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The Board Game Thread!


Round and round I go
Staff member
I agree. The hobby can weather the loss of Asmodee if it comes to that, but it's very unlikely to disappear wholesale.


Same as I ever was
That is, I think, why it's being leveraged so hard: it's the profitable arm, with the most valuable assets to sell off.


Summon for hire
Last weekend we happened to be at a gaming bar and randomly picked up Takenoko off the shelf of free board games. I liked it quite a lot! It's pretty breezy, but it felt (at least on first play) more like something I'd want to replay than other, let's say, "lightweight-ish resource management" games I've played recently. Thing like Tiny Epic Galaxies Blast Off and House of Plants come to mind, where playing them once or twice was fun enough and the theming is intriguing or pretty, but after a couple plays I just kinda feel *done* with it, ya know?

I guess I won't know for sure unless we buy our own copy, but Takenoko feels fun to pop out every so often, even if there's not a whole lot of depth to it or anything. I think part of it is I enjoy building maps, and the simple 3D building on top of that is fun too. And there's very little to keep track of as most resources are shared, so you don't have to keep a lot in your head or your hand to implement little strategies. Just a nice time farming bamboo.

(Of course it also didn't hurt that on the final play of the game, after my wife hit the end-condition and I had one wrap-up turn, I managed to sheer luck draw one more victory point card with conditions that were already fulfilled, leading me to win 44 to 43!)


Oh yeah, we borrowed that from the library a while ago and liked it. Same as you we wondered if we'd keep playing it, but in the two weeks we had it from the library we played it a few times and did continue to enjoy it.