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The Avion Adventure: Journey to Arkopolis - Legends of the Halcyon Era - An Adventure in the World of Mega Man Legends


..and his little cat, too
I'm not sure if that ship is a White Base (dark vers), or if it's a Transformer (possible triple-changer), but it's definitely one of those.

Those were basically the inspirations for it (more the Maximus line from Transformers), and are basically what I'll be citing whenever I manage to find someone to do an original design for it.

In the meantime, until I get that, I had to use a redraw of Brave Maximus from the end of Robots in Disguise 2001 as a stand-in.

I've been after some version of that mold (Fortress, Grand, or especially Brave) for 37 years, and this seemed like a fun nod to that.

But I definitely want a more distinct (yet still inspired) version to call my own, as I really love those and White Base (which possibly stems from that initial love).