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The Avion Adventure: Dinner with a Draco - Legends of the Halcyon Era - An Adventure in the World of Mega Man Legends


Summon for hire
I know all the planetside characters in the Legends world aren’t human, but it’s still weird how lots of them can look indistinguishable from human when out of armor, but have fully mechanical ball-and-socket joints when in it. Is everyone just swapping out all their limbs entirely to go exploring?


..and his little cat, too
I know all the planetside characters in the Legends world aren’t human, but it’s still weird how lots of them can look indistinguishable from human when out of armor, but have fully mechanical ball-and-socket joints when in it. Is everyone just swapping out all their limbs entirely to go exploring?
I don't think it's ever explained at great length in the game materials how it works, so for the most part, it's aesthetic here, though in some cases -- like Fenix's left arm -- I try to distinguish it more from the other arm to make it more clear that it's mechanical.

In cases like Nytetrayn or Celeste there, I imagine it more as part of the armor itself, like the mechanical joints on an Iron Man suit. In other words, it's all external for them.

This has also been bit tricky to incorporate, because when we came up with a lot of this stuff years ago, the bit about mechanical augmentation just being a casual thing hadn't been brought to light yet -- not here, at the very least (because you never know if some random brochure made an off-hand comment in Japan at some point), but it's something I try to keep in mind.

I hope this helps, and I appreciate the question! I so rarely get to discuss this stuff. Mind if I share this on Twitter? 🤠