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Ex-Zodiac: monkeys, polygons and FM synth, together at last


Oh! Create!
(they/them, she/her)

Developer MNKY's tribute and revival of the rail shooters of yesteryear doesn't put on airs about its direct influences; a glance is enough to identify it as the Star Fox rebottling that it is. It's a very frank relationship to have to one's models, where the source material is so clear it doesn't need to be interrogated every step along the way, leaving just the pertinent question to be answered: does it rate along with the original brand? In my perspective (which is an occasional series-enjoyer at best) it does, and handily exceeds what's emulated because the inspirational tissue doesn't stop at the most prominent text discernible, given the significant Sega and Namco influence on display, weaving into the whole to concoct a syncretic freshness. There's a faster and more frenetic pace to the level design even when it's going through very familiar motions, and when the game on occasion turns into literal Space Harrier or Burning Force, that's the most direct throughline into the arcade-minded ferocity that powers the experience as a whole.

Aesthetically the game is exemplary too, since the original Star Fox landscape of untextured polygons and minimalist geometry that in their time were a necessity are instead evoked as a deliberate visual footprint without being bogged down by the technological limitations that are no longer relevant. Similarly, for a series that I've found difficult to imprint on musically, +TEK is here to bestow their talents at FM synth wizardry for a soundtrack that dazzles on its own and not just as an alright enough backdrop to the action. I'm not sure if I can outline any crunchy particulars as to whether Ex-Zodiac is a "worthy" mechanical successor to its pedigree because the corner of the genre it gestures toward has not been my forte or interest, and it's likely why I think it's an improvement over those very inspirations as its own quirks push it closer to personal preference.

The game is in early access right now, but the length of it constitutes six stages and six more substantial bonus rounds, so in effect there's a full game's worth of material in it already. Whether that's enough or if waiting for the full release sometime next year appeals more, it's an easy recommendation for anyone whose interest is piqued by its promise.
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What's Shenmue?
Jumped on this when I realized it was on Mac OS as well. Quickly played through the available stages, then doubled back to do the bonus rounds as well. It's really good! I've never thought much of Star Fox (or Space Harrier), but something about this just clicks for me. Looking forward to more stages as they become available.