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TVDome Nomination Thread: Background Noise

Johnny Unusual


Hey folks, one dome JUST ended and another begins. If you are wondering why there isn't a vote, it's because the last was a tie and the first half of said tie just ended.

So this time, I am doing another TV themed thunderdome but this one is much more specific than the other one. The premise is using music that isn't a theme song or a musical number but music in the episode itself as part of the score. So for example, if a character has a musical number this wouldn't count but if it's a character theme or background music to an episode, then it will work. So no to any of the songs from the Xena musical episode but yes to this piece that plays during the story. I hope that's clear.

Here are the rules

* Submit up to 4 tunes
* They must be from a television series or program (TV movies and specials count.)
* They must not be the opening or ending theme but play in the show itself.

We have one week to get all our entries in! So don't delay!


Lapsed Threadcromancer
I like the theme but it seems like it is going to be one that is harder to source for music for?

Johnny Unusual

You'd be surprised. Just type your favourite show and "ost" and you'll usually find it. Or do you mean a specific track that you know the tune but not the name. That can be a little trickier without taking a little time


Summon for hire
Messages From Earth track by Christopher Franke from Babylon 5 (I don't actually have a proper title for this background cue)

Soujo Kakumei Overture by Shinkichi Mitsumune (I think) from Revolutionary Girl Utena

Zettai Unmei Mokushiroku (Absolute Destiny Apocalypse) by JA Seazer from Revolutionary Girl Utena

Working Man's Theme by Reichi "Chabo" Nakaido from Serial Experiments Lain (wanted to use some Cyberia mix tunes but I don't remember to what extent those were actually used in the TV show itself)


The Season, It's Here
(he / his / him)
Rain from Cowboy Bebop
砂の星 from Trigun
...unless something else calls to me, I think I'll leave it at that. I don't watch much TV haha.
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