• Welcome to Talking Time's third iteration! If you would like to register for an account, or have already registered but have not yet been confirmed, please read the following:

    1. The CAPTCHA key's answer is "Percy"
    2. Once you've completed the registration process please email us from the email you used for registration at percyreghelper@gmail.com and include the username you used for registration

    Once you have completed these steps, Moderation Staff will be able to get your account approved.

Spider-Man: Threat or Menace?

That bug-eyed freak is a

  • Total voters

Positronic Brain

Out Of Warranty
While I appreciate your dedication to further your knowledge by asking for more documentation, there comes a time when you have to make do with the information you have available and make a call without delay. And that time is now.


Lapsed Threadcromancer