 2 chances to Evade. If the spell fails, we can still make a standard Evade check. The spell is exhausted, and the casting begins. Let's make some magic!

Success! Kate walks past the Warlock shrouded in mist.

Kate's second move takes her to the Merchant District Streets, and face to face with a Ghoul. The Ghoul is even harder to Evade than the Warlock, so Kate decides to get her hands dirty. This will cause her movement to end here, but she would rather make the preemptive strike rather than risk taking damage.

First, the Horror Check. 2 Will - 0 Horror Modifier.

It seems that, after everything she has seen, the sight of something that used to be human chewing on a dismembered limb was too much, and she takes one point of Sanity damage, reducing her to 5.
The Combat check remains. Thanks to her Fight rating of 2 and the Ghoul's -1 Combat modifier, she would only get 1 die. I don't like these odds. Luckily, we have a flask of Holy Water. The +6 gives her 7 dice to disintegrate the Ghoul with extreme prejudice.

The Ghoul is reduced to ash, the Holy Water is discarded, and Kate claims the monster trophy. Her movement ends in the streets.

However, this triggers the Environment Mythos card that we drew waaayyyy back at the beginning of the game. Kate must make a Will (+0) check or be arrested and taken to the Police Station. Kate's base Will is 2.

5-0 bringing the hammer down. Poor girl can't catch a break it seems. She gets to spend next turn in Jail. She cannot move, gets fined half her money ($3), but at least she gets an Encounter here next turn.

To be continued...

Last edited by SladeForrester; 03-19-2011 at 04:03 AM.
Old 03-19-2011, 02:41 AM
Lindblum Lindblum is offline
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Originally Posted by SladeForrester View Post
It seems that, after everything she has seen, the sight of something that used to be human chewing on a dismembered limb was too much, and she takes one point of Sanity damage, reducing her to 5.
The Combat check remains. Thanks to her Fight rating of 2 and the Ghoul's -1 Combat modifier, she would only get 1 die. I don't like these odds. Luckily, we have a flask of Holy Water. The +6 gives her 7 dice to disintegrate the Ghoul with extreme prejudice.

To be continued...
I'm rooting for you Kate!

This is like finding a bug in your food halfway through it and coming after it with a Military grade Flame Thrower.
Old 03-19-2011, 02:58 AM
SladeForrester SladeForrester is offline
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Turn Five Movement, continued

Monty pops out of the gate and returns to the Graveyard.

Now, if this were a traditional gate closing attempt, it would have to wait until the Arkham Encounter Phase. However, an Elder Sign may be used on any phase, and that is precisely what we shall do right now. Monty pays the cost of 1 Sanity and 1 Stamina, the Elder Sign is returned to the box and is now out of play for the rest of the game, and the Gate is both closed and Sealed! Unfortunately, no monsters get sucked back in, since none on the board carry the Gate Token's + icon. Monty claims the trophy, and now I get to show off a new marker.

These are two sides of the same token. The one on the left is a Doom Token, which is what you use to fill up the Doom Track, where I have just been using solid blue circles. The one on the right is the Elder Sign Token, used to show where Gates have been Sealed on the board. Where a Gate has been Sealed, no more Gates may open for the rest of the game. When Sealing Gates with Clue tokens, you take an Elder Sign token from the box, but when you use an actual Elder Sign as we just did, you actually remove one from the Doom Track!

Bob decides its time to beat feet from the Silver Twilight Lodge and heads for the Historical Society to follow up on a lead he overheard during a conversation between two Lodge members. There he sees a swirling Gate guarded by the Hound of Tindalos.

Bob will attempt to Evade here. He has enough bonuses to his Evade that this should be cake. Base Sneak 2 + 2 from Ruby + 1 from the Dark Cloak - 1 from the Hound's modifier = 4 in the dice pool.

Crap on a stick! However, Bob has Stealth. We exhaust his Skill and get a re-roll!

Much better. Bob sneaks past the Hound under cover of darkness and prepares to get sucked into the Gate.

Gloria hauls ass across the board to the Black Cave, where she must contend with the Elder Thing that guards the Gate here. Rather than try to Evade it, she's going to take it head-on.

First, the Horror check. Base Will 3 + 1 from Skill - 3 Horror modifier = 1 die.
Here's hoping!

The sight of it is just too much, and Gloria takes 2 Sanity damage. She's still ok, but a little frazzled now. Combat check coming up. Remember, if she fails this, the Elder Thing will eat one of her items or spells, so let's make this count. First, she casts Wither. No sanity cost, no Casting modifier, so base Lore of 4 dice.

The Thing wilts like a hothouse flower, and now it's time for the Combat. Base Fight 2 + 1 from Bullwhip + 3 from Wither - 0 Combat Modifier = 6 total dice pool. We need 2 hits. Go baby go!

Boxcars! The Elder Thing gets whipped into oblivion, and Gloria claims the trophy. Nothing stands between her and the Other World.

To be continued...
Old 03-19-2011, 04:45 AM
SladeForrester SladeForrester is offline
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Turn Five, continued

Arkham Encounters
Kate has no Encounter, sitting in a jail cell.

Graveyard: Pass a Luck (-2) check to find a valuable clue within your tombstone rubbings. Gain 2 Clue tokens and you may move to any location or street area in Arkham. If you move to a location, immediately have an encounter there.
Interesting opportunity. Base Luck 4 -2 = 2 dice. It can't hurt!

Oh well, no harm done.

Bob gets sucked through the Gate to...

The Plateau of Leng. Colors are red and green.

Gloria also moves through the Gate, and end up in...

The Great Hall of Celeano. Colors are blue and green.

Other World Encounters
Other: A lurking monster appears!
First time we've seen one of these. In Arkham or the Other Worlds, when "a monster appears," you pull a monster from the bag, it pops in, and you either Evade it or Combat it, but regardless of the result, even you kill it, it disappears back into the bag.
So what jumps Bob?

This is almost an insult. Considering that we already had to use Stealth this turn and had to exhaust it, the Maniac has no Horror Check and a +1 Combat modifier, and Bob has been itching to fire his Shotgun off, it's time for Violence! Base Fight 3 + 4 from Shotgun + 1 Combat modifier = 8 dice pool.

CLICK-CLICK-BOOM! He doesn't get to keep the trophy, but that's minor at this point.

Other: Pass a Luck (-1) check to find the gate back. If so, immediately return to Arkham.
Do ya feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk? Base Luck 2 - 1 = 1 die.

Sa-weet! Gloria finds the gate back and pops into the Black Cave. Next turn she can try to shut this mother down.

Headline: Ill Wind Grips Arkham! The first player must pass a Luck (-1) check or be Cursed.
Clue Appears at: Unvisited Isle
Gate Opens at: Graveyard
{} moves white
\ ^ * move black
One thing I haven't shown in this LP is the right of First Player rotates around the table each turn. It doesn't much matter about turn order when one person controls all four, but if we had been following the rotation of First, it would be on Kate this turn. Base Luck 3 - 1 = 2 dice pool. Can Kate's situation get any worse?

In this case, thankfully, no it didn't.

The Clue appears, but the Gate doesn't, thanks to Monty Sealing the Graveyard. With no new Gate, there is no new Monster either. When a Gate does not open, the Doom Track does not advance! Elder Signs FTW!

However, a triangle showed up on the Mythos card, which matches the Chthonian. The Chthonian does not move, instead we roll one die. On a 4, 5, or 6, every Investigator in Arkham gets smacked for 1 Stamina.

Damn. Tentacles come out of the shadows and thwap Gloria, Monty, and Kate. Kate is now down to 1 Stamina point, but between Monty's Heal spell and the existence of the Hospital, this is not a terrible thing right now.

And we still have this blasted Rumor to deal with. A 1 or a 2 is bad here.

Fantastic, the Terror Track stays put.

Board, End of Turn Five

Character Sheets, End of Turn 5
Kate Winthrop, the Scientist
Sanity: 6/6
Stamina: 1/4
Focus: 1
Speed: 2
Sneak: 4
Fight: 2
Will: 2
Lore: 4
Luck: 2
Money: $4
Clues: 8
Common Items:
Unique Items: NONE
Find Gate
Mists Of Releh
+1 Speed
Allies: NONE
Ghoul (1 pt)
Others: NONE

Monterey Jack, the Archaeologist
Sanity: 3/3
Stamina: 6/7
Focus: 2
Speed: 3
Sneak: 1
Fight: 3
Will: 2
Lore: 2
Luck: 4
Money: $2
Clues: 6
Common Items:
.38 Revolver
Unique Items:
Enchanted Blade
Flesh Ward
+1 Lore
Allies: NONE
Cultist (1 pt)
R'lyeh (5 pts)
Others: NONE

Bob Jenkins, the Salesman
Sanity: 4/4
Stamina: 6/6
Focus: 1
Speed: 3
Sneak: 2
Fight: 3
Will: 4
Lore: 2
Luck: 2
Money: $6
Clues: 1
Common Items:
Dark Cloak
Unique Items:
Holy Water
Dragon's Eye
Cabala of Saboth
Elder Sign
Spells: NONE
Ruby Standish
Trophies: NONE
Silver Twilight Lodge Membership

Gloria Goldberg, the Author
Sanity: 3/6
Stamina: 3/4
Focus: 2
Speed: 3
Sneak: 1
Fight: 2
Will: 3
Lore: 4
Luck: 2
Money: $7
Clues: 2
Common Items:
Dark Cloak
Unique Items: NONE
Dread Curse of Azathoth
+1 Will
Allies: NONE
Formless Spawn (2 pts)
Elder Thing (2 pts)
City of the Great Race (5 pts)
Others: NONE

Well, except for Kate, we're looking pretty solid. Kate's stuck next turn, Bob's making his way through the Other World, and Gloria has another Gate closing attempt. What shall Monty's next move be? Another Gate? Heal Kate? Something else entirely? You make the call! Turn Six goes up in 48.
Old 03-20-2011, 04:27 PM
Büge Büge is offline
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I think Monty should heal Kate. She's not going to make it to the hospital in her condition.


Originally Posted by Maniac View Post

You like Huey Lewis and the News?
Originally Posted by Bob Jenkins View Post

Check 'em.
Old 03-20-2011, 07:28 PM
SladeForrester SladeForrester is offline
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Maybe it's due to the fact that I have been awake almost 24 hours straight and am sitting in the middle of a power outage (thank the gods for smart phones) but what you are trying to say in your reply totally escapes me.

Also, due to said power outage, the next turn will be delayed by an indeterminate amount of time. My apologies to my many silent followers.
Old 03-20-2011, 10:02 PM
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Originally Posted by SladeForrester View Post
Maybe it's due to the fact that I have been awake almost 24 hours straight and am sitting in the middle of a power outage (thank the gods for smart phones) but what you are trying to say in your reply totally escapes me.

Also, due to said power outage, the next turn will be delayed by an indeterminate amount of time. My apologies to my many silent followers.
Sweet, someone else joining the 24 hours awake club.

Not really actually, that sucks dude, I can empathize. =( Hope things get better for you, not just for LP reasons. You're doing a great job, no worries.
Old 03-21-2011, 12:04 AM
PapillonReel PapillonReel is offline
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Originally Posted by SladeForrester View Post
However, a triangle showed up on the Mythos card, which matches the Chthonian. The Chthonian does not move, instead we roll one die. On a 4, 5, or 6, every Investigator in Arkham gets smacked for 1 Stamina.

Damn. Tentacles come out of the shadows and thwap Gloria, Monty, and Kate.

Delicious morsel! Let me get my bib!...
Old 03-21-2011, 05:47 AM
Lindblum Lindblum is offline
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Heal Kate. Power of teamwork!
Old 03-25-2011, 03:18 PM
SladeForrester SladeForrester is offline
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The Past

When the Archaeologist used that strange symbol he found on the portal he came out of, not only did the portal close, but I could feel the energies in that place shift, then solidify. Somehow he had managed to put a binding on that location! Not only would another portal not be able to open there, but it had another effect. I could feel the otherworldly horror at the edge of the Universe fall further into slumber. It seems as though my friends had been able to buy some precious time, which was a very good thing, as the Scientist managed to get herself thrown in jail for a curfew violation. I had run afoul of the police more than once in my time, for everything from vandalism to B&E, and of course they would never believe my true motives. Still, time was of the essence, and she would need to extricate herself from her situation soon. What's a criminal record in the face of the impending Apocalypse?
Old 03-25-2011, 04:56 PM
SladeForrester SladeForrester is offline
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Turn Six

Board, Start of Turn Six

Character Sheets, Start of Turn Six
Kate Winthrop, the Scientist
Sanity: 6/6
Stamina: 1/4
Focus: 1
Speed: 2
Sneak: 4
Fight: 2
Will: 2
Lore: 4
Luck: 2
Money: $4
Clues: 8
Common Items:
Unique Items: NONE
Find Gate
Mists Of Releh
+1 Speed
Allies: NONE
Ghoul (1 pt)
Others: NONE

Monterey Jack, the Archaeologist
Sanity: 3/3
Stamina: 6/7
Focus: 2
Speed: 3
Sneak: 1
Fight: 3
Will: 2
Lore: 2
Luck: 4
Money: $2
Clues: 6
Common Items:
.38 Revolver
Unique Items:
Enchanted Blade
Flesh Ward
+1 Lore
Allies: NONE
Cultist (1 pt)
R'lyeh (5 pts)
Others: NONE

Bob Jenkins, the Salesman
Sanity: 4/4
Stamina: 6/6
Focus: 1
Speed: 3
Sneak: 2
Fight: 3
Will: 4
Lore: 2
Luck: 2
Money: $6
Clues: 1
Common Items:
Dark Cloak
Unique Items:
Holy Water
Dragon's Eye
Cabala of Saboth
Elder Sign
Spells: NONE
Ruby Standish
Trophies: NONE
Silver Twilight Lodge Membership

Gloria Goldberg, the Author
Sanity: 3/6
Stamina: 3/4
Focus: 2
Speed: 3
Sneak: 1
Fight: 2
Will: 3
Lore: 4
Luck: 2
Money: $7
Clues: 2
Common Items:
Dark Cloak
Unique Items: NONE
Dread Curse of Azathoth
+1 Will
Allies: NONE
Formless Spawn (2 pts)
Elder Thing (2 pts)
City of the Great Race (5 pts)
Others: NONE

Kate moves her Lore and Luck to 3, thinking that she has been exceedingly unlucky so far.
Monty adjusts his Lore to 4 and Luck to 2, as something is telling him that he'll be needing to cast spells very soon.
Bob pushes his Lore to 3 and drops his Luck to 1. There is a reason for this.
Gloria makes no adjustments, already as good as she can be to try and close a Gate.

Kate moves into the Police Station proper, having spent the night in Jail.
Monty uses his 3 movement points to hoof it to the Police Station so he can cast Heal on Kate on his next turn (Heal can only be cast during the Upkeep phase).

Bob moves from one side of the Plateau of Leng to the other. Also, using 2 movement points, he activates the Cabala of Saboth in an attempt to gain a Skill. Base Lore 3 - 2 check difficulty = 1 die. There is no penalty for failure.

Wicked! We discard the Cabala of Saboth, and draw a shiny new Skill.

Rather appropriate. You'd have to be brave to endure some of the horrors that exist in people's houses when going door-to-door.

Gloria stays put so she can attempt to close this Gate.

Arkham Encounters
Police Station: Deputy Dingby accidentally drops a case file as he makes his way past you. Pass a Sneak (+0) check to search the Common Item deck for a Research Materials card and take it.
This is a pretty good chance, and with no penalty for failure. Kate's base Sneak is 4, so we have 4 dice. Let's roll Kate-o! -_^

Good ol' Deputy Dingbat. Research Materials get!

Any Phase: Discard Research Materials instead of spending 1 Clue token.
This is basically a Clue token in non-Clue token form, allowing us to re-roll a die during a check, but does nothing to help Seal a Gate. Still, it was free.

Police Station: Sheriff Engle notes that you're carrying an awful lot of weapons. Either pay him $5 or discard all your Weapons.
Oh HELL No. Monty only has $2, but luckily, he's sharing a space with Kate, who is willing to give him a loan so he doesn't lose ALL of his asskicking prowess. You can trade Common Items, Unique Items, Spells, and money when sharing the same space as another player, but not Skills, Allies, Clues, or Trophies. You can only not trade during Combat, so this is fair game. Kate is down to $1, Monty is broke, but he gets to keep his monster-killing implements.

Bob doe sot get an Encounter, as he is in an Other World.

Gloria does not draw an Arkham Encounter card, instead making an attempt to close this Gate. Base Lore 4 - 1 Gate modifier = 3 dice, and we need 2 successes thanks to Yog-Sothoth. Let's do it!

Wow, that could not have gone any worse. Have to take another crack at it next turn.

To be continued...
Old 03-25-2011, 05:41 PM
SladeForrester SladeForrester is offline
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Other World Encounters
Plateau of Leng: The rickety bridge collapses as you cross it. Pass a Fight (-1) check to hang on, finding a relic on the other side. Draw 1 Unique Item. If you fail, you plummet into darkness. You are lost in time and space.
Holy shit guys. This is serious. We only have 2 dice to make a success or be devoured by Yog-Sothoth. In light of this, Bob activates his Dragon's Eye, spending 1 Sanity to draw a different card. Let's hope it's not as terrible.
Other: Carefully, you avoid the gaze of a gigantic eye watching an altar. You may try to pass a Sneak (-1) check to steal a scroll from the dais. Draw 1 Spell. If you fail, you are wracked by pain and lose 3 Sanity.
Well, this is an optional roll. Bob's Sneak is only 2, but Ruby gives a +2, so we would have 3 dice to roll after the modifier. However, losing 3 Sanity would reduce Bob to zero, which would result in him being lost in time and space, which means being devoured, so the song remains the same. It's just not worth the risk, so I bypass it.

Headline: Big Storm Sweeps Arkham! All monsters in the Sky and Outskirts are returned to the cup.
Clue Appears at: The Unnamable
Gate Opens at: Independence Square
( moves white
+ moves black
A relatively harmless draw. There are no monsters in the Sky or Outskirts, so we do nothing there. No monsters move. A new Clue does appear, since a Clue can show up in a location that already has a Gate, but the new Gate that opens up swallows the Clue already in place at Independence Square. Our new monster is...

...pretty nasty. Couple new things on this beastie: The red border means fast movement, so when it's symbol comes up on the Mythos card it moves two spaces. Physical Resistance means it ignores half damage from Physical Weapons, and Nightmarish 1 causes it to do 1 point of Sanity damage even on a passed Horror check. Like I said, pretty nasty.

Also, we have to roll for this rumor. Bad things happen on a 1 or a 2.

Damn. The Terror Track moves to 3, which brings 2 unfortunate side effects. First, we lose another Ally for the rest of the game. John Legrasse, you tried to clean up the streets, but they were just too much for you.
The other effect when you hit 3 Terror level is the General Store shutting down. The opportunity to buy Common Items is gone forever kids, but two of our heroes are broke anyway.

And this just in...

This message has been brought to you by Snacky S'mores.

Board, End of Turn Six:

Character Sheets, End of Turn Six
Kate Winthrop, the Scientist
Sanity: 6/6
Stamina: 1/4
Focus: 1
Speed: 2
Sneak: 4
Fight: 2
Will: 2
Lore: 3
Luck: 3
Money: $1
Clues: 8
Common Items:
Research Materials
Unique Items: NONE
Find Gate
Mists Of Releh
+1 Speed
Allies: NONE
Ghoul (1 pt)
Others: NONE

Monterey Jack, the Archaeologist
Sanity: 3/3
Stamina: 6/7
Focus: 2
Speed: 3
Sneak: 1
Fight: 3
Will: 2
Lore: 4
Luck: 2
Money: $0
Clues: 6
Common Items:
.38 Revolver
Unique Items:
Enchanted Blade
Flesh Ward
+1 Lore
Allies: NONE
Cultist (1 pt)
R'lyeh (5 pts)
Others: NONE

Bob Jenkins, the Salesman
Sanity: 3/4
Stamina: 6/6
Focus: 1
Speed: 3
Sneak: 2
Fight: 3
Will: 4
Lore: 3
Luck: 1
Money: $6
Clues: 1
Common Items:
Dark Cloak
Unique Items:
Holy Water
Dragon's Eye
Elder Sign
Spells: NONE
Ruby Standish
Trophies: NONE
Silver Twilight Lodge Membership

Gloria Goldberg, the Author
Sanity: 3/6
Stamina: 3/4
Focus: 2
Speed: 3
Sneak: 1
Fight: 2
Will: 3
Lore: 4
Luck: 2
Money: $7
Clues: 2
Common Items:
Dark Cloak
Unique Items: NONE
Dread Curse of Azathoth
+1 Will
Allies: NONE
Formless Spawn (2 pts)
Elder Thing (2 pts)
City of the Great Race (5 pts)
Others: NONE

And that's it for that turn. Thank you all for your patience with my updating this past week. Turn Seven should be up in less than 48 hours. As always, input is appreciated. Until then, keep your stick on the ice!
Old 03-26-2011, 12:09 AM
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Originally Posted by SladeForrester View Post
Oh HELL No. Monty only has $2, but luckily, he's sharing a space with Kate, who is willing to give him a loan so he doesn't lose ALL of his asskicking prowess. You can trade Common Items, Unique Items, Spells, and money when sharing the same space as another player, but not Skills, Allies, Clues, or Trophies. You can only not trade during Combat, so this is fair game. Kate is down to $1, Monty is broke, but he gets to keep his monster-killing implements.
Couldn't you have just traded all of his weapons to Kate for one turn as well? That would have saved all of your money.

Having said that, I am glad you got power and are back to updating!
Old 03-26-2011, 12:16 AM
SladeForrester SladeForrester is offline
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I probably could have, now that I think about it, but thematically there is no way this would work. "What weapons? I don't have any weapons. These aren't the droids you're looking for."

Last edited by SladeForrester; 03-26-2011 at 12:19 PM.
Old 03-26-2011, 09:58 AM
Lindblum Lindblum is offline
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I hope Gloria has better luck on closing that annoying gate, its been 2 turns already.

A question, Bob's other world encounters can be bypassed as in not choosing to do them?
Old 03-26-2011, 12:19 PM
SladeForrester SladeForrester is offline
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Bob's first encounter was bypassed due to the effect of the Dragon's Eye. The second encounter was worded as a "you may," meaning it was optional. Encounters like that exist in both Arkham and in the Other Worlds. If it said "you must" or if it just said to do it, then it could not be bypassed.
Old 03-27-2011, 06:01 PM
SladeForrester SladeForrester is offline
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The Past

The situation is becoming more and more dire. It seems like my friends are making progress, but they are racing against a giant clock, only this clock doesn't have an alarm, it has an infinite number of mouths and a bottomless appetite. I can feel my own mind start to grow heavy under the strain, and it is becoming harder to keep focus. I must not waver. I must not fail. These people need me, even though they do not know it, and I need them. Luckily, two of them seem to have found each other, and while they must quickly go their separate ways to continue closing down these portals, it should go a long way to renewing their resolve. The Scientist, in particular... I could feel her spirit fading in the face of all her misfortune. My friends must be strong in order to survive this. Perhaps, in my own time, there will me others I can join with as well, to help stem the tide...
Old 03-27-2011, 07:20 PM
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Turn Seven

Board, Start of Turn Seven

Character Sheets, Start of Turn Seven
Kate Winthrop, the Scientist
Sanity: 6/6
Stamina: 1/4
Focus: 1
Speed: 2
Sneak: 4
Fight: 2
Will: 2
Lore: 3
Luck: 3
Money: $1
Clues: 8
Common Items:
Research Materials
Unique Items: NONE
Find Gate
Mists Of Releh
+1 Speed
Allies: NONE
Ghoul (1 pt)
Others: NONE

Monterey Jack, the Archaeologist
Sanity: 3/3
Stamina: 6/7
Focus: 2
Speed: 3
Sneak: 1
Fight: 3
Will: 2
Lore: 4
Luck: 2
Money: $0
Clues: 6
Common Items:
.38 Revolver
Unique Items:
Enchanted Blade
Flesh Ward
+1 Lore
Allies: NONE
Cultist (1 pt)
R'lyeh (5 pts)
Others: NONE

Bob Jenkins, the Salesman
Sanity: 3/4
Stamina: 6/6
Focus: 1
Speed: 3
Sneak: 2
Fight: 3
Will: 4
Lore: 3
Luck: 1
Money: $6
Clues: 1
Common Items:
Dark Cloak
Unique Items:
Holy Water
Dragon's Eye
Elder Sign
Spells: NONE
Ruby Standish
Trophies: NONE
Silver Twilight Lodge Membership

Gloria Goldberg, the Author
Sanity: 3/6
Stamina: 3/4
Focus: 2
Speed: 3
Sneak: 1
Fight: 2
Will: 3
Lore: 4
Luck: 2
Money: $7
Clues: 2
Common Items:
Dark Cloak
Unique Items: NONE
Dread Curse of Azathoth
+1 Will
Allies: NONE
Formless Spawn (2 pts)
Elder Thing (2 pts)
City of the Great Race (5 pts)
Others: NONE

Kate makes her Speed and Sneak 3 each for the extra movement.
Monty changes his Fight to 2 and his Will to 3, in preparation for some laying of the smackdown. Also, he lets loose his magic mojo and casts Heal on Kate. Base Lore 4 + 1 from Skill + 1 casting modifier = 6 dice. He spends 1 Sanity point, and rolls:

...3 successes, which restores 3 Stamina points to Kate, bringing her back to full health. Rock on Monty!
Bob shifts his Will to 5 and his Fight to 2, in case he has to make a Horror check against the Hound of Tindalos guarding the Gate he's in. Also, his Dragon's Eye refreshes.
Gloria makes no adjustments.

Kate, full of life and a renewed sense of purpose, uses her 4 movement points and heads off to the Unnamable, collecting the Clue token there and preparing to traverse the Gate.

Clue tokens = 9

Monty spends his 3 movement points to reach Independence Square, intending to go through the Gate that opened there last turn, but in order to do so, he has to fight his way past the Shoggoth.

First, the Horror Check. Base Will 3 - 1 Horror modifier = 2 dice. He has to make this or be driven mad...

...and he fails! However, he has 6 Clue tokens, and you only need 5 to Seal a Gate, so he burns one in an attempt to stave off madness...

...and the gamble pays off! The Nightmarish effect still drains him of 1 Sanity Point, leaving him with 1, but he doesn't need to make another Horror Check for the remainder of this Combat. The Shoggoth's Physical Resistance means that Monty has to unsheath his Enchanted Blade. Base Fight 2 + 4 for the Blade - 1 Combat modifier = 5 dice, and we need 3 hits. Monty rears back with the Blade...

...and only gets 2, not enough for a killshot. However, he exhausts the Bullwhip, getting to re-roll 1 die in the hopes of getting that all-important third success...

...and nails it! The Shoggoth disintegrates due to the magic in the Enchanted Blade, and Monty claims whatever is left of it as a trophy. Now only the Gate awaits, and he only has 1 Sanity Point left. *gulp*

Clue tokens = 5

Bob finishes exploring the Plateau of Leng and pops back out at the Historical Society, where the Hound of Tindalos awaits.

Luckily, he can use his Elder Sign on this Gate without having to fight the Hound first, and only has to worry about passing a check when he goes to leave this space next turn. He spends 1 Sanity and 1 Stamina, activates the Elder Sign, and the Gate closes and this location is Sealed!

Bob gets to keep the Gate trophy, but more importantly...

...another marker comes off the Doom Track.

Gloria stays put, trying once again to close her Gate.

To be continued...
Old 03-27-2011, 08:31 PM
SladeForrester SladeForrester is offline
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Turn Seven, continued

Arkham Encounters
Kate does not get an encounter here, instead getting sucked through to...

Yuggoth. Colors are Yellow and Blue.

Monty also is going Gate-tripping this phase, getting sent to...

Whoa, deja vu. The City of the Great Race. Colors are Yellow and Green.

Historical Society: The Society members are bird watching in the woods. The janitor offers you a ride there. If you accept, move to the Woods and draw 2 cards, encountering one card of your choice and discarding the other.
One of the consequences of a power outage is stumbling into things, and one of the consequences of stumbling into things is knocking decks of cards off of tables, and one of the consequences of knocking decks of cards off of tables is having to pick them up and reshuffle them. As a result, we may see some repeats of encounters. In this case, this is definitely not a bad thing, as it gets us away from the Hound of Tindalos and lands Bob on top of a Clue token, which he can claim next turn if he stays here.
Woods: You trip over an object which turns out to be a rusty lockbox. If you open it, make a Luck (+0) check and consult the following chart:

0) A rotted human foot. Lose 1 Sanity.
1) Draw 1 Common Item
2) Draw 1 Unique Item
3+) $10 in jewelry.
Well, we only have 1 die to roll here, but Bob has 2 Sanity left, so 1 less won't turn him into a gibbering madman, and his unique ability will allow him to pick and choose between 2 Common Items should he make this roll. Let's do it!

Oh well.

Gloria I's making another crack at this Gate. Once again, we have 3 dice to make 2 Successes.

About bloody time! Gloria claims the Gate trophy. We all know where she's going next turn...

Other World Encounters
Other: A monster appears!
Well great. Odds are Kate will try to evade this. Our special guest star is...

...luckily easy to Evade. Base Sneak score is 3.

We have a winner! Kate sneaks by, and the Formless Spawn goes back to the cup as if it never was.

City of the Great Race: The conical entity tries to teach you some magic. Pass a Lore (-2) [2] check to draw 2 spells.
Wow, there is no downside to this. Base Lore 4 + 1 from Skill - 2 check modifier = 3 dice, and we need 2 successes.

Monty's making magic! What new eldritch powers does our paladin add to his arsenal?

Well, 1 out of 2 isn't bad. Just like Gloria, Monty has no reason not to cast Wither at the start of every single Combat.

To be continued...
Old 03-27-2011, 09:25 PM
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Turn Seven, continued

Headline: Strange Tremors Cease! All Chthonians and Dholes in Arkham are returned to the cup. If at least one monster returns to the cup, raise the terror level by 1.
Clue Appears at: The Unnamable
Gate Opens at: Independence Square
{} moves white
\ ^ * moves black
Oh shit. I was wondering when we would finally see one of these.
First things first. The Chthonian disappears from the board, and the Terror Track advances to 4. Goodbye, Tom "Mountain" Murphy. I had hoped to see you crush some skulls today.
The Clue appears, and no monsters move.
Now, the Gate should open at Independence Square, but there is already an open Gate there, so what happens? Gate Surge. In this event, monsters pop out of every open Gate on the board, equal to the number of open Gates or the number of players, whichever is greater. In our case, 4 new monsters appear.
2 at Independence Square:

The Dark Young is a pain and a half, without a doubt, but at least it can't move, so we only have to Evade it once. The Nightgaunt can be a pain due to its flight capability, but it doesn't deal any damage, instead teleporting whoever it hits to the closest open Gate. Fun stuff.

2 at the Unnamable:

Another one? Egad. Maybe it's the Witch's pet. The Witch is hard as hell to hit, but at least she has no Horror Check.

It should be noted that we now have 6 Monsters on the board, and our limit for this game before they start filling up the Outskirts is 7. Also, since a new Gate did not open, the Doom Track does not increase. Thank goodness for small favors.

Lastly, and for the last time, we roll for that damn Rumor...

Safe for another night.

Board, End of Turn Seven

Character Sheets, End of Turn Seven
Kate Winthrop, the Scientist
Sanity: 6/6
Stamina: 4/4
Focus: 1
Speed: 3
Sneak: 3
Fight: 2
Will: 2
Lore: 3
Luck: 3
Money: $1
Clues: 9
Common Items:
Research Materials
Unique Items: NONE
Find Gate
Mists Of Releh
+1 Speed
Allies: NONE
Ghoul (1 pt)
Others: NONE

Monterey Jack, the Archaeologist
Sanity: 1/3
Stamina: 6/7
Focus: 2
Speed: 3
Sneak: 1
Fight: 2
Will: 3
Lore: 4
Luck: 2
Money: $0
Clues: 5
Common Items:
.38 Revolver
Unique Items:
Enchanted Blade
Flesh Ward
Dread Curse of Azathoth
+1 Lore
Allies: NONE
Cultist (1 pt)
Shoggoth (3 pts)
R'lyeh (5 pts)
Others: NONE

Bob Jenkins, the Salesman
Sanity: 1/4
Stamina: 5/6
Focus: 1
Speed: 3
Sneak: 2
Fight: 2
Will: 5
Lore: 3
Luck: 1
Money: $6
Clues: 1
Common Items:
Dark Cloak
Unique Items:
Holy Water
Dragon's Eye
Spells: NONE
Ruby Standish
Plateau of Leng (5 pts)
Silver Twilight Lodge Membership

Gloria Goldberg, the Author
Sanity: 3/6
Stamina: 3/4
Focus: 2
Speed: 3
Sneak: 1
Fight: 2
Will: 3
Lore: 4
Luck: 2
Money: $7
Clues: 2
Common Items:
Dark Cloak
Unique Items: NONE
Dread Curse of Azathoth
+1 Will
Allies: NONE
Formless Spawn (2 pts)
Elder Thing (2 pts)
City of the Great Race (5 pts)
Great Hall of Celeano (5 pts)
Others: NONE

Well kids, we need to get very lucky for the next couple turns. Monty only has 1 Sanity left, and if he loses it in the Other World, he's devoured, and that would truly suck, considering what a magical powerhouse he's becoming. At least we can get rid of that nasty Rumor that has been plaguing us for oh so long now. Any suggestions for Bob? Or anything else for that matter? Turn Eight goes up in anywhere between 24 and 48 hours, depending on various factors. In the meantime, here's a riDONKulously cute picture!

Last edited by SladeForrester; 03-30-2011 at 12:21 AM.
Old 03-27-2011, 09:30 PM
Dark Medusa Dark Medusa is offline
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Oh please, Monty, survive for us. Oh please oh please oh please.

This game seems to be going well, up until the gate surge. I hope you win!
Old 03-28-2011, 09:16 AM
Lindblum Lindblum is offline
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I doubt Monty is going to die, I mean he's pretty much armed to the teeth also "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger". At this point he's like the Terminator, losing a few pounds of flesh and blood makes him much more agile.

For Bob I say go kill some monsters.

*If you could spare a few minutes could you give us a few options for what certain charactercs can do, if you would like us to make a choice?
Many Thanks!
Old 03-28-2011, 01:24 PM
SladeForrester SladeForrester is offline
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We're not really worried about Monty dying in Combat, it's his 1 Sanity point that makes me wibble, since if you're reduced to zero Sanity in an Other World you're automatically devoured by Yog-Sothoth. Usually you're just lost in time and space, but this Big Bad is particularly nasty in that regard.

This coming turn, everyone's moves are already locked except for Bob, and he should be able to handle himself against monsters as long as he can pass the Horror checks, but with his Bravery it shouldn't be an issue. I've made the character sheets with links to all the equipment, but as a quick breakdown:
Kate isn't very Combat capable but can get into and out of Gates quickly,
Monty is built like a brick shithouse,
Bob can get away from most things with Stealth but has only one Clue so he can't Seal anymore Gates right away (and the Shotgun rocks),
Gloria can hold her own in Combat with her Wither spell and +1 Will, and she is still relatively unharmed.

Any other questions, feel free to ask away. The next turn will be up in a day or so.
Old 03-29-2011, 10:17 PM
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What exactly happens in Phase 2?


Can I be a part of it?
Old 03-29-2011, 11:53 PM
SladeForrester SladeForrester is offline
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Location: Youngstown, Ohio
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The Past

My friends seem to be gaining the upper hand. They are making progress closing portals and sealing off unstable locations, and I can feel the great evil's touch on this city start to lessen. It also seems that the author finally has enough notoriety in town to put an end to that vile rumor about people desecrating corpses. I am starting to become hopeful....

Wait! The portals, they all pulsed! I could feel the great evil exert itself, and all manner of filth and vileness erupted from the portals all over town. My friends are in great danger! By the goddess, what if this should happen in my city? We would be overrun in minutes! Steel yourselves my friends, and end this madness!
Old 03-30-2011, 01:05 AM
SladeForrester SladeForrester is offline
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Location: Youngstown, Ohio
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Turn Eight

Board, Start of Turn Eight

Character Sheets, Start of Turn Eight
Kate Winthrop, the Scientist
Sanity: 6/6
Stamina: 4/4
Focus: 1
Speed: 3
Sneak: 3
Fight: 2
Will: 2
Lore: 3
Luck: 3
Money: $1
Clues: 9
Common Items:
Research Materials
Unique Items: NONE
Find Gate
Mists Of Releh
+1 Speed
Allies: NONE
Ghoul (1 pt)
Others: NONE

Monterey Jack, the Archaeologist
Sanity: 1/3
Stamina: 6/7
Focus: 2
Speed: 3
Sneak: 1
Fight: 2
Will: 3
Lore: 4
Luck: 2
Money: $0
Clues: 5
Common Items:
.38 Revolver
Unique Items:
Enchanted Blade
Flesh Ward
Dread Curse of Azathoth
+1 Lore
Allies: NONE
Cultist (1 pt)
Shoggoth (3 pts)
R'lyeh (5 pts)
Others: NONE

Bob Jenkins, the Salesman
Sanity: 1/4
Stamina: 5/6
Focus: 1
Speed: 3
Sneak: 2
Fight: 2
Will: 5
Lore: 3
Luck: 1
Money: $6
Clues: 1
Common Items:
Dark Cloak
Unique Items:
Holy Water
Dragon's Eye
Spells: NONE
Ruby Standish
Plateau of Leng (5 pts)
Silver Twilight Lodge Membership

Gloria Goldberg, the Author
Sanity: 3/6
Stamina: 3/4
Focus: 2
Speed: 3
Sneak: 1
Fight: 2
Will: 3
Lore: 4
Luck: 2
Money: $7
Clues: 2
Common Items:
Dark Cloak
Unique Items: NONE
Dread Curse of Azathoth
+1 Will
Allies: NONE
Formless Spawn (2 pts)
Elder Thing (2 pts)
City of the Great Race (5 pts)
Great Hall of Celeano (5 pts)
Others: NONE

Kate shifts her Lore to 4 and Luck to 2. There is magic in the air.
Monty doesn't know what to expect, so Speed and Sneak get evened out at 2, and Lore and Luck go to 3 apiece.
Bob maxes out his Will at 6 and drops his Fight to 1. He has the Shotgun and the Holy Water, but we don't want him going batshit.
Gloria stays as is.

Kate does not take a normal movement, instead casting Find Gate. if she succeeds, she will immediately pop out back in Arkham. Base Lore 4 - 1 Casting modifier = 3 dice pool. She spends 1 Sanity Point, exhausts the spell, and...

...reappears back at the Unnamable. Now, on this turn's Encounter phase, she can try to close this sucker down! She won't have to tangle with the Witch and her pet Hound until she tries to leave this space or until the Mythos phase of the NEXT turn. Also, since she's ending her movement on this location, she claims the two Clue tokens here, so bonus score!

Clue tokens = 11

Monty does not have similar magical shenanigans (although he does have a bunch of other magics) so he "races" from one side of the City of the Great Race to the other.

Bob heads back for the Historical Society to tangle with the Hound of Tindalos that has taken up residence there (thanks to you, you bloodthirsty devils).

You all know how this song goes by now. First the Horror Check, which you will note by the number of blue pips on the monster token is SICKNASTY. Even if Bob was at full Sanity, failure here would mean they would be coming to take him away (ha ha). Base Will 6 - 2 Horror modifier = 4 dice pool.

Balls. Luckily, Bob has Bravery. Tap into that reserve and try again!

MUCH better. Maybe because I put more "oomph" into the roll.
So Bob is not a gibbering loonball, and now we strike. The Hound has Physical Immunity, which means it's time to give the puppy a bath; Holy Water is the sub-weapon of choice for this fight, and gets discarded. Base Fight 1 + 6 from Holy Water - 1 Combat modifier = 6 dice pool. We need 2 successes. Die monster. You don't belong in this world!

Holy Water item crash is BROKEN. Bob claims the Hound as a trophy.

Gloria moves one space to the Rivertown Streets area. I didn't put an Activity Marker down, but we all know why she's here.
Originally posted by Way Back in Turn Three
Rumor: Disturbing the Dead
Ongoing Effect: Roll a die at the end of every Mythos Phase while this card is in play (beginning the turn after it entered play). On a 1 or 2, increase the terror level by 1.
Pass: If a single player discards 2 gate trophies during the Arkham Encounters Phase while in the Rivertown streets, return this card to the box. Each player draws 1 Spell.
However, for her to stay here, she has to deal with another, slightly less annoying, persistent Mythos card: Curfew Enforced. we neevr got another Environment to replace it. Gloria must make a Will (-0) check to stay here. Base Will 3 + 1 from Skill - 0 = 4 dice pool.

That would have thrown a serious wrench in our plans. Luckily, Gloria talks the police out of arresting her. She has more important things to do than spend a night in lockup.

To be continued...

Last edited by SladeForrester; 03-30-2011 at 02:29 AM.
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