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WisteriaHysteria said: Probably the best game on the Sega Saturn. And probably the best attempt at making a Miyazaki-ish game we'll ever get.
Yimothy said: I got this game at pretty much the exact right age, i.e. my teenage years. My first copy of it was a bootleg picked up on an overseas holiday which crashed when I reached the end of the sea journey near the start of the game. I did eventually play the rest of the game and it's fine, but honestly the beginning is all you need - explore the opening town, pretending to be a hero, then set off on a journey away from home to become one. The battle system is fantastic, the way the party talk to each other at campsites was a delight for someone not yet tired of RPG dialogue, but the feel of the start of the game is what really makes it for me.
Sarge said: I remember a magazine at the time describing this as "Lunar on steroids", and I'm almost inclined to agree. It has that sort of anime-style, light-hearted plot, but coupled with a really interesting battle system that lets you make some interesting decisions based on turn order and move canceling. Locking down an enemy feels really good!
Sarge said: Oh, Panzer Dragoon Saga, how I wish I'd bought you back in the day. It's a short (20 hours) but incredibly unique experience, with a combat system that is rarely difficult, but inspires you to stay engaged and optimize your wins. Even a straight port to any system today would be worth it, but a remaster that resolves many of the tech issues would be even better.
Hahaha, I know that feeling. Except in my case, it was the idea of paying $50 on eBay for Little Samson. Whoops.My only memory of PDS is seeing a used copy of it for sale for $50 in a Software Etc as a teenager, thinking I probably should buy it, but then deciding against it because $50 is a lot for a used game. Sometimes I delude myself into thinking I'm on the smarter side of human beans, but then I remember moments like this from my past that knock me down a peg.
ah, panzer dragoon saga, the game that has appealed to me for 100 years and i still haven't played
Sarge said: I was initially disappointed by this game. I'd waited years and years to finally get a new Dragon Warrior game, and the first three hours had no combat, just a bunch of back and forth. I just didn't appreciate how well it was building up the premise, and when I replayed via the 3DS remake, I found myself missing that intro. It's a long, long game, but once it's rolling, it stays compelling via the small story vignettes that eventually give way to the larger plot. It might be ugly, but it sure was fun for the almost 100 hours it took to finish.
It's interesting to me how even back in our primary and secondary school days, we had games that were essentially backlog casualties and/or got looked over because of their proximity to other games.I bought Suikoden II, Thousand Arms and Grandia in early 2000 and played them all in that order and enjoyed them in descending order. I don't hate Grandia, and might like it more now, who knows?
Incidentally, I was the only vote for Thousand Arms.
Could not speak to or vote for the PlayStation version for not having played it, but DQVII in its 3DS remake is a series-best, easily, which I'm sure reflects accurately on the original too.
I played both, and yes, it is a very accurate port. Knowing your taste, I think you might like the PS version a bit more, as that one has a more moody and atmospheric version of the ruins, where you put together the tablet pieces to form the different islands. But on the whole, it's pretty much the same game.
WisteriaHysteria said: Modern day, sci-fi, RPG set in NYC with an underrated soundtrack and an ingenious combat system.
Sarge said: Parasite Eve comes from the period when SquareSoft was hitting on all cylinders. It truly seemed they could do no wrong. A relatively brief game, it still provides an excellent horror/sci-fi story as well as a fun, uncomplicated battle system.