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It's-a Me! The Mario Music Thunderdome! (featuring 0% Chris Pratt)


Mario's Big Egg


excused from moderation duty
Staff member
I really like Fight Against Bowser but I can't in good conscience choose it over Good Egg Galaxy.

Also, let's go with that Smooth McGroove cover.

Dark Medusa

Diamond Crusader
ugh, why didn't I see any notifications about my nomination, although it looks like it wouldn't have mattered. (the Tetronimo cover is also fantastic so no shade there!)

Egg Land


Just a heads up: no match today. I am sick as a dog and am mostly going to be lying down. Hopefully I'll be up to it tomorrow.


excused from moderation duty
Staff member
Super Mario Bros. Super Show Credits and Over Shiver Mountain.


Chill the Mario! Swing your arms, from side to side, that's a, good way, to not get frostbitten...