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Metagamingdome Nomination Thread: Play-within-a-Play

Johnny Unusual

I feel like we haven't done a proper video game Thunderdome in a bit so I decided we could do a meta one. Video games are games but my idea is to do music that represents games within game. I'm not just talking mini-games, though that would be fun. I'm talking about game music that represents the larger idea of games. This could include sports, table top, party games, video games within the game, etc. And it could be from an entire game that represents this either in the actual game or with game theming (Dicey Dungeons, Wii Sports, Super Caesar's Palace). I'll also accept themes for characters who represent game-theming (Gambit from Marvel Vs Capcom, Setzer from FFVI). Mostly, I want to keep the field wide open and invite you to think outside the box on this one.

* Submit up to 4 tunes
* They must be from video games
* They must be representative of the larger idea of "games"

After that, it's all up to you.

The deadline is May 7th! Get them in soon!


space hero for hire
(He/Him + RT/artee)
Last edited:


????? LV 13 HP 292/ 292
(he, him, his)
this is an interesting idea
Yes, but I'm struggling to think of video game music that I like which fits the criteria. I'll have to think about this some more but I might need to wait and see what others choose before I can make my picks.


excused from moderation duty
Staff member
  1. "Nintendo Collection" from Wario Ware Gold, which is eligible because it plays in the menu for accessing virtual Nintendo memorabilia
  2. "Captain Square" from Live A Live, which is eligible because it's a game-within-a-game through which one of the characters accesses cyberspace
  3. "Sega GaGa March" from Segagaga, which is eligible because the entire game is about game development
  4. "Sneaking Mode" from Metal Gear Solid: VR Missions, which is eligible because this video game exists within the series' fiction as a training simulator


duff mcwhalen megafan
1. Gunstar Heroes - Dice Dance Days (its a minigame casino where you choose the minigames via dice! 100% feels like it fulfills the function of a game within a game, plus its just generally really fun).
2. Robotics;Notes - Kill-Ballad GUNVARREL (in-universe mecha game that exists within a visual novel that is played by the main character, but not the player).
3. Sonic 3 & Knuckles - Blue Sphere (not only does this function as an incredibly cool game within a game, but it exists outside of the game on the Sonic & Knuckles cart, functioning as a way to allow lock-on support for games that don't support blue sphere, by the cartridge generating a unique level. Also I'm pretty sure connecting Sonic 1 adds *tons* of new blue sphere stages). Also, in a weird way, the song originates from a scrapped 1991 arcade game called SegaSonic Bros created by the Puzzle Bobble designer Fukio Mitsuji which failed its location test. Yeah, this song predates the entirety of Sonic 2's soundtrack, which is kind of incredible.
4. Phantasy Star Universe AOTI - Casino Voyale (In-game casino!, you could get exclusive items by betting with coins given by NPCs in an online Casino hub. Similar hub returned in PSO2, but I never really played it to know if it was similar?).


space hero for hire
(He/Him + RT/artee)
Finally added links to my post. I ended up swapping out the Bonus Game theme from Zelda 3 with a song I actually like, just so you know.

Johnny Unusual

Two more days! We have some great entries but I'm hoping for at least 4 more to bring us to a wonderful 32 (though more is even better!).