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does the Underpants Dance
Oh yeah I completely forgot about the MMO-lite stuff they're adding. I probably will not engage with it at all if I need to do like a raid finder thing. I don't play these games for that kind of structured multiplayer anymore.


Threat Rhyme
Had some super luck yesterday and got my Landslide Druid fully geared, and by fully geared I mean 'got the two Mythic Uniques I need'. I got a lucky drop of Tyreal's Might from one of my Tormented Boss runs and then I got a random Doombringer from another, which I salvaged to combine with the three other sparks I got this season to craft a Ring of Starless Skies. So now I'm an unstoppable killing machine that can just coast through the highest Horde difficulty. Well, I can coast through the penultimate Horde difficulty and have a reasonable success with the highest, but you get Neathiron from the second highest so why struggle?

Final thing to do I guess is fully upgrade my gear to max Masterworking rank then be done just in time for all of these items and upgrades not to matter when the expansion drops.


I got an Andariel's a few weeks ago and it's fun on the rogue but doesn't really fit my sorc build. The new WoW expansion launched so I've mostly fallen off D4. Just waiting for the expansion and occassionally dipping in to the see the theorycrafters do their thing since so much changes in 2.0.


Season 7 started today so I decided to poke my head in. May as well call it the blaster season; just crazy damage from most classes. Rogue has been a lot of fun; just full send with Shadow Step on cooldown for eye-brow raising amounts of damage.


Threat Rhyme
I've been playing too. Went with Rogue this time. I played S6 and the expansion as well, but didn't feel compelled to post. It's just more Diablo 4. Unlike the expansions of D2 and D3 the D4 expansion really only marginally improves the game.

That being said, the new season activity is fun enough and it let's you level stupid fast. I'll probably do everything there is to do in the season and then stop, much like the previous seasons.
So, what's a good place to start with creating an amazon for Diablo 2 Resurrected? Is it still Lightning Fury w/ Valkyrie as support? I kinda never played them back during my highschool days with Diablo 2, and would like to get a good grip on their class as fast as possible.
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Threat Rhyme
There's a bunch of places with build guides out there, I usually check Maxroll, here's their D2R Amazon list, use the leveling guide until you can swap over to the build you want. Looks like Lightning Fury is still considered one of the best for that class.
Been cooping Diablo 1 with a friend, it's been pretty fun! The bosses are brutal as shit though, we had to level up to level 5 with some fancy gear to kill the butcher, and the skeleton king on the level immediately after is even more of a wall! Anyone have any good tips to deal with him?