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Merry Hell! A daily webcomic about fear and friendship (NSFW, sometimes)


Video games
1054. Fallen Hierarchy LIV



Video games
1055. Fallen Hierarchy LV


Because I’m away from my computer for a while I’m going to try adding the image through another means so please tell me if it doesn’t work… if it doesn’t display it will be visible on the site but if anyone can suggest a free image host that allows display on here that’ll work on my phone, please let me know.


Video games
1073. Fallen Hierarchy LXXIII



1074. Fallen Hierarchy LXXIV


Reminder/change of plans if I said 1076 before - Fallen Hierarchy ends at 1078, then a short break, then Fallen Hierarchy Epilogue, then a long break (sorry). But Merry Hell will return. That is not a threat, it is a promise.


Video games
1078. Fallen Hierarchy LXXVIII (END)


So ends Fallen Hierarchy... besides the epilogue, which will be with us before long.